GEMPAK Manual | Programs

GDBIINT interpolates grids from one projection to another

    GDFILE    Grid file
    GDOUTF    Output grid file
    GFUNC     Scalar grid
    GLEVEL    Grid level
    GVCORD    Grid vertical coordinate
    GDATTIM   Grid date/time
    GDNUM     Grid numbers

	GDBIINT uses bi-linear interpolation to convert
	grid point data from one projection to another.

	The output file must be created first using GDCFIL.
	The program determines the location of the output
	grid point locations withing the input grid file domain.
	Each grid in the input file is interpolated to the output

	If GDNUM is ALL, all grids from the input file will be
	interpolated to the output file. Otherwise, the single grid
	specified by GFUNC, GDATTIM, GLEVEL and GVCORD will
	be interpolated.

    1.	Convert a data set from grid 211 to grid 87.
	First create a new grid file with gdcfil using
	CPYFIL = #87.

	GDFILE	 =  $HDS/98033112_grid211.gem
	GDOUTF   =  $HDS/98033112_grid87.gem
	GDNUM    =  all

    2.	Convert the LAND mask from grid projection 212 to grid
	projection 211.

	GDFILE	 =  $HDS/98033112_grid211.gem
	GDOUTF   =  $HDS/98033112_grid87.gem
	GFUNC    =  mask
	GDATTIM  =  f000
	GLEVEL   =  0
	GVCORD   =  none
	GDNUM    =

    [GDBIINT  -1]   Fatal error initializing TAE.
    [GDBIINT  -2]   Fatal error reading TAE parameters.