Use cases

A few definitions:


refers to the RAMADDA server root directory; usually it is the whole path that ends with /repository. For example


refers to a RAMADDA entryid of a directory where user would like to publish the files and has access. For instance in url entryid would be 30c863d8-e68c-4722-8d4a-e2d25d79a710.


refers to username of the user for the RAMADDA server.


refers to password of user username for the RAMADDA server.


Below examples use ramadda_server, entryid, username, and password for demonstrating the features of the tool, but these options can be entirely optional, there is an anonymous upload area in default ramadda server that can host your data.

Publishing a file

ramadda_publish infers the file type automatically using the file extension. To publish a file named testfile.ipynb use:

ramadda_publish testfile.ipynb entryid -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

To publish anonymously to default server use:

ramadda_publish testfile.ipynb

Publishing a file with an attachment

RAMADDA files can have accompanying attachments. Image type attachments will be displayed as thumbnails for the file. To publish a file named testfile.xidv with an atachment attachmentfile.gif use:

ramadda_publish testfile.xidv entryid -a attachmentfile.gif -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Publishing multiple files

To publish files with pattern *.zidv use:

ramadda_publish '*.zidv' entryid -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

note the quotes around '*.zidv' in the command above. quotes are needed when file patterns are used.

Publishing multiple files with multiple attachments

To publish files with pattern abc*.zidv and a corresponding attachment abc*.gif use:

ramadda_publish 'abc*.zidv' entryid -a 'abc*.gif' -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Make sure the number of files and attachments are same, otherwise ramadda_publish publishes just the files to avoid any mismatch.

Publising a directory

To publish a directory named test_dir containing multiple files inside to RAMADDA use:

ramadda_publish test_dir entryid -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Directories can be grouped as a RAMADDA casestudy with an additional keyword suffix -groupas casestudy; this type of directory gets a special look when it contains jupyter notebooks within. For example this url is a casestudy type.