Source code for metpy.interpolate.points

# Copyright (c) 2018 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Interpolate data valid at one set of points to another in multiple dimensions."""

from __future__ import division

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata, Rbf
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, ConvexHull, Delaunay, qhull
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from . import geometry, tools
from ..package_tools import Exporter

exporter = Exporter(globals())

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def cressman_point(sq_dist, values, radius):
    r"""Generate a Cressman interpolation value for a point.

    The calculated value is based on the given distances and search radius.

    sq_dist: (N, ) ndarray
        Squared distance between observations and grid point
    values: (N, ) ndarray
        Observation values in same order as sq_dist
    radius: float
        Maximum distance to search for observations to use for

    value: float
        Interpolation value for grid point.

    weights = tools.cressman_weights(sq_dist, radius)
    total_weights = np.sum(weights)

    return sum(v * (w / total_weights) for (w, v) in zip(weights, values))

def barnes_point(sq_dist, values, kappa, gamma=None):
    r"""Generate a single pass barnes interpolation value for a point.

    The calculated value is based on the given distances, kappa and gamma values.

    sq_dist: (N, ) ndarray
        Squared distance between observations and grid point
    values: (N, ) ndarray
        Observation values in same order as sq_dist
    kappa: float
        Response parameter for barnes interpolation.
    gamma: float
        Adjustable smoothing parameter for the barnes interpolation. Default 1.

    value: float
        Interpolation value for grid point.

    if gamma is None:
        gamma = 1
    weights = tools.barnes_weights(sq_dist, kappa, gamma)
    total_weights = np.sum(weights)

    return sum(v * (w / total_weights) for (w, v) in zip(weights, values))

def natural_neighbor_point(xp, yp, variable, grid_loc, tri, neighbors, triangle_info):
    r"""Generate a natural neighbor interpolation of the observations to the given point.

    This uses the Liang and Hale approach [Liang2010]_. The interpolation will fail if
    the grid point has no natural neighbors.

    xp: (N, ) ndarray
        x-coordinates of observations
    yp: (N, ) ndarray
        y-coordinates of observations
    variable: (N, ) ndarray
        observation values associated with (xp, yp) pairs.
        IE, variable[i] is a unique observation at (xp[i], yp[i])
    grid_loc: (float, float)
        Coordinates of the grid point at which to calculate the
    tri: object
        Delaunay triangulation of the observations.
    neighbors: (N, ) ndarray
        Simplex codes of the grid point's natural neighbors. The codes
        will correspond to codes in the triangulation.
    triangle_info: dictionary
        Pre-calculated triangle attributes for quick look ups. Requires
        items 'cc' (circumcenters) and 'r' (radii) to be associated with
        each simplex code key from the delaunay triangulation.

    value: float
       Interpolated value for the grid location

    edges = geometry.find_local_boundary(tri, neighbors)
    edge_vertices = [segment[0] for segment in geometry.order_edges(edges)]
    num_vertices = len(edge_vertices)

    p1 = edge_vertices[0]
    p2 = edge_vertices[1]

    c1 = geometry.circumcenter(grid_loc, tri.points[p1], tri.points[p2])
    polygon = [c1]

    area_list = []
    total_area = 0.0

    for i in range(num_vertices):

        p3 = edge_vertices[(i + 2) % num_vertices]


            c2 = geometry.circumcenter(grid_loc, tri.points[p3], tri.points[p2])

            for check_tri in neighbors:
                if p2 in tri.simplices[check_tri]:

            pts = [polygon[i] for i in ConvexHull(polygon).vertices]
            value = variable[(tri.points[p2][0] == xp) & (tri.points[p2][1] == yp)]

            cur_area = geometry.area(pts)

            total_area += cur_area

            area_list.append(cur_area * value[0])

        except (ZeroDivisionError, qhull.QhullError) as e:
            message = ('Error during processing of a grid. '
                       'Interpolation will continue but be mindful '
                       'of errors in output. ') + str(e)

            return np.nan

        polygon = [c2]

        p2 = p3

    return sum(x / total_area for x in area_list)

