Source code for awips.dataaccess.ThriftClientRouter

# Routes requests to the Data Access Framework through Python Thrift.
#    Date            Ticket#       Engineer       Description
#    ------------    ----------    -----------    --------------------------
#    05/21/13        2023          dgilling       Initial Creation.
#    01/06/14        2537          bsteffen       Share geometry WKT.
#    03/03/14        2673          bsteffen       Add ability to query only ref times.
#    07/22/14        3185          njensen        Added optional/default args to newDataRequest
#    07/23/14        3185          njensen        Added new methods
#    07/30/14        3185          njensen        Renamed valid identifiers to optional
#    06/30/15        4569          nabowle        Use hex WKB for geometries.
#    04/13/15        5379          tgurney        Add getIdentifierValues()
#    06/01/16        5587          tgurney        Add new signatures for
#                                                 getRequiredIdentifiers() and
#                                                 getOptionalIdentifiers()
#    08/01/16        2416          tgurney        Add getNotificationFilter()
#    10/13/16        5916          bsteffen       Correct grid shape, allow lazy grid lat/lon
#    10/26/16        5919          njensen        Speed up geometry creation in getGeometryData()

import numpy
import six
import shapely.wkb

from import DefaultDataRequest
from import GetAvailableLocationNamesRequest
from import GetAvailableTimesRequest
from import GetGeometryDataRequest
from import GetGridDataRequest
from import GetGridLatLonRequest
from import GetAvailableParametersRequest
from import GetAvailableLevelsRequest
from import GetRequiredIdentifiersRequest
from import GetOptionalIdentifiersRequest
from import GetIdentifierValuesRequest
from import GetSupportedDatatypesRequest
from import GetNotificationFilterRequest

from awips import ThriftClient
from awips.dataaccess import PyGeometryData
from awips.dataaccess import PyGridData

