NetCDF-C++  4.3.1-developer
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcExceptionBase object is thrown if a netCDF exception is encountered
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcAttExistsThrown if attribute exists
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcAttMetaThrown if attribute meta
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadDimThrown if an invalid dimension id or name
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadFieldIdThrown if bad field id
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadGroupIdThrown if bad group id
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadIdThrown if the specified netCDF ID does not refer to an open netCDF dataset
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadNameThrown if attribute or variable name contains illegal characters
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadTypeThrown if not a valid netCDF data type
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcBadTypeIdThrown if bad type id
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcCantCreateThrown if cannot create
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcCantReadThrown if cannot read
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcCantWriteThrown if cannot write
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcCharThrown if attempt to convert between text and numbers
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcDimMetaThrown if dim meta
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcDimSizeThrown if invalid dimension size
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcEdgeThrown if edge+start exceeds dimension bound
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcElateDefThrown if an operation to set the chunking, endianness, fill of a NcVar object is issued after a call to NcVar::getVar or NcVar::putVar has been made
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcEnoGrpThrown if cannot return a netCDF group
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcExistThrown if, having set NC_NOCLOBBER, the specified dataset already exists
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcFileMetaThrown if file meta
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcGlobalThrown if the action is prohibited on the NC_GLOBAL varid
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcHdfErrThrown if an error was reported by the HDF5 layer
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcInDefineModeThrown if operation not allowed in defined mode
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcInvalidArgThrown if not a netCDF id
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcInvalidCoordsIndex exceeds dimension bound
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcInvalidWriteThrown if invalid argument
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcMaxAttsThrown if Nc_MAX_ATTRS is exceeded
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcMaxDimsThrown if NC_MAX_DIMS is exceeded
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcMaxNameThrown if NC_MAX_NAME is exceeded
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcMaxVarsThrown if NC_MAX_VARS is exceeded
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNameInUseThrown if string match to name is in use
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNFileThrown if too many netcdf files are open
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNoCompoundThrown if no compound
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNoMemThrown if memory allocation (malloc) failure
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNoRecVarsThrown if nc_rec op when there are no record vars
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNotAttThrown if attribute is not found
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNotInDefineModeThrown if operation not allowed in data mode
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNotNc4Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNotNCFThrown if not a netCDF file
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNotVarThrown if variable is not found
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNullDimThrown if the requested operation is on a NULL dimension
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNullGrpThrown if the requested operation is on a NULL group
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcNullTypeThrown if the requested operation is on a NULL type
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcRangeThrown if math result not representable
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcStrictNc3Thrown if attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcStrideThrown if illegal stride
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcStsThrown if in FORTRAN, string is too short
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcTruncThrown if file likely truncated or possibly corrupted
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcUnknownNameThrown if cannot find the field id
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcUnlimitThrown if NC_UNLIMITED size is already in use
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcUnlimPosThrown if Nc_UNLIMITED is in the wrong index
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcVarMetaThrown if variable meta
 CnetCDF::exceptions::NcVarSizeThrown if one or more variable sizes violate format constraints
 CnetCDF::NcAttAbstract base class represents inherited by ncVarAtt and ncGroupAtt
 CnetCDF::NcGroupAttClass represents a netCDF group attribute
 CnetCDF::NcVarAttClass represents a netCDF attribute local to a netCDF variable
 CnetCDF::NcDimClass represents a netCDF dimension
 CnetCDF::NcGroupClass represents a netCDF group
 CnetCDF::NcFileClass represents a netCDF root group
 CnetCDF::NcTypeBase class inherited by NcOpaque, NcVlen, NcCompound and NcEnum classes
 CnetCDF::NcByteClass represents a netCDF atomic Byte type
 CnetCDF::NcCharClass represents a netCDF atomic Char type
 CnetCDF::NcCompoundTypeClass represents a netCDF compound type
 CnetCDF::NcDoubleClass represents a netCDF atomic Double type
 CnetCDF::NcEnumTypeClass represents a netCDF enum type
 CnetCDF::NcFloatClass represents a netCDF atomic Float type
 CnetCDF::NcIntClass represents a netCDF atomic Int type
 CnetCDF::NcInt64Class represents a netCDF atomic Int64 type
 CnetCDF::NcOpaqueTypeClass represents a netCDF opaque type
 CnetCDF::NcShortClass represents a netCDF atomic Short type
 CnetCDF::NcStringClass represents a netCDF atomic String type
 CnetCDF::NcUbyteClass represents a netCDF atomic Ubyte type
 CnetCDF::NcUintClass represents a netCDF atomic Uint type
 CnetCDF::NcUint64Class represents a netCDF atomic Uint64 type
 CnetCDF::NcUshortClass represents a netCDF atomic Ushort type
 CnetCDF::NcVlenTypeClass represents a netCDF VLEN type
 CnetCDF::NcVarClass represents a netCDF variable

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Generated on Fri Nov 11 2016 15:28:30 for NetCDF-C++. NetCDF is a Unidata library.