GEMPAK Manual |
DCSUOMI (Unidata)
DCSUOMI is a decoder for use with the NetCDF format SUOMINET data
files from Unavco/Unidata. DCSUOMI places the individual GPS &
Metstation reports into Gempak surface format files.
In order to read the NetCDF file from standard input, a temporary
file is created on disk consiting of the NetCDF product. Upon completion,
the temporary file is removed, or if desired, the "-n netcdf_file"
option may be used to store the input file in addition to the
GEMPAK format file.
The following list provides the surface file naming of decoded
SUOMINET parameters:
NetCDF name GEMPAK name
pwv PWVM
pwv_err PWVE
wet_delay DELW
model_dry_delay DELD
total_delay DELT
final_dry_delay DELF
pifact PIFC
pres PRES
temperature TMPC
met_flag MFLG
The program is controlled by inputs to the command line.
The inputs are program options, and the output file name or template.
For example, for real-time data feeds:
dcacars [options] output_file
When decoding existing files, the input file name can be specified using the
"-f filename" argument.
dcsuomi -f input_file [options] output_file
A template may be used to specify the output file name. The file
name template uses the date and time of the observations within the
NetCDF file to replace the following characters.
YYYY Year with century
YY Year without the century
MM Month number
DD Day
HH Hour
NN Minute
Command line options specific to DCSUOMI:
-f input_file Read NetCDF file from disk instead of STDIN
-n output_netcdf file Save NetCDF file from STDIN to disk
The following ancillary tables are used:
$GEMTBL/pack/suomi.pack Packing file