
metpy.calc.angle_to_direction(input_angle, full=False, level=3)#

Convert the meteorological angle to directional text.

Works for angles greater than or equal to 360 (360 -> N | 405 -> NE) and rounds to the nearest angle (355 -> N | 404 -> NNE)

  • input_angle (float or array-like) – Angles such as 0, 25, 45, 360, 410, etc.

  • full (bool) – True returns full text (South), False returns abbreviated text (S)

  • level (int) – Level of detail (3 = N/NNE/NE/ENE/E… 2 = N/NE/E/SE… 1 = N/E/S/W)


direction – The directional text

Examples using metpy.calc.angle_to_direction#

Angle to Direction

Angle to Direction

Angle to Direction