MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data.
MetPy follows semantic versioning in its version number. With our current 0.x version, that implies that MetPy’s APIs (application programming interfaces) are still evolving (we won’t break things just for fun, but many things are still changing as we work through design issues). Also, for a version 0.x.y, we change x when we release new features, and y when we make a release with only bug fixes.
We support Python >= 3.5 and currently support Python 2.7.
We are dropping support for Python 2.7 in the Fall of 2019. For more details and rationale behind this decision, see Python 2.7 Support.
Contact Us¶
- For questions about MetPy, please ask them using the “metpy” tag on StackOverflow. Our developers are actively monitoring for questions there.
- You can also email Unidata’s python support email address
- The source code is available on GitHub
- Bug reports and feature requests should be directed to the GitHub issue tracker
- MetPy has a Gitter chatroom for more “live” communication
- MetPy can also be found on Twitter
- If you use MetPy in a publication, please see Citing MetPy.
- For release announcements, join Unidata’s python-users mailing list
- SciPy 2018 poster and abstract on building community by John Leeman
- SciPy 2018 talk on prototyping MetPy’s future declarative plotting interface
- Presentation on MetPy and Community Development at the 2018 AMS Annual Meeting by Ryan May
- SciPy 2017 poster and repository about reproducing a classic CAPE paper with MetPy.
- SciPy 2017 talk and slides about challenges developing MetPy with units
- MetPy was featured on Episode 100 of Podcast.__init__
- Presentation on MetPy’s build infrastructure by Ryan May at SciPy 2016
- MetPy was included in tools presented at the SSEC/Wisconsin AOS Python Workshop
- Presentation on MetPy at the 2016 AMS Annual Meeting by Ryan May
- Ryan May’s talk and tutorial on MetPy at the 2015 Unidata Users Workshop
MetPy is available under the terms of the open source BSD 3 Clause license.
Code of Conduct¶
We want everyone to feel welcome to contribute to MetPy and participate in discussions. In that spirit please have a look at our code of conduct.