Source code for siphon.simplewebservice.igra2

# Copyright (c) 2018 Siphon Contributors.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Read upper air data from the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive version 2."""

from contextlib import closing
import datetime
from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO
import itertools
import sys
import warnings
from zipfile import ZipFile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .._tools import get_wind_components

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Pandas doesn\'t allow columns to be created', UserWarning)

[docs]class IGRAUpperAir: """Download and parse data from NCEI's Integrated Radiosonde Archive version 2."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Set ftp site address and file suffix based on desired dataset.""" self.ftpsite = '' self.suffix = '' self.begin_date = '' self.end_date = '' self.site_id = ''
[docs] @classmethod def request_data(cls, time, site_id, derived=False): """Retreive IGRA version 2 data for one station. Parameters -------- site_id : str 11-character IGRA2 station identifier. time : datetime The date and time of the desired observation. If list of two times is given, dataframes for all dates within the two dates will be returned. Returns ------- :class: `pandas.DataFrame` containing the data. """ igra2 = cls() # Set parameters for data query if derived: igra2.ftpsite = igra2.ftpsite + 'derived/derived-por/' igra2.suffix = igra2.suffix + '-drvd.txt' else: igra2.ftpsite = igra2.ftpsite + 'data/data-por/' igra2.suffix = igra2.suffix + '-data.txt' if type(time) == datetime.datetime: igra2.begin_date = time igra2.end_date = time else: igra2.begin_date, igra2.end_date = time igra2.site_id = site_id df, headers = igra2._get_data() return df, headers
def _get_data(self): """Process the IGRA2 text file for observations at site_id matching time. Return: ------- :class: `pandas.DataFrame` containing the body data. :class: `pandas.DataFrame` containing the header data. """ # Split the list of times into begin and end dates. If only # one date is supplied, set both begin and end dates equal to that date. body, header, dates_long, dates = self._get_data_raw() params = self._get_fwf_params() df_body = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(body), **params['body']) df_header = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(header), **params['header']) df_body['date'] = dates_long df_body = self._clean_body_df(df_body) df_header = self._clean_header_df(df_header) df_header['date'] = dates return df_body, df_header def _get_data_raw(self): """Download observations matching the time range. Returns a tuple with a string for the body, string for the headers, and a list of dates. """ # Import need to be here so we can monkeypatch urlopen for testing and avoid # downloading live data for testing try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen with closing(urlopen(self.ftpsite + self.site_id + self.suffix + '.zip')) as url: f = ZipFile(BytesIO(, 'r').open(self.site_id + self.suffix) lines = [line.decode('utf-8') for line in f.readlines()] body, header, dates_long, dates = self._select_date_range(lines) return body, header, dates_long, dates def _select_date_range(self, lines): """Identify lines containing headers within the range begin_date to end_date. Parameters ----- lines: list list of lines from the IGRA2 data file. """ headers = [] num_lev = [] dates = [] # Get indices of headers, and make a list of dates and num_lev for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if line[0] == '#': year, month, day, hour = map(int, line[13:26].split()) # All soundings have YMD, most have hour try: date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour) except ValueError: date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) # Check date if self.begin_date <= date <= self.end_date: headers.append(idx) num_lev.append(int(line[32:36])) dates.append(date) if date > self.end_date: break if len(dates) == 0: # Break if no matched dates. # Could improve this later by showing the date range for the station. raise ValueError('No dates match selection.') # Compress body of data into a string