Source code for siphon.ncss_dataset

# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Siphon Contributors.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Support reading and parsing the dataset.xml documents from the netCDF Subset Service."""

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import re

import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _without_namespace(tagname):
    """Remove the xml namespace from a tag name."""
    if '}' in tagname:
        return tagname.rsplit('}', 1)[-1]
    return tagname

class _Types(object):
    def handle_typed_values(val, type_name, value_type):
        """Translate typed values into the appropriate python object.

        Takes an element name, value, and type and returns a list
        with the string value(s) properly converted to a python type.

        TypedValues are handled in ucar.ma2.DataType in netcdfJava
        in the DataType enum. Possibilities are:


        All of these are values written as strings in the xml, so simply
        applying int, float to the values will work in most cases (i.e.
        the TDS encodes them as string values properly).

        Examle XML element:

        <attribute name="scale_factor" type="double" value="0.0010000000474974513"/>

        val : string
            The string representation of the value attribute of the xml element

        type_name : string
            The string representation of the name attribute of the xml element

        value_type : string
            The string representation of the type attribute of the xml element

        val : list
            A list containing the properly typed python values.

        if value_type in ['byte', 'short', 'int', 'long']:
                val = [int(v) for v in re.split('[ ,]', val) if v]
            except ValueError:
                log.warning('Cannot convert "%s" to int. Keeping type as str.', val)
        elif value_type in ['float', 'double']:
                val = [float(v) for v in re.split('[ ,]', val) if v]
            except ValueError:
                log.warning('Cannot convert "%s" to float. Keeping type as str.', val)
        elif value_type == 'boolean':
                # special case for boolean type
                val = val.split()
                # values must be either true or false
                for potential_bool in val:
                    if potential_bool not in ['true', 'false']:
                        raise ValueError
                val = [True if item == 'true' else False for item in val]
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Cannot convert values %s to boolean.'
                msg += ' Keeping type as str.'
                log.warning(msg, val)
        elif value_type == 'String':
            # nothing special for String type
            # possibilities - Sequence, Structure, enum, opaque, object,
            # and char.
            # Not sure how to handle these as I do not have an example
            # of how they would show up in dataset.xml
            log.warning('%s type %s not understood. Keeping as String.',
                        type_name, value_type)

        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]

        return val

    def handle_attribute(self, element):  # noqa
        type_name = 'attribute'
        attribute_type = None
        if 'type' in element.attrib:
            attribute_type = element.attrib['type']

        name = element.attrib['name']
        val = element.attrib['value']
        if attribute_type:
            val = self.handle_typed_values(val, type_name, attribute_type)

        return {name: val}

    def handle_values(self, element, value_type=None):  # noqa
        type_name = 'value'
        val = element.text
        if val:
            if value_type:
                val = self.handle_typed_values(val, type_name, value_type)
                val = val.split()
            increment_attrs = ['start', 'increment', 'npts']
            element_attrs = list(element.attrib)
            if increment_attrs == element_attrs:
                start = float(element.attrib['start'])
                inc = float(element.attrib['increment'])
                npts = float(element.attrib['npts'])
                val = start + np.arange(npts) * inc
                val = val.tolist()

        return {'values': val}

    def handle_projectionBox(element):  # noqa
        type_name = 'projectionBox'
        pb = {}
        if element.tag == type_name:
            for child in element:
                pb[child.tag] = float(child.text)

        return {type_name: pb}

    def handle_axisRef(element):  # noqa
        return element.attrib['name']

    def handle_coordTransRef(element):  # noqa
        # type_name = "coordTransRef"
        return {'coordTransRef': element.attrib['name']}

    def handle_grid(self, element):
        grid = {}
        for attr in element.attrib:
            grid[attr] = element.attrib[attr]

        attrs = {}
        for attribute in element:

        grid['attributes'] = attrs

        return grid

    def handle_parameter(element):
        name = element.attrib['name']
        value = element.attrib['value'].strip()
        return {name: value}

    def handle_featureDataset(element):  # noqa
        fd = {}
        for attr in element.attrib:
            fd[attr] = element.attrib[attr]
        return fd

    def handle_variable(self, element):
        return self.handle_grid(element)

    def lookup(self, handler_name):
        handler_name = 'handle_' + _without_namespace(handler_name)
        if handler_name in dir(self):
            return getattr(self, handler_name)
            msg = 'cannot find handler for element {}'.format(handler_name)

