6 #include "ncEnumType.h" 7 #include "ncGroupAtt.h" 96 std::string
bool fullName=
219 NcVar addVar(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& typeName,
const std::string& dimName)
243 NcVar addVar(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& typeName,
const std::vector<std::string>& dimNames)
256 NcVar addVar(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& ncType,
const std::vector<NcDim>& ncDimVector)
297 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
size_t len,
const char** dataValues)
const ;
301 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& dataValues)
const ;
331 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const unsigned char* dataValues)
const ;
334 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const signed char* dataValues)
const ;
337 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const short* dataValues)
const ;
343 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const long* dataValues)
const ;
346 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const float* dataValues)
const ;
349 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const double* dataValues)
const ;
352 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const unsigned short* dataValues)
const ;
355 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const unsigned int* dataValues)
const ;
358 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const unsigned long long* dataValues)
const ;
361 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const long long* dataValues)
const ;
377 NcGroupAtt putAtt(
const std::string& name,
const NcType& type,
size_t len,
const void* dataValues)
const ;
423 NcDim addDim(
const std::string& name,
size_t dimSize)
NcGroupAtt getAtt(const std::string &name, NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the named NcGroupAtt object.
The enumeration list contains the options for selecting groups (used for returned set of NcGroup obje...
Base class inherited by NcOpaque, NcVlen, NcCompound and NcEnum classes.
bool isNull() const
Returns true if this object is null (i.e.
bool operator==(const NcGroup &rhs) const
equivalence operator
Select from set of all children of the current group and beneath.
int getDimCount(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the number of NcDim objects.
NcGroup getParentGroup() const
Gets the parent group.
friend bool operator>(const NcGroup &lhs, const NcGroup &rhs)
comparator operator
bool nullObject
assignment operator
std::multimap< std::string, NcGroup > getGroups(NcGroup::GroupLocation location=ChildrenGrps) const
Gets the collection of NcGroup objects.
Select from contents of current group.
The enumeration list contains the options for selecting groups.
NcGroupAtt putAtt(const std::string &name, size_t len, const char **dataValues) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Select from contents of parents groups.
Select from the set of children in the current group.
NcType getType(const std::string &name, NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the NcType object with a given name.
int getAttCount(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the number of group attributes.
Class represents a netCDF compound type.
int getId() const
Gets the group id.
Class represents a netCDF enum type.
Select from set of parent groups(includes the current group).
NcVlenType addVlenType(const std::string &name, NcType &basetype) const
Adds a new netCDF Vlen type.
std::string getName(bool fullName=false) const
Gets the group name.
Class represents a netCDF VLEN type.
NcEnumType addEnumType(const std::string &name, NcEnumType::ncEnumType basetype) const
Adds a new netCDF enum type.
Class represents a netCDF group.
void getCoordVar(std::string &coordVarName, NcDim &ncDim, NcVar &ncVar, NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the NcDim and NcVar object pair for a named coordinate variable.
int getGroupCount(NcGroup::GroupLocation location=ChildrenGrps) const
Gets the number of NcGroup objects.
Class represents a netCDF group attribute.
List of netCDF types that can be represented.
Select from set of parent groups, current groups and all the children beneath.
NcGroup getGroup(const std::string &name, NcGroup::GroupLocation location=ChildrenGrps) const
Gets the named child NcGroup object.
virtual ~NcGroup()
NcGroup & operator=(const NcGroup &rhs)
assignment operator
NcVar addVar(const std::string &name, const NcType &ncType) const
Adds a new netCDF scalar variable.
std::multimap< std::string, NcDim > getDims(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the collection of NcDim objects.
Select from contents of current, parents and child groups.
Class represents a netCDF dimension.
NcGroup addGroup(const std::string &name) const
Adds a new child netCDF group object.
Select from contents of current and parents groups.
friend bool operator<(const NcGroup &lhs, const NcGroup &rhs)
comparator operator
NcDim getDim(const std::string &name, NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the named NcDim object.
std::multimap< std::string, NcType > getTypes(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the collection of NcType objects.
Select from contents of children groups.
std::multimap< std::string, NcGroupAtt > getAtts(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the collection of NcGroupAtt objects.
bool isRootGroup() const
Returns true if this is the root group, otherwise returns false.
NcDim addDim(const std::string &name, size_t dimSize) const
Adds a new netCDF dimension.
int getVarCount(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the number of NcVar objects in this group.
Select from contents of current and child groups.
std::multimap< std::string, NcVar > getVars(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Get the collection of NcVar objects.
List of NetCDF-4 Enumeration types.
NcVar getVar(const std::string &name, NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the named NcVar object.
Select from set of parent groups (excludes the current group).
NcCompoundType addCompoundType(const std::string &name, size_t size) const
Adds a new netCDF UserDefined type.
Class represents a netCDF opaque type.
int getTypeCount(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets the number of type objects.
Class represents a netCDF variable.
std::map< std::string, NcGroup > getCoordVars(NcGroup::Location location=Current) const
Gets a collection of coordinate variables.
Constructor generates a null object.
NcOpaqueType addOpaqueType(const std::string &name, size_t size) const
Adds a new netCDF Opaque type.
bool operator!=(const NcGroup &rhs) const
!= operator
Select from set of all children of children in the current group.