EDEX Basic Commands

These steps should be run as user awips with sudo. Switch to the user by running su - awips.

NSF Unidata's EDEX install also comes with a simple edex program that can help execute basic EDEX utilities. The most basic of the commands are the following:

To start all EDEX services:

edex start

To stop all EDEX services:

edex stop

Service and Boot Settings

The main EDEX services are now stopped/started using systemd (systemctl). The services that used to be /etc/init.d/, have been removed starting in v23.4.1 (Redhat/Rocky8). Additionally, the each edex_camel service needs to be started manually. The services below are set to start up on boot.

To manually start, stop, and restart:

systemctl start postgres@awips
systemctl start httpd-pypies
systemctl start qpidd
systemctl start edex_camel@ingest
systemctl start edex_camel@ingestGrib
systemctl start edex_camel@request

The last service, edex_ldm, does not run at boot to prevent filling up disk space if EDEX is not running:

service edex_ldm start

All of these services are started and stopped by the single program: edex as mentioned above.

LDM Troubleshooting

If the EDEX machine is shut down abruptly, when restarted, it should start up the processes mentioned above. If sudo service edex_ldm start does not start up LDM smoothly, please try these steps:

All of the following commands should be run as user awips and the service commands may need to be run with sudo.

  • Run sudo service edex_ldm start or ldmadmin start and recieve this message:

    ldmadmin start
    start_ldm(): PID-file "/awips2/ldm/ldmd.pid" exists.  Verify that all 
    is well and then execute "ldmadmin clean" to remove the PID-file.
  • Run ldmadmin clean and sudo service edex_ldm start and receive this error:

    ldmadmin clean
    sudo service edex_ldm start
    Checking the product-queue...
    The writer-counter of the product-queue isn't zero.  Either a process
    has the product-queue open for writing or the queue might be corrupt.
    Terminate the process and recheck or use
        pqcat -l- -s -q /awips2/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq && pqcheck -F -q
    to validate the queue and set the writer-counter to zero.
    LDM not started
  • To resolve the above, run:

    pqcat -l- -s -q /awips2/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq && pqcheck -F -q  /awips2/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq 
    ldmadmin delqueue
    ldmadmin mkqueue
    sudo service edex_ldm start

EDEX Commands

NSF Unidata's version of EDEX installs with a helpful edex script that can be used for basic EDEX tasks.

edex start

edex start

Starting EDEX PostgreSQL:                                  [  OK  ]
Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting QPID                                              [  OK  ]
Starting EDEX Camel (request): 
Starting EDEX Camel (ingest): 
Starting EDEX Camel (ingestGrib): 
Starting AWIPS LDM:The product-queue is OK.

edex start base

To start all EDEX services except the LDM:

edex start base

edex stop

edex stop

Stopping EDEX Camel (request): 
Stopping EDEX Camel (ingest): 
Stopping EDEX Camel (ingestGrib): 
Stopping QPID                                              [  OK  ]
Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Stopping EDEX PostgreSQL:                                  [  OK  ]
Stopping AWIPS LDM:Stopping the LDM server...

edex setup

edex setup

[edex] EDEX IP and Hostname Setup
 Checking /awips2/database/data/pg_hba.conf [OK]
 Checking /awips2/edex/bin/setup.env [OK]

[edit] Hostname edex.unidata.ucar.edu added to /awips2/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf

This command configures and/or confirms that the EDEX hostname and IP address definitions exist (edex setup is run by edex start).

Note: If your EDEX server is running but you see the message "Connectivity Error: Unable to validate localization preferences" in CAVE, it may mean that the domain name defined in /awips2/edex/bin/setup.env can not be resolved from outside the server. Some machines have different internally-resolved and externally-resolved domain names (cloud-based especially). The name defined in setup.env must be externally-resolvable.

edex log

edex log

[edex] EDEX Log Viewer

 :: No log specified - Defaulting to ingest log
 :: Viewing /awips2/edex/logs/edex-ingest-20151209.log. Press CTRL+C to exit

INFO [Ingest.binlightning-1] /awips2/data_store/SFPA42_KWBC_091833_38031177.2015120918 processed in: 0.0050 (sec) Latency: 0.0550 (sec)
INFO [Ingest.obs-1] /awips2/data_store/metar/SAIN31_VABB_091830_131392869.2015120918 processed in: 0.0810 (sec) Latency: 0.1800 (sec)

More edex logs...

edex log grib
edex log request
edex log ldm
edex log radar
edex log satellite
edex log text

edex qpid

Shows a list of the the Qpid message queue to monitor data ingest (messages in vs messages out, i.e. decoded):

[centos@js-156-89 ~]$ edex qpid
  queue                       dur  excl  msg   msgIn  msgOut  bytes  bytesIn  bytesOut  cons  bind
  external.dropbox            Y    Y       11  1.26m  1.26m    621   79.6m    79.6m        5     1
  Ingest.Radar                Y    Y        4   589k   589k    184   27.1m    27.1m        5     1
  Ingest.GribDecode           Y    Y        0   370k   370k      0    103m     103m       11     1
  Ingest.GribSplit            Y    Y        2   361k   361k    201   31.9m    31.9m        5     1
  Ingest.modelsounding        Y    Y        0   100k   100k      0   6.54m    6.54m        1     1
  Ingest.Text                 Y    Y        0  97.8k  97.8k      0   5.25m    5.25m        2     1
  Ingest.GOESR                Y    Y        0  83.4k  83.4k      0   6.92m    6.92m        2     1
  Ingest.obs                  Y    Y        0  46.2k  46.2k      0   2.40m    2.40m        1     1
  Grid.PostProcess            Y    Y        0  20.2k  20.2k      0   6.68m    6.68m        1     1
  Ingest.sfcobs               Y    Y        0  10.5k  10.5k      0    577k     577k        1     1
  Ingest.goessounding         Y    Y        0  6.68k  6.68k      0    427k     427k        1     1
  Ingest.Glm                  Y    Y        0  5.61k  5.61k      0    581k     581k        1     1
  Ingest.aww                  Y    Y        0  3.32k  3.32k      0    182k     182k        1     1

edex users

To see a list of clients connecting to your EDEX server, use the edex users [YYYYMMDD] command, where [YYYYMMDD] is the optional date string.

edex users

    -- EDEX Users 20241022 --
    3 users today!

edex purge

To view any stuck purge jobs in PortgreSQL (a rare but serious problem if your disk fills up). The solution to this is to run edex purge reset.