Calculations (metpy.calc)#

Provide tools for unit-aware, meteorological calculations.

Dry Thermodynamics#

add_height_to_pressure(pressure, height)

Calculate the pressure at a certain height above another pressure level.

add_pressure_to_height(height, pressure)

Calculate the height at a certain pressure above another height.

density(pressure, temperature, mixing_ratio)

Calculate density.

dry_lapse(pressure, temperature[, ...])

Calculate the temperature at a level assuming only dry processes.

dry_static_energy(height, temperature)

Calculate the dry static energy of parcels.


Compute height above sea level from a given geopotential.


Compute geopotential for a given height above sea level.

mean_pressure_weighted(pressure, *args[, ...])

Calculate pressure-weighted mean of an arbitrary variable through a layer.

potential_temperature(pressure, temperature)

Calculate the potential temperature.

sigma_to_pressure(sigma, pressure_sfc, ...)

Calculate pressure from sigma values.

static_stability(pressure, temperature[, ...])

Calculate the static stability within a vertical profile.


Calculate the temperature from a given potential temperature.

thickness_hydrostatic(pressure, temperature)

Calculate the thickness of a layer via the hypsometric equation.

weighted_continuous_average(pressure, *args)

Calculate weighted-continuous mean of an arbitrary variable through a layer.

Moist Thermodynamics#


Calculate the ambient dewpoint given the vapor pressure.

dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temperature, ...)

Calculate the ambient dewpoint given air temperature and relative humidity.

dewpoint_from_specific_humidity(*args, **kwargs)

Calculate the dewpoint from specific humidity and pressure.

equivalent_potential_temperature(pressure, ...)

Calculate equivalent potential temperature.

mixing_ratio(partial_press, total_press[, ...])

Calculate the mixing ratio of a gas.


Calculate the mixing ratio from relative humidity, temperature, and pressure.


Calculate the mixing ratio from specific humidity.


Calculate R_m, the specific gas constant for a parcel of moist air.


Calculate kappa_m, the Poisson exponent for a moist air parcel.


Calculate C_pm, the specific heat at constant pressure for a moist air parcel.

moist_lapse(pressure, temperature[, ...])

Calculate the temperature at a level assuming liquid saturation processes.

moist_static_energy(height, temperature, ...)

Calculate the moist static energy of parcels.

precipitable_water(pressure, dewpoint, *[, ...])

Calculate precipitable water through the depth of a sounding.

psychrometric_vapor_pressure_wet(pressure, ...)

Calculate the vapor pressure with wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures.

relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(temperature, ...)

Calculate the relative humidity.


Calculate the relative humidity from mixing ratio, temperature, and pressure.


Calculate the relative humidity from specific humidity, temperature, and pressure.


Calculate the relative humidity with wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures.


Calculate saturation equivalent potential temperature.

saturation_mixing_ratio(total_press, temperature)

Calculate the saturation mixing ratio of water vapor.


Calculate the saturation water vapor (partial) pressure.

scale_height(temperature_bottom, temperature_top)

Calculate the scale height of a layer.

specific_humidity_from_dewpoint(pressure, ...)

Calculate the specific humidity from the dewpoint temperature and pressure.


Calculate the specific humidity from the mixing ratio.


Calculate the thickness of a layer given pressure, temperature and relative humidity.

vapor_pressure(pressure, mixing_ratio)

Calculate water vapor (partial) pressure.

vertical_velocity(omega, pressure, temperature)

Calculate w from omega assuming hydrostatic conditions.

vertical_velocity_pressure(w, pressure, ...)

Calculate omega from w assuming hydrostatic conditions.

virtual_potential_temperature(pressure, ...)

Calculate virtual potential temperature.

virtual_temperature(temperature, mixing_ratio)

Calculate virtual temperature.

virtual_temperature_from_dewpoint(pressure, ...)

Calculate virtual temperature.


Calculate the latent heat of melting for water.


Calculate the latent heat of sublimation for water.


Calculate the latent heat of vaporization for water.

wet_bulb_temperature(pressure, temperature, ...)

Calculate the wet-bulb temperature using Normand's rule.

wet_bulb_potential_temperature(pressure, ...)

Calculate wet-bulb potential temperature.


bulk_shear(pressure, u, v[, height, bottom, ...])

Calculate bulk shear through a layer.

bunkers_storm_motion(pressure, u, v, height)

Calculate right-mover and left-mover supercell storm motions using the Bunkers method.

corfidi_storm_motion(pressure, u, v, *[, ...])

Calculate upwind- and downwind-developing MCS storm motions using the Corfidi method.

cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, ...)

Calculate CAPE and CIN.

ccl(pressure, temperature, dewpoint[, ...])

Calculate the convective condensation level (CCL) and convective temperature.

critical_angle(pressure, u, v, height, ...)

