GEMPAK Manual | Programs

GPMAP draws a map, latitude/longitude lines, and various image and
graphic products.

    MAP       Map color/dash/width/filter flag
    MSCALE    fgc;bgc;mask/units/lat;hide/values/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq|text_info|t
    GAREA     Graphics area
    PROJ      Map projection/angles/margins|drop flag
    SATFIL    Satellite image filename(s)
    RADFIL    Radar image filename(s)
    IMCBAR    Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq
    LATLON    Line color/dash/width/freq/inc/label/format
    PANEL     Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn
    TITLE     Title color/line/title
    TEXT      Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw flg
    CLEAR     Clear screen flag
    DEVICE    Device|name|x size;y size|color type
    LUTFIL    Enhancement lookup table filename
    STNPLT    Txtc/txt attr|marker attr|stnfil#col
    VGFILE    Vgfile | scale file | attribute file | filter
    AFOSFL    AFOS Graphics File
    AWPSFL    AWIPS Graphics File
    LINE      Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr/scflg
    WATCH     End time|Wtch clrs|Wtch Tm;Status Ln Tm|Watch Num;
    WARN      End time|TS;TN;FF clrs|Tm|Lb|Outline|Poly
    HRCN      End time|colors|syms|Tm|Lb|Mt|Qw|F12|F24|F36|F48|F72|F96|F120|Name
    ISIG      End time|colors|Sym|Tm|Id|Mv|Fl
    LTNG      End time|time ints/colors|markers
    ATCF      Time|colors|models|Tm|Id|Mv|Mkr|Name
    AIRM      Airmet Plotting Attributes
    GAIRM     GAirmet Plotting Attributes
    NCON      NCON attributes
    CSIG      End time|0_Hr;1_Hr;2_Hr;OL clrs|Seq0|Tm|Mv|Fl|Insty|Seq1|Seq2
    SVRL      End time|SVRL clrs|Tm|Lb|Outline|Clr
    BND       Bnd name/color/fillsiz/fillpat/filt/minpts!lincol/linpat/linwid!mr
    TCMG      End time|colors|center
    QSCT      QuickScat Plotting Attributes
    WSTM      End time|WN;WT;AD clrs|Tm|Lb|Outline/WN;WT;AD lwidth
    WOU       End time|Mrkr and Otln clrs|Tm|Lb|Wt|Clr|Mrkr|Otln|Fill/Fill clrs|
    WCN       End time|Mrkr and Otln clrs|Tm|Lb|Wt|Clr|Mrkr|Otln|Fill/Fill clrs|
    WCP       End time|Wtch clrs|Tm|Lb|Clr
    ENCY      Time|colors|models|Tm|Prs|Mkr|Ccd;wlevs|Fcst_Hour
    FFA       End time|FF;FA clrs|Tm|Lb|Ic|Outline/FF;FA lwidth
    WSAT      WindSAT Plotting Attributes
    ASCT      AScat Plotting Attributes
    OSCT      OScat Plotting Attributes
    TRAK      Altimetric Satellite Ground Track Prediction Plotting Attributes
    SGWH      Significant Wave Heights Plotting Attributes
    ASDI      End time|Mode|DepArr|time increment/clrs or ht range/clrs|time lmt
    EDR       End time|ht ranges/clrs|time lmt|Edr ranges/clrs|symb1/symb2|aoa18
    WSPDALT   Altimeter-derived Windspeed Plotting Attributes
    GPMAP draws a map and/or latitude/longitude lines for a specified
    graphics area.  Plots may be drawn in any GEMPAK projection and
    may be overlaid on images.  GPMAP also post-processes NMAP
    Vector Graphics Files (VGFs) to create products in any format
    supported by GEMPAK device drivers.  In addition, GPMAP displays
    various types of graphics products including AWIPS, AFOS, watches,
    warnings, tropical or hurricane storm tracks, international
    SIGMETs, lightning, ATCF tracks, airmets, non-convective
    sigmets, severe local storm watches, winter storm warning,
    watch and advisory, convective sigmets, and ensemble cyclone tracks.

    Images are animated if more than one image file is specified in
    SATFIL or RADFIL.  Images are sampled to correspond to the
    geographic area specified by GAREA.  The geographic area may be
    defined graphically by setting GAREA using the CURSOR command.
    This command allows for interactive zooming of images and the
    corresponding map and latitude/longitude plots.

