GEMPAK Manual |
SFSTNS modifies the station information in a surface file.
SFFILE Surface data file
STNFIL Station information file
ADDSTN Add station flag
SFSTNS updates the station information in a GEMPAK surface
file. The station information includes the character station
identifier, STID, the station number, STNM, the latitude,
SLAT, the longitude, SLON, the elevation, SELV, the state,
STAT, and the country, COUN.
This information must be stored in a fixed format in the table
file specified in STNFIL. See the default table for an example
of the required format. Station names may be included, but are
not used. The current default GEMPAK surface station table
for US, Canadian and Mexican stations is SFSTNS.TBL.
ADDSTN is a logical parameter that indicates whether stations
which are in the table file but not already in the surface file
will also be added to the surface file, provided there is room
for them. To create a surface data file with enough room to
allow for stations to be added, run the program SFCFIL. Set
the second parameter for TIMSTN to be large enough to hold the
number of stations to be added to the surface file.
IDNTYP governs whether station numbers, STNM, or character
identifiers, STID, will be used to identify stations in the
1. Update surface file called SURF.DAT with station
information from MYSTN.DAT, adding stations that are not
already in the surface file.
SFFILE = surf.dat
STNFIL = mystn.dat
ADDSTN = yes
IDNTYP = stid
[SFSTNS +1] WARNING! No stations were updated.
[SFSTNS -1] Fatal error initializing TAE.
[SFSTNS -2] Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
[SFSTNS -3] Invalid input for IDNTYP; must be STID or STNM.
[SFSTNS -4] STNFIL ... cannot be opened.