Calculate the critical angle.

cross_totals(pressure, temperature, dewpoint)

Calculate Cross Totals from the pressure temperature and dewpoint.

downdraft_cape(pressure, temperature, dewpoint)

Calculate downward CAPE (DCAPE).

el(pressure, temperature, dewpoint[, ...])

Calculate the equilibrium level.

galvez_davison_index(pressure, temperature, ...)

Calculate GDI from the pressure, temperature, mixing ratio, and surface pressure.

k_index(pressure, temperature, dewpoint[, ...])

Calculate K Index from the pressure temperature and dewpoint.

lcl(pressure, temperature, dewpoint[, ...])

Calculate the lifted condensation level (LCL) from the starting point.

lfc(pressure, temperature, dewpoint[, ...])

Calculate the level of free convection (LFC).

lifted_index(pressure, temperature, ...[, ...])

Calculate Lifted Index from the pressure temperature and parcel profile.

mixed_layer(pressure, *args[, height, ...])

Mix variable(s) over a layer, yielding a mass-weighted average.

mixed_layer_cape_cin(pressure, temperature, ...)

Calculate mixed-layer CAPE and CIN.

mixed_parcel(pressure, temperature, dewpoint)

Calculate the properties of a parcel mixed from a layer.

most_unstable_cape_cin(pressure, ...)

Calculate most unstable CAPE/CIN.

most_unstable_parcel(pressure, temperature, ...)

Determine the most unstable parcel in a layer.

parcel_profile(pressure, temperature, dewpoint)

Calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere.

parcel_profile_with_lcl(pressure, ...)

Calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere.

parcel_profile_with_lcl_as_dataset(pressure, ...)

Calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere, returning a Dataset.

showalter_index(pressure, temperature, dewpoint)

Calculate Showalter Index.

significant_tornado(sbcape, ...)

Calculate the significant tornado parameter (fixed layer).

storm_relative_helicity(height, u, v, depth, *)

Calculate storm relative helicity.

supercell_composite(mucape, ...)

Calculate the supercell composite parameter.

surface_based_cape_cin(pressure, ...)

Calculate surface-based CAPE and CIN.

sweat_index(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, ...)

Calculate SWEAT Index.

total_totals_index(pressure, temperature, ...)

Calculate Total Totals Index from the pressure temperature and dewpoint.

vertical_totals(pressure, temperature[, ...])

Calculate Vertical Totals from the pressure and temperature.


absolute_momentum(u, v[, index])

Calculate cross-sectional absolute momentum (also called pseudoangular momentum).

absolute_vorticity(u, v[, dx, dy, latitude, ...])

Calculate the absolute vorticity of the horizontal wind.

advection(scalar[, u, v, w, dx, dy, dz, ...])

Calculate the advection of a scalar field by 1D, 2D, or 3D winds.

ageostrophic_wind(height, u, v[, dx, dy, ...])

Calculate the ageostrophic wind given from the height or geopotential.


Calculate the Coriolis parameter at each point.

curvature_vorticity(u, v, *[, dx, dy, ...])

Calculate the vertical curvature vorticity of the horizontal wind.

divergence(u, v, *[, dx, dy, x_dim, y_dim, ...])

Calculate the horizontal divergence of a vector.

exner_function(pressure[, reference_pressure])

Calculate the Exner function.

frontogenesis(potential_temperature, u, v[, ...])

Calculate the 2D kinematic frontogenesis of a temperature field.

geostrophic_wind(height[, dx, dy, latitude, ...])

Calculate the geostrophic wind given from the height or geopotential.

inertial_advective_wind(u, v, u_geostrophic, ...)

Calculate the inertial advective wind.

kinematic_flux(vel, b[, perturbation, axis])

Compute the kinematic flux from two time series.

montgomery_streamfunction(height, temperature)

Compute the Montgomery Streamfunction on isentropic surfaces.

potential_vorticity_baroclinic(...[, dx, ...])

Calculate the baroclinic potential vorticity.

potential_vorticity_barotropic(height, u, v)

Calculate the barotropic (Rossby) potential vorticity.

q_vector(u, v, temperature, pressure[, dx, ...])

Calculate Q-vector at a given pressure level using the u, v winds and temperature.

shear_vorticity(u, v, *[, dx, dy, x_dim, ...])

Calculate the vertical shear vorticity of the horizontal wind.

shearing_deformation(u, v[, dx, dy, x_dim, ...])

Calculate the shearing deformation of the horizontal wind.

stretching_deformation(u, v[, dx, dy, ...])

Calculate the stretching deformation of the horizontal wind.

total_deformation(u, v[, dx, dy, x_dim, ...])

Calculate the total deformation of the horizontal wind.

vorticity(u, v, *[, dx, dy, x_dim, y_dim, ...])

