NetCDF-C++  4.3.1-developer
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NnetCDFC++ API for netCDF4
 NexceptionsException classes
 CNcAttExistsThrown if attribute exists
 CNcAttMetaThrown if attribute meta
 CNcBadDimThrown if an invalid dimension id or name
 CNcBadFieldIdThrown if bad field id
 CNcBadGroupIdThrown if bad group id
 CNcBadIdThrown if the specified netCDF ID does not refer to an open netCDF dataset
 CNcBadNameThrown if attribute or variable name contains illegal characters
 CNcBadTypeThrown if not a valid netCDF data type
 CNcBadTypeIdThrown if bad type id
 CNcCantCreateThrown if cannot create
 CNcCantReadThrown if cannot read
 CNcCantWriteThrown if cannot write
 CNcCharThrown if attempt to convert between text and numbers
 CNcDimMetaThrown if dim meta
 CNcDimSizeThrown if invalid dimension size
 CNcEdgeThrown if edge+start exceeds dimension bound
 CNcElateDefThrown if an operation to set the chunking, endianness, fill of a NcVar object is issued after a call to NcVar::getVar or NcVar::putVar has been made
 CNcEnoGrpThrown if cannot return a netCDF group
 CNcExceptionBase object is thrown if a netCDF exception is encountered
 CNcExistThrown if, having set NC_NOCLOBBER, the specified dataset already exists
 CNcFileMetaThrown if file meta
 CNcGlobalThrown if the action is prohibited on the NC_GLOBAL varid
 CNcHdfErrThrown if an error was reported by the HDF5 layer
 CNcInDefineModeThrown if operation not allowed in defined mode
 CNcInvalidArgThrown if not a netCDF id
 CNcInvalidCoordsIndex exceeds dimension bound
 CNcInvalidWriteThrown if invalid argument
 CNcMaxAttsThrown if Nc_MAX_ATTRS is exceeded
 CNcMaxDimsThrown if NC_MAX_DIMS is exceeded
 CNcMaxNameThrown if NC_MAX_NAME is exceeded
 CNcMaxVarsThrown if NC_MAX_VARS is exceeded
 CNcNameInUseThrown if string match to name is in use
 CNcNFileThrown if too many netcdf files are open
 CNcNoCompoundThrown if no compound
 CNcNoMemThrown if memory allocation (malloc) failure
 CNcNoRecVarsThrown if nc_rec op when there are no record vars
 CNcNotAttThrown if attribute is not found
 CNcNotInDefineModeThrown if operation not allowed in data mode
 CNcNotNc4Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file
 CNcNotNCFThrown if not a netCDF file
 CNcNotVarThrown if variable is not found
 CNcNullDimThrown if the requested operation is on a NULL dimension
 CNcNullGrpThrown if the requested operation is on a NULL group
 CNcNullTypeThrown if the requested operation is on a NULL type
 CNcRangeThrown if math result not representable
 CNcStrictNc3Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file
 CNcStrideThrown if illegal stride
 CNcStsThrown if in FORTRAN, string is too short
 CNcTruncThrown if file likely truncated or possibly corrupted
 CNcUnknownNameThrown if cannot find the field id
 CNcUnlimitThrown if NC_UNLIMITED size is already in use
 CNcUnlimPosThrown if Nc_UNLIMITED is in the wrong index
 CNcVarMetaThrown if variable meta
 CNcVarSizeThrown if one or more variable sizes violate format constraints
 CNcAttAbstract base class represents inherited by ncVarAtt and ncGroupAtt
 CNcByteClass represents a netCDF atomic Byte type
 CNcCharClass represents a netCDF atomic Char type
 CNcCompoundTypeClass represents a netCDF compound type
 CNcDimClass represents a netCDF dimension
 CNcDoubleClass represents a netCDF atomic Double type
 CNcEnumTypeClass represents a netCDF enum type
 CNcFileClass represents a netCDF root group
 CNcFloatClass represents a netCDF atomic Float type
 CNcGroupClass represents a netCDF group
 CNcGroupAttClass represents a netCDF group attribute
 CNcIntClass represents a netCDF atomic Int type
 CNcInt64Class represents a netCDF atomic Int64 type
 CNcOpaqueTypeClass represents a netCDF opaque type
 CNcShortClass represents a netCDF atomic Short type
 CNcStringClass represents a netCDF atomic String type
 CNcTypeBase class inherited by NcOpaque, NcVlen, NcCompound and NcEnum classes
 CNcUbyteClass represents a netCDF atomic Ubyte type
 CNcUintClass represents a netCDF atomic Uint type
 CNcUint64Class represents a netCDF atomic Uint64 type
 CNcUshortClass represents a netCDF atomic Ushort type
 CNcVarClass represents a netCDF variable
 CNcVarAttClass represents a netCDF attribute local to a netCDF variable
 CNcVlenTypeClass represents a netCDF VLEN type

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Generated on Fri Nov 11 2016 15:28:30 for NetCDF-C++. NetCDF is a Unidata library.