Source code for metpy.interpolate.points

# Copyright (c) 2018 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Interpolate data valid at one set of points to another in multiple dimensions."""

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata, Rbf
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, ConvexHull, Delaunay, qhull

from . import geometry, tools
from ..package_tools import Exporter

exporter = Exporter(globals())

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def cressman_point(sq_dist, values, radius):
    r"""Generate a Cressman interpolation value for a point.

    The calculated value is based on the given distances and search radius.

    sq_dist: (N, ) ndarray
        Squared distance between observations and grid point
    values: (N, ) ndarray
        Observation values in same order as sq_dist
    radius: float
        Maximum distance to search for observations to use for

    value: float
        Interpolation value for grid point.

    weights = tools.cressman_weights(sq_dist, radius)
    total_weights = np.sum(weights)

    return sum(v * (w / total_weights) for (w, v) in zip(weights, values))

def barnes_point(sq_dist, values, kappa, gamma=None):
    r"""Generate a single pass Barnes interpolation value for a point.

    The calculated value is based on the given distances, kappa and gamma values. This
    is calculated as an inverse distance-weighted average of the points in the neighborhood,
    with weights given as:

    .. math:: w = e ^ \frac{-r^2}{\kappa}

    * :math:`\kappa` is a scaling parameter
    * :math:`r` is the distance to a point.

    For more information see [Barnes1964]_ or [Koch1983]_.

    sq_dist: (N, ) ndarray
        Squared distance between observations and grid point
    values: (N, ) ndarray
        Observation values in same order as sq_dist
    kappa: float
        Response parameter for barnes interpolation.
    gamma: float
        Adjustable smoothing parameter for the barnes interpolation. Default 1.

    value: float
        Interpolation value for grid point.

    if gamma is None:
        gamma = 1
    weights = tools.barnes_weights(sq_dist, kappa, gamma)
    total_weights = np.sum(weights)

    return sum(v * (w / total_weights) for (w, v) in zip(weights, values))

def natural_neighbor_point(xp, yp, variable, grid_loc, tri, neighbors, circumcenters):
    r"""Generate a natural neighbor interpolation of the observations to the given point.

    This uses the Liang and Hale approach [Liang2010]_. The interpolation will fail if
    the grid point has no natural neighbors.

    xp: (N, ) ndarray
        x-coordinates of observations
    yp: (N, ) ndarray
        y-coordinates of observations
    variable: (N, ) ndarray
        observation values associated with (xp, yp) pairs.
        IE, variable[i] is a unique observation at (xp[i], yp[i])
    grid_loc: (float, float)
        Coordinates of the grid point at which to calculate the
    tri: `scipy.spatial.Delaunay`
        Delaunay triangulation of the observations.
    neighbors: (N, ) ndarray
        Simplex codes of the grid point's natural neighbors. The codes
        will correspond to codes in the triangulation.
    circumcenters: list
        Pre-calculated triangle circumcenters for quick look ups. Requires
        indices for the list to match the simplices from the Delaunay triangulation.

    value: float
       Interpolated value for the grid location

    edges = geometry.find_local_boundary(tri, neighbors)
    edge_vertices = [segment[0] for segment in geometry.order_edges(edges)]
    num_vertices = len(edge_vertices)

    p1 = edge_vertices[0]
    p2 = edge_vertices[1]

    c1 = geometry.circumcenter(grid_loc, tri.points[p1], tri.points[p2])
    polygon = [c1]

    area_list = []
    total_area = 0.0

    for i in range(num_vertices):

        p3 = edge_vertices[(i + 2) % num_vertices]


            c2 = geometry.circumcenter(grid_loc, tri.points[p3], tri.points[p2])

            for check_tri in neighbors:
                if p2 in tri.simplices[check_tri]:

            pts = [polygon[i] for i in ConvexHull(polygon).vertices]
            value = variable[(tri.points[p2][0] == xp) & (tri.points[p2][1] == yp)]

            cur_area = geometry.area(pts)

            total_area += cur_area

            area_list.append(cur_area * value[0])

        except (ZeroDivisionError, qhull.QhullError) as e:
            message = ('Error during processing of a grid. '
                       'Interpolation will continue but be mindful '
                       f'of errors in output. {e}')

            return np.nan

        polygon = [c2]

        p2 = p3

    return sum(x / total_area for x in area_list)

