
metpy.calc.potential_vorticity_baroclinic(potential_temperature, pressure, u, v, dx, dy, lats, axis=0, dim_order='yx')[source]

Calculate the baroclinic potential vorticity.

\[PV = -g \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial z}(\zeta + f)\]

This formula is based on equation 7.31a [Hobbs2006].

  • potential_temperature ((M, N, P) ndarray) – potential temperature
  • pressure ((M, N, P) ndarray) – vertical pressures
  • u ((M, N) ndarray) – x component of the wind
  • v ((M, N) ndarray) – y component of the wind
  • dx (float or ndarray) – The grid spacing(s) in the x-direction. If an array, there should be one item less than the size of u along the applicable axis.
  • dy (float or ndarray) – The grid spacing(s) in the y-direction. If an array, there should be one item less than the size of u along the applicable axis.
  • lats ((M, N) ndarray) – latitudes of the wind data
  • axis (int, optional) – The axis corresponding to the vertical dimension in the potential temperature and pressure arrays, defaults to 0, the first dimension.

(M, N) ndarray – baroclinic potential vorticity


The same formula is used for isobaric and isentropic PV analysis. Provide winds for vorticity calculations on the desired isobaric or isentropic surface. Three layers of pressure/potential temperature are required in order to calculate the vertical derivative (one above and below the desired surface).