    GPMAP can post-process NMAP VGFs to create products in different
    formats including AFOS, AWIPS Redbook, GIF, TIFF, 6 bit FAX, and
    PostScript.  The VGFILE variable specifies the input VGF and the
    DEVICE variable specifies the desired output format.  VGF object
    attributes may be modified when creating products by specifying
    a table (attribute file) in the VGFILE variable.  This table uses
    the same format as the $GEMTBL/pgen/setting.tbl to alter object
    attributes.  For example, the color, width, and smoothing flag
    attributes can be changed for a solid line by setting them in the
    attribute file.  The table, $GEMTBL/pgen/uattribd.tbl, provides a
    template for this capability.  Refer to this table for additional
    details.  GPMAP can also scale attributes for an entire class of
    objects by specifying a table (scale file) in the VGFILE
    variable.  Refer to the scale.fax table in $GEMTBL/pgen for
    additional information.

    GPMAP can also plot the current thunderstorm and tornado watches.
    The parameter WATCH sets the ending time and the colors for
    plotting the watches.  The parameter WARN sets the ending time
    and the colors for plotting warnings.  The parameter WSTM sets the
    ending time and the colors for plotting winter storm warning, watch,
    and advisory. The parameter FFA sets the ending time and the colors
    for plotting flash flood and areal flood watches. The parameter CSIG
    sets the ending time and the colors for plotting convective sigmets.
    The parameter HRCN sets the ending time and the colors for plotting
    tropical depressions, storms, and hurricane positions.  Optionally,
    a specific storm name may be entered to display only that specific
    tropical disturbance. The parameter ISIG sets the ending time and
    the colors for plotting international SIGMETs.  The parameter LTNG
    sets the ending time, time increments, colors and markers for
    plotting lightning data. The parameter ATCF sets the time, models
    and colors for plotting ATCF (Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast)
    tracks.  As with HRCN, a specific storm name may be entered.  The
    parameter AIRM sets the ending time and the colors for plotting
    airmets.  The parameter NCON sets the ending time and the colors for
    plotting non-convective sigmets.  The parameter SVRL sets the ending
    time and the colors for plotting severe local storms watches. The
    parameter WOU sets the ending time and the colors for plotting the
    watch outline update (WOU). The parameter WCN sets the ending time
    and the colors for plotting the watch county notification(WCN).  The
    parameter WCP sets the ending time and the colors for plotting the
    watch corner product.  The parameter ENCY sets the initial time,
    colors, model names, and date/time, pressure and marker flags for
    plotting of the ensemble cyclone tracks.

    GPMAP can also plot QuikScat and ASCAT ocean vector wind data.
    The parameter QSCT sets the type of QuikScat data (QSCT, QSCT_HI,
    and four possible ambiguities, AMBG1, AMBG2, AMBG3, and AMBG4).
    This parameter also sets the ending time, windspeed increments,
    colors for plotting, wind barb/arrow attributes, timestamp
    attributes and various plotting-related flags. The parameter ASCT
    does the same for the ASCAT winds (ASCT, ASCT_HI, and the four
    ambiguities: AAMBG1, AAMBG2, AAMBG1_HI, AAMBG2_HI).  The parameter
    OSCT does the same for the OSCAT winds (OSCT, OSCT_HI, and the four
    ambiguities: OAMBG1_HI, OAMBG2_HI, OAMBG3_HI, OAMBG4_HI).

    GPMAP can also plot altimeter-derived wind speeds. The parameter
    WSPDALT sets the source of the wind speeds: WSPDA (Altika),
    WSPDC (Cryosat), and WSPD2 (Jason-2); the ending time of the wind
    speed data, as well as the wind speed increments, color for each
    increment, skip value, time stamp interval, and time stamp color.

    1.  Draw a Polar Stereographic map of the Northern Hemisphere.
	Draw the map in color 1 and lat/lon lines in color 2 every
	15 degrees.

