GEMPAK Manual | Programs


    The GEMPAK DCSHEF program decodes raw SHEF reports from a real-time
    data feed (via an LDM), or from a file containing raw SHEF reports.
    The data is written to a GEMPAK surface file, or a BUFR file and an
    ASCI listing file based on the options provided by the user.


DCSHEF will decode any valid SHEF parameter.  SHEF parameters that are
decoded to a GEMPAK surface file are the following based on the NATIONAL
10-944 OCTOBER 28, 2005 Operations and Services Hydrologic Services 
Program, NWSPD 10-9 Manual. This publication is available at:

!Original NWSM 10-944 Table 1 SHEF parameters
! # 1   PP = Total precipitation (IN) 'TPCI'
! # 2   PT = Type of precipitation 'SHPT'
! # 3   HG = River stage height (FT) 'RSHF'
! # 4   SF = Depth of fresh snow (IN) 'SNEW'
! # 5   SD = Total snow depth (IN) 'SNOW'
! # 6   SW = Water equivalent of snow (IN) 'WEQS'
! # 7, 8 & 9
!       TA = Dry bulb temperature (F) 'TMPF' Minimum 'TDNF' and Maximum 'TDXF'
! # 10  TM = Wet bulb temperature (F) 'TMWF'
! # 11  TD = Dew point temperature (F) 'DWPF'
! # 12  TW = Water temperature (F) 'WTMF'
! # 13  XR = Relative humidity (%) 'RELH'
! # 14  UD = Wind direction (degrees) 'DRCT'
! # 15  US = Wind speed (miles/hour) 'SMPH'
! # 16  UG = Wind gust speed at time of observation ( in miles per hour) 'GMPH'
! # 17  UR = Peak wind direction (degrees) 'PWDR'
! # 18  UP = Peak wind speed (miles/hour) 'PMPH'
! # 19 & 20
!       UQ = Combined wind direction and speed (in format SSS.SDDD where SSS.S is
!       speed in miles per hour and DDD is direction in degrees) 'CWDS' - 2 parameters
!       combined wind direction 'WDIR' and speed 'WSPD'
! # 21  PA = Pressure in inches of mercury (They are often reported in millibars 'PRSI'
! # 22  PL = MSL pressure in inches of mercury (often reported in mb) 'PMSI'
! # 23  XW = Present weather 'WWMO'
! # 24  XP = Past weather 'PWWM'
! # 25  XV = Horizontal visibility (miles) 'VSBY'
! # 26  HR24 = Time duration always 24 HOURS for both GEMPAK and BUFR
! Total of 26 parameters from SHEF are decoded and converted to GEMPAK sfc file
! The following are the GEMPAK parameters (4 characters)
PR24         0.      9999.       .01
SHPT         0.      9999.       .01
SHHG         0.      9999.       .01
SF24         0.      9999.       .01
SNOW         0.      9999.       .01
WEQS         0.      9999.       .01
TMPF      -999.      9999.       .01
TDXF      -999.      9999.       .01
TDNF      -999.      9999.       .01
TMWF      -999.      9999.       .01
DWPF      -999.      9999.       .01
TWAF      -999.      9999.       .01
RELH         0.      9999.       .01
DRCT         0.      9999.       .01
PKWD         0.      9999.       .01
SMPH         0.      9999.       .01
GMPH         0.      9999.       .01
WSGU         0.      9999.       .01
WDIR         0.      9999.       .01
WSPD         0.      9999.       .01
PRES         0.      9999.       .01
PMSL         0.      9999.       .01
PWWM         0.      9999.       .01
WWMO         0.      9999.       .01
VSBY         0.      9999.       .01
HR24         0.      9999.       .01

How to run DCSHEF?

    The inputs are program options and the output file name or template.

    Running the DCSHEF interactively with standard input, the -c
    option must be used.  The INPUT FILES must also be specified.
    For example:

	dcshef -c YYMMDD/HHNN [other options] [SHEFPARM] [sheftable] 
         [bufrtable] [output_file] [IFLAG] [PESTRINGS (optional)] < input_file
    A template may be used to specify the output file name.  The file
    name template uses the date and time of the bulletin or report
    to replace the following characters.

	YY or YYYY	Year
	MM		Month number
	DD		Day
	HH		Hour
	NN		Minute


    In order to run DCSHEF with the iflag = 2 for GEMPAK output, specify 
    the proper options and the following input files. For example,
    ./dcshef -v 3 -t 300 -d decod_dcshef.log -c 060802/1200 \
     shef.prm \
     shef_COOP3.tbl \
     bufrtab.000 \
     YYYYMMDD_HH.3.shef \
     2 < sample_shef_bul
    where "shef.prm" is the shef parm file, "shef_COOP3.tbl" is one of the
    COOP station tables, "bufrtab.000" is the bufr table for type 000, 
    "YYYYMMDD_HH.3.shef" is the template for the GEMPAK surface file output,
    "2" is the flag for generating GEMPAK surface file output. 