[docs]class NCSSDataset(object): """Hold information contained in the dataset.xml NCSS document. In general, if a dataset.xml NCSS document is missing the information needed to construct an attribute, that attribute will not show up as part of the `NCSSDataset` object. Note that only gridded ncss datasets may contain the attributes `gridsets`, `axes`, `coordinate_transforms`, and `lat_lon_box`. Attributes ---------- variables : dict[str, str] A dictionary of variables time_span : dict[str, datetime.datetime] A dictionary holding the beginning and ending iso time strings which define the temporal bounds of the dataset featureDataset : dict[str, str] A dictionary containing the type ["grid", "point"] and location ["url"] of the dataset accept_list : dict[str, list[str]] A dictionary holding the types of valid returns of the dataset by access method [Grid, GridAsPoint, PointFeatureCollection] gridsets : dict[str, set[str]] A dictionary of gridSets contained within the dataset axes : dict[str, object] A dictionary of coordinate axes coordinate_transforms : dict[str, object] A dictionary of coordinate transforms lat_lon_box : dict[str, float] A dictionary holding the north, south, east, and west latitude and longitude bounds of the dataset (in degree_east, degree_north) """
[docs] def __init__(self, element): """Initialize a NCSSDataset object. Parameters ---------- element : :class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` An :class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` representing the top level node of an NCSS dataset.xml doc """ self._types = _Types() self.gridsets = {} self.variables = {} self.axes = {} self.coordinate_transforms = {} self.accept_list = {} self.lat_lon_box = None self.time_span = None self.featureDataset = None element_name = element.tag if element_name == 'gridDataset' or element_name == 'capabilities': self.featureDataset = {'type': 'grid', 'url': element.attrib['location']} for child in element: self._parse_element(child) else: self._parse_element(element) things_to_del = [] for thing in self.__dict__: if not (thing.startswith('_') or thing.startswith('__')): if not getattr(self, thing): things_to_del.append(thing) for thing in things_to_del: delattr(self, thing)
def _get_handler(self, handler_name): return self._types.lookup(handler_name) def _parse_element(self, element): element_name = element.tag parser = {'gridSet': self._parse_gridset, 'axis': self._parse_axis, 'coordTransform': self._parse_coordTransform, 'LatLonBox': self._parse_LatLonBox, 'TimeSpan': self._parse_TimeSpan, 'AcceptList': self._parse_AcceptList, 'featureDataset': self._parse_featureDataset, 'variable': self._parse_variable} try: parser[element_name](element) except KeyError: log.warning('No parser found for element %s', element_name) def _parse_gridset(self, element): element_name = element.tag gridset_name = element.attrib['name'] grid_set = {} for child in element: child_name = child.tag handler = self._get_handler(child_name) if child_name in ['projectionBox', 'coordTransRef']: grid_set.update(handler(child)) elif child_name in ['axisRef']: grid_set.setdefault(child_name, []).append(handler(child)) elif child_name in ['grid']: tmp = handler(child) grid_name = tmp['name'] tmp.pop('name', None) grid_set.setdefault(child_name, {})[grid_name] = tmp self.variables[grid_name] = tmp else: log.warning('Unknown child in %s: %s', element_name, child_name) grid_set[child.tag] = 'not handled by _parse_gridset' self.gridsets.update({gridset_name: grid_set}) def _parse_axis(self, element): # element_name = element.tag axis_name = element.attrib['name'] axis = {} for attr in element.attrib: if attr != 'name': axis[attr] = element.attrib[attr] if 'shape' in axis: typed_vals = self._types.handle_typed_values(axis['shape'], 'shape', 'int') axis['shape'] = typed_vals attrs = [] for child in element: child_name = child.tag handler = self._get_handler(child_name) attrs.append(handler(child)) if attrs: axis['attributes'] = attrs self.axes.update({axis_name: axis}) def _parse_coordTransform(self, element): # noqa coord_trans = {} name = element.attrib['name'] for attr in element.attrib: if attr != 'name': coord_trans[attr] = element.attrib[attr] params = {} for child in element: child_name = child.tag handler = self._get_handler(child_name) params.update(handler(child)) if params: coord_trans['parameters'] = params self.coordinate_transforms.update({name: coord_trans}) def _parse_LatLonBox(self, element): # noqa llb = {} for child in element: llb[child.tag] = float(child.text) self.lat_lon_box = llb def _parse_TimeSpan(self, element): # noqa ts = {} for child in element: ts[child.tag] = child.text self.time_span = ts def _parse_AcceptList(self, element): # noqa grid_req_types = ['Grid', 'GridAsPoint'] # check if station (i.e. check = True grid = False point = False for child in element: request_type = child.tag if check: if request_type in grid_req_types: grid = True else: point = True check = False if point: # this is a PointFeatureCollection ncss return_type = child.text self.accept_list.setdefault('PointFeatureCollection', []).append(return_type) elif grid: # this is a grid ncss for grandchild in child: return_type = grandchild.text self.accept_list.setdefault(request_type, []).append(return_type) else: log.warning('Cannot have grid=%s and point=%s', grid, point) def _parse_featureDataset(self, element): # noqa handler = self._get_handler(element.tag) self.featureDataset = handler(element) def _parse_variable(self, element): handler = self._get_handler(element.tag) tmp = handler(element) name = tmp['name'] tmp = tmp.pop('name', None) self.variables[name] = tmp