GEMPAK Manual | Programs

GPTPC generates four hurricane graphics for the TPC.  They are:

	(1)  Wind swath plot
	(2)  Strike probability plot (Atlantic storms only)
	(3)  Wind intensity graph
	(4)  Wind speed table

    STRMID    Storm id/Adv num/Device/Num fcst days/Text/Track/Sz1;Sz2/Lt1;Lt2/L
    GPTPC will plot up to four graphics for each tropical system
    specified.  The system(s) to be plotted may be specified in one
    of two ways:

	1) A storm identifier and advisory number may be explicitly
	   specified using the STRMID parameter.

	2) Storm identifiers and advisory numbers may be gotten by
	   checking the storm history file against the contents of
	   the storm advisory directory.  Only the latest advisory
	   for each storm in the directory (which is not found in the
	   history file) will be processed.  This method of running is
	   specified by leaving the storm id and/or advisory number
	   blank in the STRMID parameter, and is the default mode.
	   See the help for STRMID for further details.

    The wind swath plot shows the cumulative radius of the 34 knot
    (tropical storm force) and the 64 knot (hurricane force) winds
    over the life of the storm.

    The strike probability plot displays contours of the strike
    probability percentage using ranges of 10 to 19 percent, 20 to
    49 percent, 50 to 99 percent, and 100 percent.

    The wind intensity graph shows maximum one-minute wind speed
    forecast and probabilities in miles per hour vs. forecast time,
    out to 72 hours.  Category information is also displayed.

    The wind speed table shows the wind speed forecast expressed as a
    percentage probability of reaching a given strength and category,
    out to 72 hours.

    The program can generate XW, GIF, or PostScript files, depending
    on the value of the third field of the STRMID parameter.  The
    default is GIF files.  See the help for STRMID for further details.
    (GPTPC does not use the fourth or fifth fields of the STRMID

    1.  Use the history file to determine which new advisories are to
	be plotted.  GIF files will be created.


    2.  Plot the graphics for advisory number 8 of storm al892001.
        Display the graphics in XW only, prompting the user to select
	which plots will be displayed and when to move on to the next

	STRMID	 =  al892001/8/test

    3.  Plot the graphics for advisory number 1 of storm al882001.
	Each of the four graphics will be displayed in its own XW
	window (the windows are tiled and may be raised as desired).
	Processing is automatic.

	STRMID	 =  al882001/1/xw

    4.  Plot the graphics for advisory number 20 of storm ep1900 (which
	could also have been specified as ep192000).  GIF files will be

	STRMID   =  ep1900/20/gf

    [GPTPC  2]   Cannot change ... in color table.
    [GPTPC  1]     No new storms to process.
    [GPTPC  -1]     Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GPTPC  -2]     Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [GPTPC  -3]     Error in reading advisory.
    [GPTPC  -4]     Error in reading strike probability grid.
    [GPTPC  -5]     Error in opening history file.
    [GPTPC  -6]     No advisories found in directory.
    [GPTPC  -9]     Error in contour fill.
    [GPTPC -10]     Error in coordinates for wind intensity plot.
    [GPTPC -11]     Error in opening intensity probability table.
    [GPTPC -12]     Error in opening file name table.
    [GPTPC -13]     Could not retrieve local date/time.