Source code for siphon.simplewebservice.iastate

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Siphon Contributors.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Read upper air data from the IA State archives."""

from datetime import datetime
import json
import warnings

import numpy as np
import as ma
import pandas as pd

from .._tools import get_wind_components
from ..http_util import HTTPEndPoint

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Pandas doesn\'t allow columns to be created', UserWarning)

[docs]class IAStateUpperAir(HTTPEndPoint): """Download and parse data from the Iowa State's upper air archive."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Set up endpoint.""" super(IAStateUpperAir, self).__init__('')
[docs] @classmethod def request_data(cls, time, site_id, **kwargs): """Retrieve upper air observations from Iowa State's archive for a single station. Parameters ---------- time : datetime The date and time of the desired observation. site_id : str The three letter ICAO identifier of the station for which data should be downloaded. kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments to use to initialize source Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the data """ endpoint = cls() df = endpoint._get_data(time, site_id, None, **kwargs) return df
[docs] @classmethod def request_all_data(cls, time, pressure=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve upper air observations from Iowa State's archive for all stations. Parameters ---------- time : datetime The date and time of the desired observation. pressure : float, optional The mandatory pressure level at which to request data (in hPa). If none is given, all the available data in the profiles is returned. kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments to use to initialize source Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the data """ endpoint = cls() df = endpoint._get_data(time, None, pressure, **kwargs) return df
def _get_data(self, time, site_id, pressure=None): """Download data from Iowa State's upper air archive. Parameters ---------- time : datetime Date and time for which data should be downloaded site_id : str Site id for which data should be downloaded pressure : float, optional Mandatory pressure level at which to request data (in hPa). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the data """ json_data = self._get_data_raw(time, site_id, pressure) data = {} for profile in json_data['profiles']: for pt in profile['profile']: for field in ('drct', 'dwpc', 'hght', 'pres', 'sknt', 'tmpc'): data.setdefault(field, []).append(np.nan if pt[field] is None else pt[field]) for field in ('station', 'valid'): data.setdefault(field, []).append(np.nan if profile[field] is None else profile[field]) # Make sure that the first entry has a valid temperature and dewpoint idx = np.argmax(~(np.isnan(data['tmpc']) | np.isnan(data['dwpc']))) # Stuff data into a pandas dataframe df = pd.DataFrame() df['pressure'] = ma.masked_invalid(data['pres'][idx:]) df['height'] = ma.masked_invalid(data['hght'][idx:]) df['temperature'] = ma.masked_invalid(data['tmpc'][idx:]) df['dewpoint'] = ma.masked_invalid(data['dwpc'][idx:]) df['direction'] = ma.masked_invalid(data['drct'][idx:]) df['speed'] = ma.masked_invalid(data['sknt'][idx:]) df['station'] = data['station'][idx:] df['time'] = [datetime.strptime(valid, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') for valid in data['valid'][idx:]] # Calculate the u and v winds df['u_wind'], df['v_wind'] = get_wind_components(df['speed'], np.deg2rad(df['direction'])) # Drop any rows with all NaN values for T, Td, winds df = df.dropna(subset=('temperature', 'dewpoint', 'direction', 'speed', 'u_wind', 'v_wind'), how='all').reset_index(drop=True) # Add unit dictionary df.units = {'pressure': 'hPa', 'height': 'meter', 'temperature': 'degC', 'dewpoint': 'degC', 'direction': 'degrees', 'speed': 'knot', 'u_wind': 'knot', 'v_wind': 'knot', 'station': None, 'time': None} return df def _get_data_raw(self, time, site_id, pressure=None): r"""Download data from the Iowa State's upper air archive. Parameters ---------- time : datetime Date and time for which data should be downloaded site_id : str Site id for which data should be downloaded pressure : float, optional Mandatory pressure level at which to request data (in hPa). Returns ------- list of json data """ query = {'ts': time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H00')} if site_id is not None: query['station'] = site_id if pressure is not None: query['pressure'] = pressure resp = self.get_path('', query) json_data = json.loads(resp.text) # See if the return is valid, but has no data if not (json_data['profiles'] and json_data['profiles'][0]['profile']): message = 'No data available ' if time is not None: message += 'for {time:%Y-%m-%d %HZ} '.format(time=time) if site_id is not None: message += 'for station {stid}'.format(stid=site_id) if pressure is not None: message += 'for pressure {pres}'.format(pres=pressure) message = message[:-1] + '.' raise ValueError(message) return json_data