[docs]@exporter.export def natural_neighbor_to_points(points, values, xi): r"""Generate a natural neighbor interpolation to the given points. This assigns values to the given interpolation points using the Liang and Hale [Liang2010]_. approach. Parameters ---------- points: array_like, shape (n, 2) Coordinates of the data points. values: array_like, shape (n,) Values of the data points. xi: array_like, shape (M, 2) Points to interpolate the data onto. Returns ------- img: (M,) ndarray Array representing the interpolated values for each input point in `xi` See Also -------- natural_neighbor_to_grid """ tri = Delaunay(points) members, circumcenters = geometry.find_natural_neighbors(tri, xi) img = np.empty(shape=(xi.shape[0]), dtype=values.dtype) img.fill(np.nan) for ind, (grid, neighbors) in enumerate(members.items()): if len(neighbors) > 0: points_transposed = np.array(points).transpose() img[ind] = natural_neighbor_point(points_transposed[0], points_transposed[1], values, xi[grid], tri, neighbors, circumcenters) return img
[docs]@exporter.export def inverse_distance_to_points(points, values, xi, r, gamma=None, kappa=None, min_neighbors=3, kind='cressman'): r"""Generate an inverse distance weighting interpolation to the given points. Values are assigned to the given interpolation points based on either [Cressman1959]_ or [Barnes1964]_. The Barnes implementation used here based on [Koch1983]_. Parameters ---------- points: array_like, shape (n, 2) Coordinates of the data points. values: array_like, shape (n,) Values of the data points. xi: array_like, shape (M, 2) Points to interpolate the data onto. r: float Radius from grid center, within which observations are considered and weighted. gamma: float Adjustable smoothing parameter for the barnes interpolation. Default None. kappa: float Response parameter for barnes interpolation. Default None. min_neighbors: int Minimum number of neighbors needed to perform barnes or cressman interpolation for a point. Default is 3. kind: str Specify what inverse distance weighting interpolation to use. Options: 'cressman' or 'barnes'. Default 'cressman' Returns ------- img: (M,) ndarray Array representing the interpolated values for each input point in `xi` See Also -------- inverse_distance_to_grid """ obs_tree = cKDTree(points) indices = obs_tree.query_ball_point(xi, r=r) img = np.empty(shape=(xi.shape[0]), dtype=values.dtype) img.fill(np.nan) for idx, (matches, grid) in enumerate(zip(indices, xi)): if len(matches) >= min_neighbors: x1, y1 =[matches].T values_subset = values[matches] dists = geometry.dist_2(grid[0], grid[1], x1, y1) if kind == 'cressman': img[idx] = cressman_point(dists, values_subset, r) elif kind == 'barnes': img[idx] = barnes_point(dists, values_subset, kappa, gamma) else: raise ValueError(f'{kind} interpolation not supported.') return img
[docs]@exporter.export def interpolate_to_points(points, values, xi, interp_type='linear', minimum_neighbors=3, gamma=0.25, kappa_star=5.052, search_radius=None, rbf_func='linear', rbf_smooth=0): r"""Interpolate unstructured point data to the given points. This function interpolates the given `values` valid at `points` to the points `xi`. This is modeled after `scipy.interpolate.griddata`, but acts as a generalization of it by including the following types of interpolation: - Linear - Nearest Neighbor - Cubic - Radial Basis Function - Natural Neighbor (2D Only) - Barnes (2D Only) - Cressman (2D Only) Parameters ---------- points: array_like, shape (n, D) Coordinates of the data points. values: array_like, shape (n,) Values of the data points. xi: array_like, shape (M, D) Points to interpolate the data onto. interp_type: str What type of interpolation to use. Available options include: 1) "linear", "nearest", "cubic", or "rbf" from `scipy.interpolate`. 2) "natural_neighbor", "barnes", or "cressman" from `metpy.interpolate`. Default "linear". minimum_neighbors: int Minimum number of neighbors needed to perform barnes or cressman interpolation for a point. Default is 3. gamma: float Adjustable smoothing parameter for the barnes interpolation. Default 0.25. kappa_star: float Response parameter for barnes interpolation, specified nondimensionally in terms of the Nyquist. Default 5.052 search_radius: float A search radius to use for the barnes and cressman interpolation schemes. If search_radius is not specified, it will default to the average spacing of observations. rbf_func: str Specifies which function to use for Rbf interpolation. Options include: 'multiquadric', 'inverse', 'gaussian', 'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', and 'thin_plate'. Defualt 'linear'. See `scipy.interpolate.Rbf` for more information. rbf_smooth: float Smoothing value applied to rbf interpolation. Higher values result in more smoothing. Returns ------- values_interpolated: (M,) ndarray Array representing the interpolated values for each input point in `xi`. Notes ----- This function primarily acts as a wrapper for the individual interpolation routines. The individual functions are also available for direct use. See Also -------- interpolate_to_grid """ # If this is a type that `griddata` handles, hand it along to `griddata` if interp_type in ['linear', 'nearest', 'cubic']: return griddata(points, values, xi, method=interp_type) # If this is natural neighbor, hand it along to `natural_neighbor` elif interp_type == 'natural_neighbor': return natural_neighbor_to_points(points, values, xi) # If this is Barnes/Cressman, determine search_radios and hand it along to # `inverse_distance` elif interp_type in ['cressman', 'barnes']: ave_spacing = tools.average_spacing(points) if search_radius is None: search_radius = 5 * ave_spacing if interp_type == 'cressman': return inverse_distance_to_points(points, values, xi, search_radius, min_neighbors=minimum_neighbors, kind=interp_type) else: kappa = tools.calc_kappa(ave_spacing, kappa_star) return inverse_distance_to_points(points, values, xi, search_radius, gamma, kappa, min_neighbors=minimum_neighbors, kind=interp_type) # If this is radial basis function, make the interpolator and apply it elif interp_type == 'rbf': points_transposed = np.array(points).transpose() xi_transposed = np.array(xi).transpose() rbfi = Rbf(points_transposed[0], points_transposed[1], values, function=rbf_func, smooth=rbf_smooth) return rbfi(xi_transposed[0], xi_transposed[1]) else: raise ValueError('Interpolation option not available. ' 'Try: linear, nearest, cubic, natural_neighbor, ' 'barnes, cressman, rbf')