NetCDF-C++  4.3.1-developer
netCDF::exceptions Namespace Reference

Exception classes. More...

Data Structures

class  NcAttExists
 Thrown if attribute exists. More...
class  NcAttMeta
 Thrown if attribute meta. More...
class  NcBadDim
 Thrown if an invalid dimension id or name. More...
class  NcBadFieldId
 Thrown if bad field id. More...
class  NcBadGroupId
 Thrown if bad group id. More...
class  NcBadId
 Thrown if the specified netCDF ID does not refer to an open netCDF dataset. More...
class  NcBadName
 Thrown if attribute or variable name contains illegal characters. More...
class  NcBadType
 Thrown if not a valid netCDF data type. More...
class  NcBadTypeId
 Thrown if bad type id. More...
class  NcCantCreate
 Thrown if cannot create. More...
class  NcCantRead
 Thrown if cannot read. More...
class  NcCantWrite
 Thrown if cannot write. More...
class  NcChar
 Thrown if attempt to convert between text and numbers. More...
class  NcDimMeta
 Thrown if dim meta. More...
class  NcDimSize
 Thrown if invalid dimension size. More...
class  NcEdge
 Thrown if edge+start exceeds dimension bound. More...
class  NcElateDef
 Thrown if an operation to set the chunking, endianness, fill of a NcVar object is issued after a call to NcVar::getVar or NcVar::putVar has been made. More...
class  NcEnoGrp
 Thrown if cannot return a netCDF group. More...
class  NcException
 Base object is thrown if a netCDF exception is encountered. More...
class  NcExist
 Thrown if, having set NC_NOCLOBBER, the specified dataset already exists. More...
class  NcFileMeta
 Thrown if file meta. More...
class  NcGlobal
 Thrown if the action is prohibited on the NC_GLOBAL varid. More...
class  NcHdfErr
 Thrown if an error was reported by the HDF5 layer. More...
class  NcInDefineMode
 Thrown if operation not allowed in defined mode. More...
class  NcInvalidArg
 Thrown if not a netCDF id. More...
class  NcInvalidCoords
 Index exceeds dimension bound. More...
class  NcInvalidWrite
 Thrown if invalid argument. More...
class  NcMaxAtts
 Thrown if Nc_MAX_ATTRS is exceeded. More...
class  NcMaxDims
 Thrown if NC_MAX_DIMS is exceeded. More...
class  NcMaxName
 Thrown if NC_MAX_NAME is exceeded. More...
class  NcMaxVars
 Thrown if NC_MAX_VARS is exceeded. More...
class  NcNameInUse
 Thrown if string match to name is in use. More...
class  NcNFile
 Thrown if too many netcdf files are open. More...
class  NcNoCompound
 Thrown if no compound. More...
class  NcNoMem
 Thrown if memory allocation (malloc) failure. More...
class  NcNoRecVars
 Thrown if nc_rec op when there are no record vars. More...
class  NcNotAtt
 Thrown if attribute is not found. More...
class  NcNotInDefineMode
 Thrown if operation not allowed in data mode. More...
class  NcNotNc4
 Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file. More...
class  NcNotNCF
 Thrown if not a netCDF file. More...
class  NcNotVar
 Thrown if variable is not found. More...
class  NcNullDim
 Thrown if the requested operation is on a NULL dimension. More...
class  NcNullGrp
 Thrown if the requested operation is on a NULL group. More...
class  NcNullType
 Thrown if the requested operation is on a NULL type. More...
class  NcRange
 Thrown if math result not representable. More...
class  NcStrictNc3
 Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file. More...
class  NcStride
 Thrown if illegal stride. More...
class  NcSts
 Thrown if in FORTRAN, string is too short. More...
class  NcTrunc
 Thrown if file likely truncated or possibly corrupted. More...
class  NcUnknownName
 Thrown if cannot find the field id. More...
class  NcUnlimit
 Thrown if NC_UNLIMITED size is already in use. More...
class  NcUnlimPos
 Thrown if Nc_UNLIMITED is in the wrong index. More...
class  NcVarMeta
 Thrown if variable meta. More...
class  NcVarSize
 Thrown if one or more variable sizes violate format constraints. More...

Detailed Description

Exception classes.

These exceptions are thrown if the netCDF-4 API encounters an error.

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Generated on Fri Nov 11 2016 15:28:29 for NetCDF-C++. NetCDF is a Unidata library.