GEMPAK Online Tutorial

Additional Exercises

Isentropic Analysis

Isentropic ananlyses allow you to view vertical motion along a theta surface (dry adiabats) to asses vertical motion, and combined with relative humidity, may indicate convection or potential for convection.

First you must create a new grid file with gdcfil called thta.gem

GDOUTF   = thta.gem
PROJ     = 
KXKY     =  
MAXGRD   = 200
CPYFIL   = $MODEL/gfs/2012110312_gfs212.gem
ANLYSS   =  

Next, interpolate the vertical levels from pressure to isentropic coordinates THTA with gdvint:

GDFILE   = $MODEL/gfs/2012110312_gfs212.gem
GDOUTF   = thta.gem
GDATTIM  = f018
GVCORD   = pres/thta
GLEVEL   = 280-320-10
MAXGRD   = 200
GAREA    = us
VCOORD   = pres

Finally, plot variables on the 280 K theta surface with gdplot2:

GDFILE   = thta.gem
GDATTIM  = f018
GLEVEL   = 290          
GVCORD   = thta
PANEL    = 0
SKIP     =  
SCALE    = 0        
GDPFUN   = relh         ! pres          ! wnd
TYPE     = f            ! c             ! B
CONTUR   = 1
CINT     =              ! 50            
LINE     =              ! 5//3
FINT     = 10/50/90
FLINE    = 0;21-25-1
HILO     =  
HLSYM    =  
CLRBAR   = 1/V/ll
WIND     =              !               ! bk31/0.4
REFVEC   = 10
TITLE    = 1/-1         ! 1/-2          ! 1/-3
TEXT     = 0.65/2//hw
CLEAR    = n
GAREA    = us
IJSKIP   = 0            !               ! 3
PROJ     = str/90;-100;0
MAP      = 1
MSCALE   =  
LATLON   = 0
DEVICE   = xw
STNPLT   =  
SATFIL   =  
RADFIL   =  
IMCBAR   =  
STREAM   =  
POSN     =  
COLORS   =  
MARKER   =  
GRDLBL   =  
FILTER   = no


GEMPAK Online Tutorial