GEMPAK Manual |
DCTAMA decodes TAMDAR data in BUFR format from a real-time
data feed, or from a file fed to the program through standard
input, and writes the data to a GEMPAK sounding file. The program is
controlled by inputs to the command line.
The inputs are program options and the output file template.
For example, for real-time data feeds:
dctama [options] output_file_template
If running the program interactively with standard input, the -c
option must be used. The input file must also be specified.
For example:
dctama -c YYMMDD/HH [other_options]
output_file_template < input_file
output_file_template = YYYYMMDD.tdar
The template uses the date and time of the bulletin or report
to replace the following characters.
YYYY or YY Year with or without the century
MM Month number
DD Day
The output file is a merged GEMPAK sounding file and can be viewed
using NSHARP or dumped using snlist.
Example of a snlist run print-out:
STID = 0000404D STNM = 600404 TIME = 080823/2300
SLAT = 44.25 SLON = -88.50 SELV = -9999.0
STIM = 2336
980.20 -9999.00 0.00 350.00 -9999.00 270.00
974.90 -9999.00 0.00 303.00 6.00 320.00
STID - is the "station ID" comprised from the aircraft flight
number (ACFN) and a letter indicating the phase of the flight
A - ascending
D - discending
STNM - is just another representation where first number actually
corresponds to the code number for the phase of flight:
5 - ascending
6 - discending
TIME - is the time of the report
SLAT - latitude of the lowest reporting point
SLON - longitude of the lowest reporting point
SELV - elevation
STIM - the time stamp of the actual "sounding"