	MAP	 =  1
	GAREA	 =  -10;-130;-10;50
	PROJ	 =  str/90;-80;0
	LATLON	 =  2/10/1/1/15;15
	PANEL	 =  0
	TITLE	 =  1
	TEXT	 =  1
	CLEAR	 =  yes
	DEVICE	 =  xw
	LINE	 =
	WATCH    =
	WARN     =
	HRCN     =
	ISIG     =
	LTNG     =
	ATCF     =
	AIRM     =
	NCON     =
	CSIG     =
	SVRL     =
	WSTM	 =
	WOU      =
	WCN      =
	WCP      =
        ENCY     =
        FFA      =
        WSAT     =
        ASCT     =
        OSCT     =
        TRAK     =
        SGWH     =
        ASDI     =
        EDR      =
        WSPDALT  =

    2.  Display two infrared satellite images in a second window
	named "IR".  Overlay the VGF test.vgf.  In addition, display
	the latest watches, warnings, international SIGMETs, lightning,
	ATCF tracks, airmets and non-convective and convective sigmets,
	SLS watches, winter storm messages, and all tropical

	MAP	 =  1/7
	GAREA	 =  dset
	PROJ	 =  sat
	SATFIL	 =  $GEMDATA/IR_910819_\18\01;19
	IMCBAR   =  1/V/LL/0.001;0.04/0.925;0.0125/1
	LATLON	 =  2/10/1/1/10;10
	PANEL	 =  0
	TITLE	 =  1
	TEXT	 =  1
	CLEAR	 =  yes
	DEVICE	 =  xw|IR
	VGFILE	 =  test.vgf
        AWPSFL   =
	LINE	 =
        WATCH    =  last
	WARN     =  last
	HRCN     =  all
	ISIG     =  last
	LTNG     =  last
	ATCF     =  last
	AIRM     =  last
	NCON     =  last
	CSIG     =  last
	SVRL     =  last
	WSTM	 =  last
	WOU      =
	WCN 	 =
	WCP 	 =
        ENCY     =
        FFA      =
        WSAT     =
        ASCT     =
        OSCT     =
        TRAK     =
        SGWH     =
        ASDI     =
        EDR      =
        WSPDALT  =

    3.  Display two visible satellite images in a third window
	named "VIS".  Overlay the AFOS test product T01 in
	color 6 with line width 2.

	MAP	 =  1/7
	GAREA	 =  dset
	PROJ	 =  sat
	SATFIL	 =  $GEMDATA/VIS_910819_\18\01;19
	IMCBAR   =  1/V/LL/0.001;0.04/0.925;0.0125/1
	LATLON	 =  2/10/1/1/10;10
	PANEL	 =  0
	TITLE	 =  1
	TEXT	 =  1
	CLEAR	 =  yes
	DEVICE	 =  xw|VIS
        AWPSFL   =
	LINE	 =  6//2
        WATCH    =
	WARN     =
	HRCN     =
	ISIG     =
	LTNG     =
	ATCF     =
	AIRM     =
	NCON     =
	CSIG     =
	SVRL     =
	WSTM	 =
 	WOU      =
	WCN      =
	WCP 	 =
        ENCY     =
        FFA      =
        WSAT     =
        ASCT     =
        OSCT     =
        TRAK     =
        SGWH     =
        ASDI     =
        EDR      =
        WSPDALT  =

    4.  Postprocess an NMAP VGF to create an AWIPS Redbook Graphics file.
	Change selected object attributes by using the table attrib.xmp

	MAP	 =  1
	GAREA    =  us
	PROJ     =
	LATLON   =  1
	PANEL    =  0
	TITLE    =  1
	TEXT     =  1
	CLEAR    =  y
	LUTFIL   =  grey
	VGFILE   =  symbols_big.vgf||attrib.xmp
	LINE     =  3
	WATCH    =
	WARN     =
	HRCN     =
	ISIG     =
	LTNG     =
	ATCF     =
	AIRM     =
	NCON     =
	CSIG     =
	SVRL     =
	WSTM	 =
	WOU	 =
	WCN      =
	WCP 	 =
        ENCY     =
        FFA      =
        WSAT     =
        ASCT     =
        OSCT     =
        TRAK     =
        SGWH     =
        ASDI     =
        EDR      =
        WSPDALT  =


	attrib.xmp contains:

CLASS_SYMBOLS  -99        -99    3   3     0    2.0
CLASS_SYMBOLS  SPSYM_ELM   12    0   0     0    5.0

    which means set all symbols to GEMPAK color 3
    and size 2.0 except for symbol type SPSYM_ELM,
    sub-type 12 (High symbol) which will retain
    default color and be size 5.

    [GPMAP  -1]     Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GPMAP  -2]     Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [GPMAP  -3]     Fatal error initializing GEMPLT.