GEMPAK Manual | Programs

NEXR2RHI displays NEXRAD level II vertical cross sections.

    CXSTNS    Cross-section station line
    GVCORD    Grid vertical coordinate
    PTYPE     Plot type/h:w ratio/margins
    YAXIS     Ystrt/ystop/yinc/lbl;gln;tck
    CINT      Contour interval/min/max
    SCALE     Scalar scale / vector scale
    LINE      Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr
    BORDER    Background color/type/width
    TITLE     Title color/line/title
    CLEAR     Clear screen flag
    DEVICE    Device|name|x size;y size|color type
    TEXT      Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw flg
    PANEL     Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn
    CLRBAR    Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq|text_info
    CONTUR    Subbox/smooth
    FINT      Fill interval/min/max
    FLINE     Fill colors/fill types
    CTYPE     Contour type:  C/F
    RADFIL    Radar image filename(s)
    RADTIM    Radar composite current/dattim
    RADPARM   Radar parameter (dz, vr, sw)
    INTERP    Interpolation flag

   NEXR2RHI displays NEXRAD Level II vertical cross sections for
   data in ARCHIVE2 format. This program is adopted from GDCROSS to
   create a volume rendering of NEXRAD data along a specified

   RADFIL specifies the input Level II file. A template may be
   specified, with an optional site name (eg NEXRII|KDDC).
   If a site name is provided, it will be used to replace the %SITE%
   alias in the template name. The NEXRII template is provided
   for ARCHIVE2 format files.

   RADPARM is the Radar parameter to be displayed. Valid values are
   dz (reflectivity), vr (radial velocity), sw (spectrum width).

   RADTIM is a valid GEMPAK date/time string or abbreviation. A time
   range may be specified.

   INTERP is a logical variable which determines whether interpolation
   between sweeps will occur.

   CXSTNS is the cross section axis (as in GDCROSS). A grid coordinate
   can be used with row and colums 1 to 920.

   GVCORD is the vertical coordinate of the radar data (always HGHT).

   PTYPE is the plot type. A value of "LIN" is generally the only
   useful setting.

   Other parameters as in GDCROSS.

    1. Display an East-West RHI which passes through the radar location
    for reflectivity data from KLVX. Display the RHI from 0 to 20KM
    using color filled contours. Use a contour interval of 4 dBZ
    with a minimum value of -12 dBZ. Grid point 460;460 is the radar center.
    Interpolate contours between beam scans.

    CXSTNS   = @1;460>@920;460
    GVCORD   = hght
    PTYPE    = lin
    YAXIS    = 0/20000
    CINT     = 0
    SCALE    = 0
    LINE     = 1
    BORDER   = 1
    TITLE    = 1/-2/RHI Base Reflectivity Level II ^
    CLEAR    = YES
    DEVICE   = xw
    TEXT     = .8/1/1/111/hw
    PANEL    = 0
    CLRBAR   = 1
    CONTUR   = 3/2
    FINT     = 4
    FLINE    = 0;30-7
    CTYPE    = f
    RADPARM  = dz
    RADTIM   = last
    INTERP   = y

    2. Display a cross section of radial velocity from 38.6N;86.8W to
    37.4N;84.8W. Plot filled contours at 4 m/s intervals. Display data
    from 0 to 20km. Allow interpolation between beam scans. Use
    line countours, with negative values contoured by a dotted line,
    positive values contoured with a solid line.

    CXSTNS   = 38.6;-86.8>37.4;-84.8
    GVCORD   = hght
    PTYPE    = lin
    YAXIS    = 0/20000
    CINT     = 4
    SCALE    = 0
    LINE     = 5/-10
    BORDER   = 1
    TITLE    = 1/-2/RHI Radial Velocity Level II ^
    CLEAR    = YES
    DEVICE   = xw
    TEXT     = .8/1/1/111/hw
    PANEL    = 0
    CLRBAR   =
    CONTUR   = 3/2
    FINT     =
    FLINE    =
    CTYPE    = c
    RADPARM  = vr
    RADTIM   = last
    INTERP   = y

    [NEXR2RHI  -1]  Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [NEXR2RHI  -2]  Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [NEXR2RHI  -3]  Fatal error initializing GEMPLT.