Workshop Environment

Quick Start

Access your AMS 2021 Python Workshop JupyterHub learning environment at

Longer Explanation

To meet the educational objectives of this workshop, we will be employing Jupyter and JupyterHub computational notebook technologies hosted on the Unidata Science Gateway. Jupyter notebooks enable interactive Python code development supplemented with explanatory text and figures right in your web browser. No special software is necessary. All you need to do as a workshop attendee to access your tutorial workspace is navigate to here and login with your GitHub credentials. (A free GitHub account can be obtain here). Once logged in, Unidata staff have configured your workspace to ensure you have a smooth workshop experience. Your instructors will guide you through the educational Jupyter notebook material.

Saving Your Material After Workshop

The material that will be presented to you during the workshop will be available at workshop website and accompanying repository. The JupyterHub that you will be using for this workshop will only be available until midnight mountain time on Tuesday, January 19. Please save any work you wish to save by that time.


Detailed instructions can be found here to setup a python environment and run notebooks locally on your Windows or Mac.

Troubleshooting and Seeking Help

If you run into problems, you can:


The JupyterHub for this workshop is part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Unidata Science Gateway (under NSF Award 1901712). We thank Andrea Zonca (San Diego Supercomputing Center), Jeremy Fischer (Indiana University), the NSF funded Jetstream team, and the NSF funded XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Service (ECSS) program for assistance with this JupyterHub.