Calculate the vertical vorticity of the horizontal wind.

wind_components(speed, wind_direction)

Calculate the U, V wind vector components from the speed and direction.

wind_direction(u, v[, convention])

Compute the wind direction from u and v-components.

wind_speed(u, v)

Compute the wind speed from u and v-components.

Boundary Layer/Turbulence#

brunt_vaisala_frequency(height, ...[, ...])

Calculate the Brunt-Vaisala frequency.

brunt_vaisala_frequency_squared(height, ...)

Calculate the square of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency.

brunt_vaisala_period(height, ...[, vertical_dim])

Calculate the Brunt-Vaisala period.

friction_velocity(u, w[, v, perturbation, axis])

Compute the friction velocity from the time series of velocity components.

gradient_richardson_number(height, ...[, ...])

Calculate the gradient Richardson number.

tke(u, v, w[, perturbation, axis])

Compute turbulence kinetic energy.

Mathematical Functions#

cross_section_components(data_x, data_y[, index])

Obtain the tangential and normal components of a cross-section of a vector field.

first_derivative(f[, axis, x, delta])

Calculate the first derivative of a grid of values.

geospatial_gradient(f, *[, dx, dy, x_dim, ...])

Calculate the projection-correct gradient of a 2D scalar field.

geospatial_laplacian(f, *[, dx, dy, x_dim, ...])

Calculate the projection-correct laplacian of a 2D scalar field.

gradient(f[, axes, coordinates, deltas])

Calculate the gradient of a scalar quantity, assuming Cartesian coordinates.

laplacian(f[, axes, coordinates, deltas])

Calculate the laplacian of a grid of values.

lat_lon_grid_deltas(longitude, latitude[, ...])

Calculate the actual delta between grid points that are in latitude/longitude format.

normal_component(data_x, data_y[, index])

Obtain the normal component of a cross-section of a vector field.

second_derivative(f[, axis, x, delta])

Calculate the second derivative of a grid of values.

tangential_component(data_x, data_y[, index])

Obtain the tangential component of a cross-section of a vector field.

unit_vectors_from_cross_section(cross[, index])

Calculate the unit tangent and unit normal vectors from a cross-section.

vector_derivative(u, v, *[, dx, dy, x_dim, ...])

Calculate the projection-correct derivative matrix of a 2D vector.

Apparent Temperature#

apparent_temperature(temperature, ...[, ...])

Calculate the current apparent temperature.

heat_index(temperature, relative_humidity[, ...])

Calculate the Heat Index from the current temperature and relative humidity.

windchill(temperature, speed[, ...])

Calculate the Wind Chill Temperature Index (WCTI).

Standard Atmosphere#


Convert the altimeter setting to sea-level pressure.


Convert the altimeter measurement to station pressure.


Convert height data to pressures using the U.S.


Convert pressure data to height using the U.S.


smooth_gaussian(scalar_grid, n)

Filter with normal distribution of weights.

smooth_window(scalar_grid, window[, passes, ...])

Filter with an arbitrary window smoother.

smooth_rectangular(scalar_grid, size[, passes])

Filter with a rectangular window smoother.

smooth_circular(scalar_grid, radius[, passes])

Filter with a circular window smoother.

smooth_n_point(scalar_grid[, n, passes])

Filter with an n-point smoother.

zoom_xarray(input_field, zoom[, output, ...])

Apply a spline interpolation to the data to effectively reduce the grid spacing.


angle_to_direction(input_angle[, full, level])

Convert the meteorological angle to directional text.

azimuth_range_to_lat_lon(azimuths, ranges, ...)

Convert azimuth and range locations in a polar coordinate system to lat/lon coordinates.

find_bounding_indices(arr, values, axis[, ...])

Find the indices surrounding the values within arr along axis.

find_intersections(x, a, b[, direction, log_x])

Calculate the best estimate of intersection.

find_peaks(arr, *[, maxima, iqr_ratio])

Search array for significant peaks (or valleys).

get_layer(pressure, *args[, height, bottom, ...])

Return an atmospheric layer from upper air data with the requested bottom and depth.

get_layer_heights(height, depth, *args[, ...])

Return an atmospheric layer from upper air data with the requested bottom and depth.

get_perturbation(ts[, axis])

Compute the perturbation from the mean of a time series.

isentropic_interpolation(levels, pressure, ...)

Interpolate data in isobaric coordinates to isentropic coordinates.

isentropic_interpolation_as_dataset(levels, ...)

Interpolate xarray data in isobaric coords to isentropic coords, returning a Dataset.

nearest_intersection_idx(a, b)

Determine the index of the point just before two lines with common x values.


Calculate the meteorological angle from directional text.

peak_persistence(arr, *[, maxima])

Return all local extrema points ordered by their persistence.

reduce_point_density(points, radius[, priority])

Return a mask to reduce the density of points in irregularly-spaced data.

resample_nn_1d(a, centers)

Return one-dimensional nearest-neighbor indexes based on user-specified centers.