(xp, yp, variable, grid_x, grid_y)[source]¶ Generate a natural neighbor interpolation of the given points.
This assigns values to the given grid using the Liang and Hale [Liang2010]. approach.
Parameters: - xp ((N, ) ndarray) – x-coordinates of observations
- yp ((N, ) ndarray) – y-coordinates of observations
- variable ((N, ) ndarray) – observation values associated with (xp, yp) pairs. IE, variable[i] is a unique observation at (xp[i], yp[i])
- grid_x ((M, 2) ndarray) – Meshgrid associated with x dimension
- grid_y ((M, 2) ndarray) – Meshgrid associated with y dimension
Returns: img ((M, N) ndarray) – Interpolated values on a 2-dimensional grid