▼NnetCDF | C++ API for netCDF4 |
▼Nexceptions | Exception classes |
CNcAttExists | Thrown if attribute exists |
CNcAttMeta | Thrown if attribute meta |
CNcBadDim | Thrown if an invalid dimension id or name |
CNcBadFieldId | Thrown if bad field id |
CNcBadGroupId | Thrown if bad group id |
CNcBadId | Thrown if the specified netCDF ID does not refer to an open netCDF dataset |
CNcBadName | Thrown if attribute or variable name contains illegal characters |
CNcBadType | Thrown if not a valid netCDF data type |
CNcBadTypeId | Thrown if bad type id |
CNcCantCreate | Thrown if cannot create |
CNcCantRead | Thrown if cannot read |
CNcCantWrite | Thrown if cannot write |
CNcChar | Thrown if attempt to convert between text and numbers |
CNcDimMeta | Thrown if dim meta |
CNcDimSize | Thrown if invalid dimension size |
CNcEdge | Thrown if edge+start exceeds dimension bound |
CNcElateDef | Thrown if an operation to set the chunking, endianness, fill of a NcVar object is issued after a call to NcVar::getVar or NcVar::putVar has been made |
CNcEnoGrp | Thrown if cannot return a netCDF group |
CNcException | Base object is thrown if a netCDF exception is encountered |
CNcExist | Thrown if, having set NC_NOCLOBBER, the specified dataset already exists |
CNcFileMeta | Thrown if file meta |
CNcGlobal | Thrown if the action is prohibited on the NC_GLOBAL varid |
CNcHdfErr | Thrown if an error was reported by the HDF5 layer |
CNcInDefineMode | Thrown if operation not allowed in defined mode |
CNcInvalidArg | Thrown if not a netCDF id |
CNcInvalidCoords | Index exceeds dimension bound |
CNcInvalidWrite | Thrown if invalid argument |
CNcMaxAtts | Thrown if Nc_MAX_ATTRS is exceeded |
CNcMaxDims | Thrown if NC_MAX_DIMS is exceeded |
CNcMaxName | Thrown if NC_MAX_NAME is exceeded |
CNcMaxVars | Thrown if NC_MAX_VARS is exceeded |
CNcNameInUse | Thrown if string match to name is in use |
CNcNFile | Thrown if too many netcdf files are open |
CNcNoCompound | Thrown if no compound |
CNcNoMem | Thrown if memory allocation (malloc) failure |
CNcNoRecVars | Thrown if nc_rec op when there are no record vars |
CNcNotAtt | Thrown if attribute is not found |
CNcNotInDefineMode | Thrown if operation not allowed in data mode |
CNcNotNc4 | Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file |
CNcNotNCF | Thrown if not a netCDF file |
CNcNotVar | Thrown if variable is not found |
CNcNullDim | Thrown if the requested operation is on a NULL dimension |
CNcNullGrp | Thrown if the requested operation is on a NULL group |
CNcNullType | Thrown if the requested operation is on a NULL type |
CNcRange | Thrown if math result not representable |
CNcStrictNc3 | Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file |
CNcStride | Thrown if illegal stride |
CNcSts | Thrown if in FORTRAN, string is too short |
CNcTrunc | Thrown if file likely truncated or possibly corrupted |
CNcUnknownName | Thrown if cannot find the field id |
CNcUnlimit | Thrown if NC_UNLIMITED size is already in use |
CNcUnlimPos | Thrown if Nc_UNLIMITED is in the wrong index |
CNcVarMeta | Thrown if variable meta |
CNcVarSize | Thrown if one or more variable sizes violate format constraints |
CNcAtt | Abstract base class represents inherited by ncVarAtt and ncGroupAtt |
CNcByte | Class represents a netCDF atomic Byte type |
CNcChar | Class represents a netCDF atomic Char type |
CNcCompoundType | Class represents a netCDF compound type |
CNcDim | Class represents a netCDF dimension |
CNcDouble | Class represents a netCDF atomic Double type |
CNcEnumType | Class represents a netCDF enum type |
CNcFile | Class represents a netCDF root group |
CNcFloat | Class represents a netCDF atomic Float type |
CNcGroup | Class represents a netCDF group |
CNcGroupAtt | Class represents a netCDF group attribute |
CNcInt | Class represents a netCDF atomic Int type |
CNcInt64 | Class represents a netCDF atomic Int64 type |
CNcOpaqueType | Class represents a netCDF opaque type |
CNcShort | Class represents a netCDF atomic Short type |
CNcString | Class represents a netCDF atomic String type |
CNcType | Base class inherited by NcOpaque, NcVlen, NcCompound and NcEnum classes |
CNcUbyte | Class represents a netCDF atomic Ubyte type |
CNcUint | Class represents a netCDF atomic Uint type |
CNcUint64 | Class represents a netCDF atomic Uint64 type |
CNcUshort | Class represents a netCDF atomic Ushort type |
CNcVar | Class represents a netCDF variable |
CNcVarAtt | Class represents a netCDF attribute local to a netCDF variable |
CNcVlenType | Class represents a netCDF VLEN type |