(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, heights=None, bottom=None, depth=<Quantity(300, 'hectopascal')>)[source]¶ Determine the most unstable parcel in a layer.
Determines the most unstable parcel of air by calculating the equivalent potential temperature and finding its maximum in the specified layer.
Parameters: - pressure (pint.Quantity) – Atmospheric pressure profile
- temperature (pint.Quantity) – Atmospheric temperature profile
- dewpoint (pint.Quantity) – Atmospheric dewpoint profile
- heights (pint.Quantity, optional) – Atmospheric height profile. Standard atmosphere assumed when None (the default).
- bottom (pint.Quantity, optional) – Bottom of the layer to consider for the calculation in pressure or height. Defaults to using the bottom pressure or height.
- depth (pint.Quantity, optional) – Depth of the layer to consider for the calculation in pressure or height. Defaults to 300 hPa.
Returns: - pint.Quantity – Pressure, temperature, and dew point of most unstable parcel in the profile.
- integer – Index of the most unstable parcel in the given profile
See also