Pressure perturbations around a cumulus cloud field
Selected because: GigaLES data available!
GigaLES data from Miami server
Notebook from the Earthcube-supported DRILSDOWN project¶
This is a DRILSDOWN project notebook, capturing images from an IDV analysis. To reproduce or operate this Jupyter notebook, you need to have installed The IDV, Anaconda, and set up a few necessary things for the DRILSDOWN package, as explained at
%reload_ext ipython_IDV
%make_movie -capture legend -caption 'Overview -- doubly periodic'

%make_movie -capture legend -caption 'Zoom at right'

%make_movie -capture legend -caption 'View from the northeast with a cloud section up to 6 km'

%make_movie -capture legend -caption 'View from near cloud base'

%make_movie -capture legend -caption 'Cloud to 6km, Tpert to 8km'

%make_movie -capture legend -caption 'T to 8km'

%make_movie -capture legend -caption "T' and cloud"

%make_image -capture legend -caption "T': cool shells around warm updrafts at right"

%make_image -capture legend -caption "Some hot spots without cool haloes aren't cloudy"

%make_image -capture legend -caption "Cross section of T' and p' surface to 8km"

%make_image -capture legend -caption "p' quasi-hydrostatic in smooth parts, hard to interpret in convection"

%make_movie -capture legend -caption "High p' features sort of push the clouds to the left?"

%make_image -capture legend -caption "So hard to interpret p'"

Wed May 15 20:03:11 EDT 2019