GEMPAK Manual |
DCUAIR decodes upper air sounding data from a real-time data
feed, or from a file fed to the program through standard input, and
writes the data to a GEMPAK sounding file. The program is controlled
by inputs to the command line.
The inputs are program options and the output file name or template.
For example, for real-time data feeds:
dcuair [options] output_file
If running the program interactively with standard input, the -c
option must be used. The input file must be also be specified.
For example:
dcuair -c YYMMDD/HHNN [other_options] output_file < input_file
A template may be used to specify the output file name. The file
name template uses the date and time of the bulletin or report
to replace the following characters.
YY or YYYY Year
MM Month number
DD Day
HH Hour
NN Minute
The dcuair decoder may be used to decode dropsonde data. If this
is done, it is advisable to run a separate instance of the decoder
from that used to decode standard upper air data. In this case,
a) the maximum number of stations to add should be set to
at least 50 on the command line ( -a 50 ), since all
dropsonde reports are treated as additional stations
b) the maximum number of times should be set to 24 on the
command line ( -m 24 ), to create hourly entries instead of
3-hourly entries
c) only upper air bulletins having WMO bulletin headers
beginning with UZ should be sent to the decoder
d) the cutoff height in meters for using a "close-to-the surface"
wind in place of a missing surface wind may be specified using
the -w option. The default value is 20 meters