Source code for metpy.calc.cross_sections

# Copyright (c) 2018 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Contains calculations related to cross sections and respective vector components.

Compared to the rest of the calculations which are based around pint quantities, this module
is based around xarray DataArrays.

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .basic import coriolis_parameter
from .tools import first_derivative
from ..package_tools import Exporter
from ..xarray import CFConventionHandler, check_matching_coordinates

exporter = Exporter(globals())

def distances_from_cross_section(cross):
    """Calculate the distances in the x and y directions along a cross-section.

    cross : `xarray.DataArray`
        The input DataArray of a cross-section from which to obtain geometeric distances in
        the x and y directions.

    x, y : tuple of `xarray.DataArray`
        A tuple of the x and y distances as DataArrays

    if (CFConventionHandler.check_axis(cross.metpy.x, 'lon') and
            CFConventionHandler.check_axis(cross.metpy.y, 'lat')):
        # Use pyproj to obtain x and y distances
        from pyproj import Geod

        g = Geod(cross.metpy.cartopy_crs.proj4_init)
        lon = cross.metpy.x
        lat = cross.metpy.y

        forward_az, _, distance = g.inv(lon[0].values * np.ones_like(lon),
                                        lat[0].values * np.ones_like(lat),
        x = distance * np.sin(np.deg2rad(forward_az))
        y = distance * np.cos(np.deg2rad(forward_az))

        # Build into DataArrays
        x = xr.DataArray(x, coords=lon.coords, dims=lon.dims, attrs={'units': 'meters'})
        y = xr.DataArray(y, coords=lat.coords, dims=lat.dims, attrs={'units': 'meters'})

    elif (CFConventionHandler.check_axis(cross.metpy.x, 'x') and
            CFConventionHandler.check_axis(cross.metpy.y, 'y')):

        # Simply return what we have
        x = cross.metpy.x
        y = cross.metpy.y

        raise AttributeError('Sufficient horizontal coordinates not defined.')

    return x, y

def latitude_from_cross_section(cross):
    """Calculate the latitude of points in a cross-section.

    cross : `xarray.DataArray`
        The input DataArray of a cross-section from which to obtain latitudes.

    latitude : `xarray.DataArray`
        Latitude of points

    y = cross.metpy.y
    if CFConventionHandler.check_axis(y, 'lat'):
        return y
        import as ccrs
        latitude = ccrs.Geodetic().transform_points(cross.metpy.cartopy_crs,
                                                    y.values)[..., 1]
        latitude = xr.DataArray(latitude, coords=y.coords, dims=y.dims,
                                attrs={'units': 'degrees_north'})
        return latitude

