GEMPAK Manual | Programs

GDCNTR draws contour lines through a scalar grid.

    GDATTIM   Grid date/time
    GLEVEL    Grid level
    GVCORD    Grid vertical coordinate
    GFUNC     Scalar grid
    GDFILE    Grid file
    CINT      Contour interval/min/max
    LINE      Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr/scflg
    MAP       Map color/dash/width/filter flag
    MSCALE    fgc;bgc;mask/units/lat;hide/values/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq|text_info|t
    TITLE     Title color/line/title
    DEVICE    Device|name|x size;y size|color type
    SATFIL    Satellite image filename(s)
    RADFIL    Radar image filename(s)
    IMCBAR    Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq
    PROJ      Map projection/angles/margins|drop flag
    GAREA     Graphics area
    IJSKIP    Iskp;Istrt;Istp/Jskp;Jstrt;Jstp
    CLEAR     Clear screen flag
    PANEL     Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn
    TEXT      Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw flg
    SCALE     Scalar scale / vector scale
    LATLON    Line color/dash/width/freq/inc/label/format
    HILO      Color/symbol/rng/rad/cnt/intp
    HLSYM     HILO txt size/posn/font/wdth/hw
    CLRBAR    Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq|text_info
    CONTUR    Subbox/smooth
    SKIP      Skip_cntr/skip_plt_x;skip_plt_y
    FINT      Fill interval/min/max
    FLINE     Fill colors/fill types
    CTYPE     Contour type:  C/F
    LUTFIL    Enhancement lookup table filename
    STNPLT    Txtc/txt attr|marker attr|stnfil#col

    GDCNTR draws contour lines through a scalar grid computed
    using the GEMPAK grid diagnostic functions.  Contours may be
    drawn in any valid GEMPAK projection and may be overlaid on

    A list of times may be given in GDATTIM allowing animation
    of the contours.

    Contours may be plotted in different display windows by specifying
    a name for the XW driver in DEVICE.

    Contours may be displayed as lines or as a color fill.
    If CTYPE is C, contour lines are drawn using input from CINT
    and LINE.  If CTYPE is F, filled contours are drawn using
    specifications from FINT and FLINE. Both contour lines and
    filled contours are drawn if CTYPE is F/C.

    The attributes of the contour lines, including the color,
    line type, line width, and label frequency are specified
    in LINE.  The four attributes must be separated with slashes;
    semicolons separate the values for each attribute.  If the
    line type is set to a single negative number, negative
    contour values will have the absolute value of the line type
    and positive values will be solid.  If the label frequency
    is set to a single number, n, then every nth value will be

    CINT specifies the contour interval, minimum value, and maximum
    value separated with slashes.  A scaling factor may be entered
    in SCALE. The data in the grid file will be multiplied by
    10 ** SCALE before the contour levels are selected.  If no
    contour interval is entered, a default value which will generate
    5 to 10 contour levels will be selected.

    The contour fill intervals are specified in FINT; the attributes
    for the fill are specified in FLINE.  The first color specified
    in FLINE fills values less than the first level; while the
    last color fills values greater than the last level.  Therefore,
    n levels require n+1 colors.

    A range of colors may be specified in either FLINE or LINE by
    specifying starting, ending and increment values in that order
    separated by dashes.  If the increment is missing, a default
    of 1 is used.

    The fill type may be set to 1 (solid), 2 (slanted dash) or 3
    (slanted line).  If fill type is set to 0, solid fill is used.
    If the fill type is set to a single negative number, negative
    values will use the absolute value of the fill type, and positive
    values will be solid.

    The HILO and HLSYM parameters control marking and labeling the
    values of relative maxima and minima.  CLRBAR allows a color bar
    to be added for color fill contours.

    The SKIP parameter specifies the number of grid points to skip
    in generating contours.  For example, if SKIP = 1, every other
    point is used to generate the contours.

    1.  Draw contours every 2 degrees through the 700 mb
        temperature field for all of the forecast times.  Negative
        values will be dashed using line type 3; every other
        contour line will be labeled; all the contour lines will be
        drawn in color number 3. The display area will be a enlarged
        Mercator map centered on New York.  The contours are drawn on
        a clear screen with a map in dash pattern 7, dotted lat/lon
        lines every 5 degrees and no title.