    In order to run DCSHEF with the flag 1 for BUFR output, in the run 
    directory, one needs to set the following exports:

    export DBNROOT=`pwd`
    export DBNBUFRT=120
    export GEMERR=`pwd`
    One should also have the following directory created in the run 


   For IFLAG = 1, the BUFR output will be written into the tmp/ directory.

   In addition to the BUFR output (BUFR.0.*) in the /tmp directory, three
   empty files (.dcshef_* ) are also generated  from the NCEP BUFR library. 
   This results from writing/reading BUFR files that is mandated by 
   the OPENBF program since the program expects a logical unit to read/write
   which remained as a legacy issue of the NCEP BUFR library. 

   If one is interested in generating an ASCI output of the user defined
   OHSHEF PECODES, provide the string of the PECODES after the IFLAG
   option. The PECODES are a string of concatenated two-character PE codes
   for which to additionally create ASCII text output, and where a "." as 
   the second character of a PE code matches any single character. This 
   is not a default option.  
   The "pefile" is the detailed ASCI output from the user defined
   PESTRINGS. The ASCI output file will be of the form within
   the run directory. The user defined ASCI listing can be exhaustive
   depending on the choice of Physical Element letter codes of the SHEF 

   A sample interactive script for generating a BUFR output is given below.
   set -x
   export DBNROOT=`pwd`
   export DBNBUFRT=120
   export GEMERR=`pwd`
   # Create the /tmp directory in the run directory
   # if not created for writing the bufr output
   ./dcshef -v 3 -t 300 -d decod_dcshef.log -c 060802/1200 \
   shef.prm \
   shef_COOP3.tbl \
   bufrtab.000 \
   gemdummy \
   1 A.E.G.P.R.S.T.U.X. < sample_shef_bul
   The output BUFR file will be written inside the /tmp directory.
   The "gemdummy" for flag = 1 will just be an empty GEMPAK surface

    SHEFPARM - This file describes the NWS SHEF manual PE codes and 
    conversion factors. The name of this file is "shef.prm" which is
    used in the SHEF NWS DECODER ROUTINES. "shef.prm" resides in $GEMTBL/pack 
    Note that the GEMPAK packing file is a different file.

    SHEFTABLE - This file contains the SHEF station table.
    Since there are more than 50,000 stations, we have created
    multiple SHEF stations of size 4000 containing primarily COOP 
    stations. The COOP station tables are : shef_COOP1.tbl
    shef_COOP2.tbl, shef_COOP3.tbl, shef_COOP4.tbl.
    The master COOP station table is shef_COOP.tbl
    The whole shef (master) station table is : shef.master.tbl
    These files reside in $GEMTBL/stns.
    BUFRTABLE - This file contains the BUFR tables corresponding
    to SHEF data. The relevant BUFR tables for SHEF are 
    bufrtab.000, bufrtab.001, bufrtab.255
    These table files are in $GEMTBL/bufrlib

    OUTPUT FILE - This file contains the template for the GEMPAK
    surface output file. For example YYYYMMDD_HH.shef where
    YYYYMMDD_HH corresponds to 4 digit year, two digit months, 
    day and hour respectively. 

    IFLAG - Integer flag for either a BUFR output file or a GEMPAK
    output file. IFLAG = 1 is for BUFR output and IFLAG =2 is for
    GEMPAK output.

    PESTRINGS Physical Element Code for the SHEF decoder. 
    String of concatenated two-character PE codes for which to 
    additionally create ASCII text output, and where a "." as 
    the second character of a PE code matches any single character.                         
    For the extensive list of PE codes, see Table 1. Physical Elements
    Codes - PE DTSEP of the SHEF manual. The users need to specify
    only the first letter of the PE codes. For A.E.G.P.R.S.T.U.X.
    stands for all elements starting with A which is Agricultural
    Data. There are seven A codes AD, AF, AG, AM, AT, AU, AW.
    AF is Surface frost intensity, AG is Percent of green 
    vegetation (%). E* are parameters for Evaporation, G* are  
    parameters for Ground Frost and Ground State, P* are for
    Pressure and Precipitation, R* are for Radiation, S* are for
    Snow data, T* are for Temperature data, U* are for Wind data
    and X* are for Weather Codes.
    GEMPAK parameter table file "shef.pack" is passed through as
    a default value in the c decoder driver program "dcshef.c" 
    This file resides in $GEMTBL/pack.