begin_idx = min(headers) end_idx = max(headers) + num_lev[-1] # Make a boolean vector that selects only list indices within the time range selector = np.zeros(len(lines), dtype=bool) selector[begin_idx:end_idx + 1] = True selector[headers] = False body = ''.join([line for line in itertools.compress(lines, selector)]) selector[begin_idx:end_idx + 1] = ~selector[begin_idx:end_idx + 1] header = ''.join([line for line in itertools.compress(lines, selector)]) # expand date vector to match length of the body dataframe. dates_long = np.repeat(dates, num_lev) return body, header, dates_long, dates def _get_fwf_params(self): """Produce a dictionary with names, colspecs, and dtype for IGRA2 data. Returns a dict with entries 'body' and 'header'. """ def _cdec(power=1): """Make a function to convert string 'value*10^power' to float.""" def _cdec_power(val): if val in ['-9999', '-8888', '-99999']: return np.nan else: return float(val) / 10**power return _cdec_power def _cflag(val): """Replace alphabetic flags A and B with numeric.""" if val == 'A': return 1 elif val == 'B': return 2 else: return 0 def _ctime(strformat='MMMSS'): """Return a function converting a string from MMMSS or HHMM to seconds.""" def _ctime_strformat(val): time = val.strip().zfill(5) if int(time) < 0: return np.nan elif int(time) == 9999: return np.nan else: if strformat == 'MMMSS': minutes = int(time[0:3]) seconds = int(time[3:5]) time_seconds = minutes * 60 + seconds elif strformat == 'HHMM': hours = int(time[0:2]) minutes = int(time[2:4]) time_seconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 else: sys.exit('Unrecognized time format') return time_seconds return _ctime_strformat def _clatlon(x): n = len(x) deg = x[0:n - 4] dec = x[n - 4:] return float(deg + '.' + dec) if self.suffix == '-drvd.txt': names_body = ['pressure', 'reported_height', 'calculated_height', 'temperature', 'temperature_gradient', 'potential_temperature', 'potential_temperature_gradient', 'virtual_temperature', 'virtual_potential_temperature', 'vapor_pressure', 'saturation_vapor_pressure', 'reported_relative_humidity', 'calculated_relative_humidity', 'u_wind', 'u_wind_gradient', 'v_wind', 'v_wind_gradient', 'refractive_index'] colspecs_body = [(0, 7), (8, 15), (16, 23), (24, 31), (32, 39), (40, 47), (48, 55), (56, 63), (64, 71), (72, 79), (80, 87), (88, 95), (96, 103), (104, 111), (112, 119), (120, 127), (128, 135), (137, 143), (144, 151)] conv_body = {'pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'reported_height': int, 'calculated_height': int, 'temperature': _cdec(), 'temperature_gradient': _cdec(), 'potential_temperature': _cdec(), 'potential_temperature_gradient': _cdec(), 'virtual_temperature': _cdec(), 'virtual_potential_temperature': _cdec(), 'vapor_pressure': _cdec(power=3), 'saturation_vapor_pressure': _cdec(power=3), 'reported_relative_humidity': _cdec(), 'calculated_relative_humidity': _cdec(), 'u_wind': _cdec(), 'u_wind_gradient': _cdec(), 'v_wind': _cdec(), 'v_wind_gradient': _cdec(), 'refractive_index': int} names_header = ['site_id', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'release_time', 'number_levels', 'precipitable_water', 'inv_pressure', 'inv_height', 'inv_strength', 'mixed_layer_pressure', 'mixed_layer_height', 'freezing_point_pressure', 'freezing_point_height', 'lcl_pressure', 'lcl_height', 'lfc_pressure', 'lfc_height', 'lnb_pressure', 'lnb_height', 'lifted_index', 'showalter_index', 'k_index', 'total_totals_index', 'cape', 'convective_inhibition'] colspecs_header = [(1, 12), (13, 17), (18, 20), (21, 23), (24, 26), (27, 31), (31, 36), (37, 43), (43, 48), (49, 55), (55, 61), (61, 67), (67, 73), (73, 79), (79, 85), (85, 91), (91, 97), (97, 103), (103, 109), (109, 115), (115, 121), (121, 127), (127, 133), (133, 139), (139, 145), (145, 151), (151, 157)] conv_header = {'site_id': str, 'year': int, 'month': int, 'day': int, 'hour': int, 'release_time': _ctime(strformat='HHMM'), 'number_levels': int, 'precipitable_water': _cdec(power=2), 'inv_pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'inv_height': int, 'inv_strength': _cdec(), 'mixed_layer_pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'mixed_layer_height': int, 