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Generate IDV_teleport script.

import pandas as pd #only requirement
raw.head() #s prefix for start and e prefix for end
syyyy smm sdd eyyyy emm edd
0 1997 2 27 1997 3 4
1 1997 2 28 1997 3 5
2 1997 9 30 1997 10 3
3 1999 2 21 1999 2 27
4 1999 4 22 1999 4 27

Teleport script needs a centered date and time delta to teleport, so calculate center of the state and timedelta

startdate=raw.apply(lambda x:pd.datetime(x['syyyy'],x['smm'],x['sdd']),axis=1)
enddate=raw.apply(lambda x:pd.datetime(x['eyyyy'],x['emm'],x['edd']),axis=1)+pd.to_timedelta(1,unit='days')
raw['timedelta']=((enddate-startdate)/2.0).apply(lambda x:pd.to_timedelta(x.days,unit='days'))
syyyy smm sdd eyyyy emm edd startdate timedelta teleportdate
0 1997 2 27 1997 3 4 1997-02-27 3 days 1997-03-02
1 1997 2 28 1997 3 5 1997-02-28 3 days 1997-03-03
2 1997 9 30 1997 10 3 1997-09-30 2 days 1997-10-02
3 1999 2 21 1999 2 27 1999-02-21 3 days 1999-02-24
4 1999 4 22 1999 4 27 1999-04-22 3 days 1999-04-25

Generate teleport script by applying a function to every row of the dataframe and save it

bundle="-b ERAI_MERRA2_TPW_2soundings_IRsat.xidv"
bbox='-bbox 17 36 -15 90' #NW SW
extra="-nohead True"
#needed -t -td -case
def teleport_str(x):
    tdate=str(x['teleportdate']).split(' ')[0]
    case='Igel_WEIO_case_'+str(x['startdate']).split(' ')[0]
    return ' '.join([executable,bundle,'-t',tdate,'-td',td,bbox,'-case',case,extra])
'idv_teleport -b ERAI_MERRA2_TPW_2soundings_IRsat.xidv -t 1997-03-02 -td 3days -bbox 17 36 -15 90 -case Igel_WEIO_case_1997-02-27 -nohead True'
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