	GDATTIM	 =  all
	GLEVEL	 =  700
	GVCORD	 =  pres
	GFUNC	 =  tmpc
	GDFILE	 =  $GEMPAK/data/hrcbob.grd
	CINT	 =  2
	LINE	 =  3/-3/1/2
	MAP	 =  1/7
	TITLE	 =  0
	DEVICE	 =  xw
	PROJ	 =  mer
	GAREA	 =  ny-
	CLEAR	 =  yes
	PANEL	 =  0
	TEXT	 =  1
	SCALE	 =  999
	LATLON	 =  2/10/1/1/5;5
	HILO	 =
	CONTUR	 =  3
	SKIP	 =  0
	FINT	 =  0
	FLINE	 =  10-20
	CTYPE	 =  C

    2.  Now overlay dewpoint lines on the above plots. The contour
        interval is set to 5.  The lines will be drawn in color 17,
        with labeling and line types as above.  The map and lat/lon
        lines will not be drawn for the overlay.  The title, which
        includes the date, level and the string "TEMPERATURE AND
        DEWPOINT", is added in color 1.

	GDATTIM	 =  all
	GLEVEL	 =  700
	GVCORD	 =  pres
	GFUNC	 =  dwpc
	GDFILE	 =  $GEMPAK/data/hrcbob.grd
	CINT	 =  5
	LINE	 =  17/-3/1/2
	MAP	 =  0
	DEVICE	 =  xw
   	IMCBAR   =
	PROJ	 =  mer
	GAREA	 =  ny-
	CLEAR	 =  no
	PANEL	 =  0
	TEXT	 =  1
	SCALE	 =  999
	LATLON	 =  0
	HILO	 =
	CONTUR	 =  3
	SKIP	 =  0
	FINT	 =  0
	FLINE	 =  10-20
	CTYPE	 =  C

    3.  Now clear the screen and draw a color fill of the divergence
        of the gridded wind, alternating between color 23 and 19, for
        the 24 hour forecast time.  Scale the data by 10**5 and use a
        contour interval of 0.5.  Draw contour lines in color 2 using
        heavy, solid lines, labeling every contour level. Draw a
        color bar of the fill colors using the default conditions.
        The display area is changed to Missouri and the lat/lon lines
        are plotted at 5 degree intervals.

	GDATTIM	 =  f24
	GLEVEL	 =  700
	GVCORD	 =  pres
	GFUNC	 =  div(wnd)
	GDFILE	 =  $GEMPAK/data/hrcbob.grd
	CINT	 =  .5
	LINE	 =  2/1/7/1
	MAP	 =  1
	TITLE	 =  1
	DEVICE	 =  xw
	PROJ	 =  mer
	GAREA	 =  mo
	CLEAR	 =  yes
	PANEL	 =  0
	TEXT	 =  1
	SCALE	 =  5
	LATLON	 =  0
	HILO	 =
	CLRBAR	 =  1
	CONTUR	 =  3
	SKIP	 =  0
	FINT	 =  .5
	FLINE	 =  23;19
	CTYPE	 =  f/c

    4.  Clear the screen and draw contours of absolute vorticity.
        Label vorticity maxima with a red X and minima with a cyan N.
        Plot the values of the extrema.  Exclude minima less than
        4 * 10 ** -5.  The search radius for finding extrema is
        5 grid points.  Interpolate the extrema to off-grid point
        locations.  Plot the values in font number 2 on the
        right beneath the marking symbol.  Plot the marking label
        in size 1.5, the values in size 1.

	GDATTIM	 =  f24
	GLEVEL	 =  700
	GVCORD	 =  pres
	GFUNC	 =  avor(wnd)
	GDFILE	 =  $GEMPAK/data/hrcbob.grd
	CINT	 =  2
	LINE	 =  2/1/2
	MAP	 =  1
	TITLE	 =  1
	DEVICE	 =  xw
	PROJ	 =  mer
	GAREA	 =  ri
	CLEAR	 =  yes
	PANEL	 =  0
	TEXT	 =  1
	SCALE	 =  5
	LATLON	 =  0
	HILO	 =  2;6/X#;N#/;4-28/5//yes
	HLSYM	 =  1.5;1/3/1;2
	CLRBAR	 =  1
	CONTUR	 =  3
	SKIP	 =  0
	FINT	 =  2
	FLINE	 =  23;19
	CTYPE	 =  f/c

    [GDCNTR  +2]    WARNING:  ... not found.  CONTINUING---
    [GDCNTR  +1]    WARNING.  There are no contour levels.
    [GDCNTR  -1]    Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GDCNTR  -2]    Fatal error reading TAE parameters.
    [GDCNTR  -3]    Fatal error initializing GEMPLT.
    [GDCNTR  -4]    Grid requested is not available.
    [GDCNTR  -5]    Error setting grid navigation for file ....
    [GDCNTR  -6]    There are no grids in grid file.
    [GDCNTR -13]    There are no times in the grid file