'freezing_point_pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'freezing_point_height': int, 'lcl_pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'lcl_height': int, 'lfc_pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'lfc_height': int, 'lnb_pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'lnb_height': int, 'lifted_index': int, 'showalter_index': int, 'k_index': int, 'total_totals_index': int, 'cape': int, 'convective_inhibition': int} na_vals = ['-99999'] else: names_body = ['lvltyp1', 'lvltyp2', 'etime', 'pressure', 'pflag', 'height', 'zflag', 'temperature', 'tflag', 'relative_humidity', 'dewpoint_depression', 'direction', 'speed'] colspecs_body = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 8), (9, 15), (15, 16), (16, 21), (21, 22), (22, 27), (27, 28), (28, 33), (34, 39), (40, 45), (46, 51)] conv_body = {'lvltyp1': int, 'lvltyp2': int, 'etime': _ctime(strformat='MMMSS'), 'pressure': _cdec(power=2), 'pflag': _cflag, 'height': int, 'zflag': _cflag, 'temperature': _cdec(), 'tflag': _cflag, 'relative_humidity': _cdec(), 'dewpoint_depression': _cdec(), 'direction': int, 'speed': _cdec()} names_header = ['site_id', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'release_time', 'number_levels', 'pressure_source_code', 'non_pressure_source_code', 'latitude', 'longitude'] colspecs_header = [(1, 12), (13, 17), (18, 20), (21, 23), (24, 26), (27, 31), (32, 36), (37, 45), (46, 54), (55, 62), (63, 71)] na_vals = ['-8888', '-9999'] conv_header = {'release_time': _ctime(strformat='HHMM'), 'number_levels': int, 'latitude': _clatlon, 'longitude': _clatlon} return {'body': {'names': names_body, 'colspecs': colspecs_body, 'converters': conv_body, 'na_values': na_vals, 'index_col': False}, 'header': {'names': names_header, 'colspecs': colspecs_header, 'converters': conv_header, 'na_values': na_vals, 'index_col': False}} def _clean_body_df(self, df): """Format the dataframe, remove empty rows, and add units attribute.""" if self.suffix == '-drvd.txt': df = df.dropna(subset=('temperature', 'reported_relative_humidity', 'u_wind', 'v_wind'), how='all').reset_index(drop=True) df.units = {'pressure': 'hPa', 'reported_height': 'meter', 'calculated_height': 'meter', 'temperature': 'Kelvin', 'temperature_gradient': 'Kelvin / kilometer', 'potential_temperature': 'Kelvin', 'potential_temperature_gradient': 'Kelvin / kilometer', 'virtual_temperature': 'Kelvin', 'virtual_potential_temperature': 'Kelvin', 'vapor_pressure': 'Pascal', 'saturation_vapor_pressure': 'Pascal', 'reported_relative_humidity': 'percent', 'calculated_relative_humidity': 'percent', 'u_wind': 'meter / second', 'u_wind_gradient': '(meter / second) / kilometer)', 'v_wind': 'meter / second', 'v_wind_gradient': '(meter / second) / kilometer)', 'refractive_index': 'unitless'} else: df['u_wind'], df['v_wind'] = get_wind_components(df['speed'], np.deg2rad(df['direction'])) df['u_wind'] = np.round(df['u_wind'], 1) df['v_wind'] = np.round(df['v_wind'], 1) df = df.dropna(subset=('temperature', 'direction', 'speed', 'dewpoint_depression', 'u_wind', 'v_wind'), how='all').reset_index(drop=True) df['dewpoint'] = df['temperature'] - df['dewpoint_depression'] df.drop('dewpoint_depression', axis=1, inplace=True) df.units = {'etime': 'second', 'pressure': 'hPa', 'height': 'meter', 'temperature': 'degC', 'dewpoint': 'degC', 'direction': 'degrees', 'speed': 'meter / second', 'u_wind': 'meter / second', 'v_wind': 'meter / second'} return df def _clean_header_df(self, df): """Format the header dataframe and add units.""" if self.suffix == '-drvd.txt': df.units = {'release_time': 'second', 'precipitable_water': 'millimeter', 'inv_pressure': 'hPa', 'inv_height': 'meter', 'inv_strength': 'Kelvin', 'mixed_layer_pressure': 'hPa', 'mixed_layer_height': 'meter', 'freezing_point_pressure': 'hPa', 'freezing_point_height': 'meter', 'lcl_pressure': 'hPa', 'lcl_height': 'meter', 'lfc_pressure': 'hPa', 'lfc_height': 'meter', 'lnb_pressure': 'hPa', 'lnb_height': 'meter', 'lifted_index': 'degC', 'showalter_index': 'degC', 'k_index': 'degC', 'total_totals_index': 'degC', 'cape': 'Joule / kilogram', 'convective_inhibition': 'Joule / kilogram'} else: df.units = {'release_time': 'second', 'latitude': 'degrees', 'longitude': 'degrees'} return df