[docs]class LazyGridLatLon(object): def __init__(self, client, nx, ny, envelope, crsWkt): self._latLonGrid = None self._client = client self._request = GetGridLatLonRequest() self._request.setNx(nx) self._request.setNy(ny) self._request.setEnvelope(envelope) self._request.setCrsWkt(crsWkt) def __call__(self): # Its important that the data is cached internally so that if multiple # GridData are sharing the same delegate then they can also share a # single request for the LatLon information. if self._latLonGrid is None: response = self._client.sendRequest(self._request) nx = response.getNx() ny = response.getNy() latData = numpy.reshape(numpy.array(response.getLats()), (ny, nx)) lonData = numpy.reshape(numpy.array(response.getLons()), (ny, nx)) self._latLonGrid = (lonData, latData) return self._latLonGrid
[docs]class ThriftClientRouter(object): def __init__(self, host='localhost'): self._client = ThriftClient.ThriftClient(host) self._lazyLoadGridLatLon = False
[docs] def setLazyLoadGridLatLon(self, lazyLoadGridLatLon): self._lazyLoadGridLatLon = lazyLoadGridLatLon
[docs] def getAvailableTimes(self, request, refTimeOnly): timesRequest = GetAvailableTimesRequest() timesRequest.setRequestParameters(request) timesRequest.setRefTimeOnly(refTimeOnly) response = self._client.sendRequest(timesRequest) return response
[docs] def getGridData(self, request, times): gridDataRequest = GetGridDataRequest() gridDataRequest.setIncludeLatLonData(not self._lazyLoadGridLatLon) gridDataRequest.setRequestParameters(request) # if we have an iterable times instance, then the user must have asked # for grid data with the List of DataTime objects # else, we assume it was a single TimeRange that was meant for the # request try: iter(times) gridDataRequest.setRequestedTimes(times) except TypeError: gridDataRequest.setRequestedPeriod(times) response = self._client.sendRequest(gridDataRequest) locSpecificData = {} locNames = list(response.getSiteNxValues().keys()) for location in locNames: nx = response.getSiteNxValues()[location] ny = response.getSiteNyValues()[location] if self._lazyLoadGridLatLon: envelope = response.getSiteEnvelopes()[location] crsWkt = response.getSiteCrsWkt()[location] delegate = LazyGridLatLon( self._client, nx, ny, envelope, crsWkt) locSpecificData[location] = (nx, ny, delegate) else: latData = numpy.reshape(numpy.array( response.getSiteLatGrids()[location]), (ny, nx)) lonData = numpy.reshape(numpy.array( response.getSiteLonGrids()[location]), (ny, nx)) locSpecificData[location] = (nx, ny, (lonData, latData)) retVal = [] for gridDataRecord in response.getGridData(): locationName = gridDataRecord.getLocationName() if locationName is not None: if six.PY2: locData = locSpecificData[locationName] else: locData = locSpecificData[locationName.encode('utf-8')] else: locData = locSpecificData[locationName] if self._lazyLoadGridLatLon: retVal.append(PyGridData.PyGridData(gridDataRecord, locData[ 0], locData[1], latLonDelegate=locData[2])) else: retVal.append(PyGridData.PyGridData( gridDataRecord, locData[0], locData[1], locData[2])) return retVal
[docs] def getGeometryData(self, request, times): geoDataRequest = GetGeometryDataRequest() geoDataRequest.setRequestParameters(request) # if we have an iterable times instance, then the user must have asked # for geometry data with the List of DataTime objects # else, we assume it was a single TimeRange that was meant for the # request try: iter(times) geoDataRequest.setRequestedTimes(times) except TypeError: geoDataRequest.setRequestedPeriod(times) response = self._client.sendRequest(geoDataRequest) geometries = [] for wkb in response.getGeometryWKBs(): # the wkb is a numpy.ndarray of dtype int8 # convert the bytearray to a byte string and load it geometries.append(shapely.wkb.loads(wkb.tostring())) retVal = [] for geoDataRecord in response.getGeoData(): geom = geometries[geoDataRecord.getGeometryWKBindex()] retVal.append(PyGeometryData.PyGeometryData(geoDataRecord, geom)) return retVal
[docs] def getAvailableLocationNames(self, request): locNamesRequest = GetAvailableLocationNamesRequest() locNamesRequest.setRequestParameters(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(locNamesRequest) if six.PY2: return response if response is not None: return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in response] return response
[docs] def getAvailableParameters(self, request): paramReq = GetAvailableParametersRequest() paramReq.setRequestParameters(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(paramReq) if six.PY2: return response if response is not None: return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in response] return response
[docs] def getAvailableLevels(self, request): levelReq = GetAvailableLevelsRequest() levelReq.setRequestParameters(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(levelReq) return response
[docs] def getRequiredIdentifiers(self, request): if str(request) == request: # Handle old version getRequiredIdentifiers(str) request = self.newDataRequest(request) idReq = GetRequiredIdentifiersRequest() idReq.setRequest(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(idReq) if six.PY2: return response if response is not None: return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in response] return response
[docs] def getOptionalIdentifiers(self, request): if str(request) == request: # Handle old version getOptionalIdentifiers(str) request = self.newDataRequest(request) idReq = GetOptionalIdentifiersRequest() idReq.setRequest(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(idReq) if six.PY2: return response if response is not None: return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in response] return response
[docs] def getIdentifierValues(self, request, identifierKey): idValReq = GetIdentifierValuesRequest() idValReq.setIdentifierKey(identifierKey) idValReq.setRequestParameters(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(idValReq) if six.PY2: return response if response is not None: return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in response] return response
[docs] def newDataRequest(self, datatype, parameters=[], levels=[], locationNames=[], envelope=None, **kwargs): req = DefaultDataRequest() if datatype: req.setDatatype(datatype) if parameters: req.setParameters(*parameters) if levels: req.setLevels(*levels) if locationNames: req.setLocationNames(*locationNames) if envelope: req.setEnvelope(envelope) if kwargs: # any args leftover are assumed to be identifiers req.identifiers = kwargs return req
[docs] def getSupportedDatatypes(self): response = self._client.sendRequest(GetSupportedDatatypesRequest()) if six.PY2: return response if response is not None: return [x.decode('utf-8') for x in response] return response
[docs] def getNotificationFilter(self, request): notifReq = GetNotificationFilterRequest() notifReq.setRequestParameters(request) response = self._client.sendRequest(notifReq) return response