[docs]@exporter.export def natural_neighbor_to_points(points, values, xi): r"""Generate a natural neighbor interpolation to the given points. This assigns values to the given interpolation points using the Liang and Hale [Liang2010]_. approach. Parameters ---------- points: array_like, shape (n, 2) Coordinates of the data points. values: array_like, shape (n,) Values of the data points. xi: array_like, shape (M, 2) Points to interpolate the data onto. Returns ------- img: (M,) ndarray Array representing the interpolated values for each input point in `xi` See Also -------- natural_neighbor_to_grid """ tri = Delaunay(points) members, triangle_info = geometry.find_natural_neighbors(tri, xi) img = np.empty(shape=(xi.shape[0]), dtype=values.dtype) img.fill(np.nan) for ind, (grid, neighbors) in enumerate(members.items()): if len(neighbors) > 0: points_transposed = np.array(points).transpose() img[ind] = natural_neighbor_point(points_transposed[0], points_transposed[1], values, xi[grid], tri, neighbors, triangle_info) return img
[docs]@exporter.export def inverse_distance_to_points(points, values, xi, r, gamma=None, kappa=None, min_neighbors=3, kind='cressman'): r"""Generate an inverse distance weighting interpolation to the given points. Values are assigned to the given interpolation points based on either [Cressman1959]_ or [Barnes1964]_. The Barnes implementation used here based on [Koch1983]_. Parameters ---------- points: array_like, shape (n, 2) Coordinates of the data points. values: array_like, shape (n,) Values of the data points. xi: array_like, shape (M, 2) Points to interpolate the data onto. r: float Radius from grid center, within which observations are considered and weighted. gamma: float Adjustable smoothing parameter for the barnes interpolation. Default None. kappa: float Response parameter for barnes interpolation. Default None. min_neighbors: int Minimum number of neighbors needed to perform barnes or cressman interpolation for a point. Default is 3. kind: str Specify what inverse distance weighting interpolation to use. Options: 'cressman' or 'barnes'. Default 'cressman' Returns ------- img: (M,) ndarray Array representing the interpolated values for each input point in `xi` See Also -------- inverse_distance_to_grid """ obs_tree = cKDTree(points) indices = obs_tree.query_ball_point(xi, r=r) img = np.empty(shape=(xi.shape[0]), dtype=values.dtype) img.fill(np.nan) for idx, (matches, grid) in enumerate(zip(indices, xi)): if len(matches) >= min_neighbors: x1, y1 =[matches].T values_subset = values[matches] dists = geometry.dist_2(grid[0], grid[1], x1, y1) if kind == 'cressman': img[idx] = cressman_point(dists, values_subset, r) elif kind == 'barnes': img[idx] = barnes_point(dists, values_subset, kappa, gamma) else: raise ValueError(str(kind) + ' interpolation not supported.') return img
[docs]@exporter.export def interpolate_to_points(points, values, xi, interp_type='linear', minimum_neighbors=3, gamma=0.25, kappa_star=5.052, search_radius=None, rbf_func='linear', rbf_smooth=0): r"""Interpolate unstructured point data to the given points. This function interpolates the given `values` valid at `points` to the points `xi`. This is modeled after `scipy.interpolate.griddata`, but acts as a generalization of it by including the following types of interpolation: - Linear - Nearest Neighbor - Cubic - Radial Basis Function - Natural Neighbor (2D Only) - Barnes (2D Only) - Cressman (2D Only) Parameters ---------- points: array_like, shape (n, D) Coordinates of the data points. values: array_like, shape (n,) Values of the data points. xi: array_like, shape (M, D) Points to interpolate the data onto. interp_type: str What type of interpolation to use. Available options include: 1) "linear", "nearest", "cubic", or "rbf" from `scipy.interpolate`. 2) "natural_neighbor", "barnes", or "cressman" from `metpy.interpolate`. Default "linear". minimum_neighbors: int Minimum number of neighbors needed to perform barnes or cressman interpolation for a point. Default is 3. gamma: float Adjustable smoothing parameter for the barnes interpolation. Default 0.25. kappa_star: float Response parameter for barnes interpolation, specified nondimensionally in terms of the Nyquist. Default 5.052 search_radius: float A search radius to use for the barnes and cressman interpolation schemes. If search_radius is not specified, it will default to the average spacing of observations. rbf_func: str Specifies which function to use for Rbf interpolation. Options include: 'multiquadric', 'inverse', 'gaussian', 'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', and 'thin_plate'. Defualt 'linear'. See `scipy.interpolate.Rbf` for more information. rbf_smooth: float Smoothing value applied to rbf interpolation. Higher values result in more smoothing. Returns ------- values_interpolated: (M,) ndarray Array representing the interpolated values for each input point in `xi`. Notes ----- This function primarily acts as a wrapper for the individual interpolation routines. The individual functions are also available for direct use. See Also -------- interpolate_to_grid """ # If this is a type that `griddata` handles, hand it along to `griddata` if interp_type in ['linear', 'nearest', 'cubic']: return griddata(points, values, xi, method=interp_type) # If this is natural neighbor, hand it along to `natural_neighbor` elif interp_type == 'natural_neighbor': return natural_neighbor_to_points(points, values, xi) # If this is Barnes/Cressman, determine search_radios and hand it along to # `inverse_distance` elif interp_type in ['cressman', 'barnes']: ave_spacing = cdist(points, points).mean() if search_radius is None: search_radius = ave_spacing if interp_type == 'cressman': return inverse_distance_to_points(points, values, xi, search_radius, min_neighbors=minimum_neighbors, kind=interp_type) else: kappa = tools.calc_kappa(ave_spacing, kappa_star) return inverse_distance_to_points(points, values, xi, search_radius, gamma, kappa, min_neighbors=minimum_neighbors, kind=interp_type) # If this is radial basis function, make the interpolator and apply it elif interp_type == 'rbf': points_transposed = np.array(points).transpose() xi_transposed = np.array(xi).transpose() rbfi = Rbf(points_transposed[0], points_transposed[1], values, function=rbf_func, smooth=rbf_smooth) return rbfi(xi_transposed[0], xi_transposed[1]) else: raise ValueError('Interpolation option not available. ' 'Try: linear, nearest, cubic, natural_neighbor, ' 'barnes, cressman, rbf')