[docs]@exporter.export def unit_vectors_from_cross_section(cross, index='index'): r"""Calculate the unit tanget and unit normal vectors from a cross-section. Given a path described parametrically by :math:`\vec{l}(i) = (x(i), y(i))`, we can find the unit tangent vector by the formula .. math:: \vec{T}(i) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\left( \frac{dx}{di} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{dy}{di} \right)^2}} \left( \frac{dx}{di}, \frac{dy}{di} \right) From this, because this is a two-dimensional path, the normal vector can be obtained by a simple :math:`\frac{\pi}{2}` rotation. Parameters ---------- cross : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of a cross-section from which to obtain latitudes. index : `str`, optional A string denoting the index coordinate of the cross section, defaults to 'index' as set by `metpy.interpolate.cross_section`. Returns ------- unit_tangent_vector, unit_normal_vector : tuple of `numpy.ndarray` Arrays describing the unit tangent and unit normal vectors (in x,y) for all points along the cross section. """ x, y = distances_from_cross_section(cross) dx_di = first_derivative(x, axis=index).values dy_di = first_derivative(y, axis=index).values tangent_vector_mag = np.hypot(dx_di, dy_di) unit_tangent_vector = np.vstack([dx_di / tangent_vector_mag, dy_di / tangent_vector_mag]) unit_normal_vector = np.vstack([-dy_di / tangent_vector_mag, dx_di / tangent_vector_mag]) return unit_tangent_vector, unit_normal_vector
[docs]@exporter.export @check_matching_coordinates def cross_section_components(data_x, data_y, index='index'): r"""Obtain the tangential and normal components of a cross-section of a vector field. Parameters ---------- data_x : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the x-component (in terms of data projection) of the vector field. data_y : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the y-component (in terms of data projection) of the vector field. Returns ------- component_tangential, component_normal: tuple of `xarray.DataArray` The components of the vector field in the tangential and normal directions, respectively. See Also -------- tangential_component, normal_component Notes ----- The coordinates of `data_x` and `data_y` must match. """ # Get the unit vectors unit_tang, unit_norm = unit_vectors_from_cross_section(data_x, index=index) # Take the dot products component_tang = data_x * unit_tang[0] + data_y * unit_tang[1] component_norm = data_x * unit_norm[0] + data_y * unit_norm[1] # Reattach units (only reliable attribute after operation) component_tang.attrs = {'units': data_x.attrs['units']} component_norm.attrs = {'units': data_x.attrs['units']} return component_tang, component_norm
[docs]@exporter.export @check_matching_coordinates def normal_component(data_x, data_y, index='index'): r"""Obtain the normal component of a cross-section of a vector field. Parameters ---------- data_x : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the x-component (in terms of data projection) of the vector field. data_y : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the y-component (in terms of data projection) of the vector field. Returns ------- component_normal: `xarray.DataArray` The component of the vector field in the normal directions. See Also -------- cross_section_components, tangential_component Notes ----- The coordinates of `data_x` and `data_y` must match. """ # Get the unit vectors _, unit_norm = unit_vectors_from_cross_section(data_x, index=index) # Take the dot products component_norm = data_x * unit_norm[0] + data_y * unit_norm[1] # Reattach units (only reliable attribute after operation) component_norm.attrs = {'units': data_x.attrs['units']} return component_norm
[docs]@exporter.export @check_matching_coordinates def tangential_component(data_x, data_y, index='index'): r"""Obtain the tangential component of a cross-section of a vector field. Parameters ---------- data_x : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the x-component (in terms of data projection) of the vector field. data_y : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the y-component (in terms of data projection) of the vector field. Returns ------- component_tangential: `xarray.DataArray` The component of the vector field in the tangential directions. See Also -------- cross_section_components, normal_component Notes ----- The coordinates of `data_x` and `data_y` must match. """ # Get the unit vectors unit_tang, _ = unit_vectors_from_cross_section(data_x, index=index) # Take the dot products component_tang = data_x * unit_tang[0] + data_y * unit_tang[1] # Reattach units (only reliable attribute after operation) component_tang.attrs = {'units': data_x.attrs['units']} return component_tang
[docs]@exporter.export @check_matching_coordinates def absolute_momentum(u_wind, v_wind, index='index'): r"""Calculate cross-sectional absolute momentum (also called pseudoangular momentum). As given in [Schultz1999]_, absolute momentum (also called pseudoangular momentum) is given by .. math:: M = v + fx where :math:`v` is the along-front component of the wind and :math:`x` is the cross-front distance. Applied to a cross-section taken perpendicular to the front, :math:`v` becomes the normal component of the wind and :math:`x` the tangential distance. If using this calculation in assessing symmetric instability, geostrophic wind should be used so that geostrophic absolute momentum :math:`\left(M_g\right)` is obtained, as described in [Schultz1999]_. Parameters ---------- u_wind : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the x-component (in terms of data projection) of the wind. v_wind : `xarray.DataArray` The input DataArray of the y-component (in terms of data projection) of the wind. Returns ------- absolute_momentum: `xarray.DataArray` The absolute momentum Notes ----- The coordinates of `u_wind` and `v_wind` must match. """ # Get the normal component of the wind norm_wind = normal_component(u_wind, v_wind, index=index) norm_wind.metpy.convert_units('m/s') # Get other pieces of calculation (all as ndarrays matching shape of norm_wind) latitude = latitude_from_cross_section(norm_wind) # in degrees_north _, latitude = xr.broadcast(norm_wind, latitude) f = coriolis_parameter(np.deg2rad(latitude.values)).magnitude # in 1/s x, y = distances_from_cross_section(norm_wind) x.metpy.convert_units('meters') y.metpy.convert_units('meters') _, x, y = xr.broadcast(norm_wind, x, y) distance = np.hypot(x, y).values # in meters m = norm_wind + f * distance m.attrs = {'units': norm_wind.attrs['units']} return m