
class metpy.io.cdm.Dimension(group, name, size=None)[source]

Represent a shared dimension between different Variables.

For instance, variables that are dependent upon a common set of times.

Initialize a Dimension.

Instead of constructing a Dimension directly, you should use Group.createDimension.

  • group (Group) – The parent Group that owns this Variable.
  • name (str) – The name of this Variable.
  • size (int or None, optional) – The size of the Dimension. Defaults to None, which implies an empty dimension.

Methods Summary

__init__(group, name[, size]) Initialize a Dimension.
group() Get the Group that owns this Dimension.

Methods Documentation

__init__(group, name, size=None)[source]

Initialize a Dimension.

Instead of constructing a Dimension directly, you should use Group.createDimension.

  • group (Group) – The parent Group that owns this Variable.
  • name (str) – The name of this Variable.
  • size (int or None, optional) – The size of the Dimension. Defaults to None, which implies an empty dimension.

Get the Group that owns this Dimension.

Returns:Group – The parent Group.