GEMPAK Manual | Programs


    DCISIG decodes international SIGMET reports from a real-time data 
    feed, or from a file fed to the program through standard input, and 
    writes the data to an ASCII file.  The program is controlled by 
    inputs to the command line.

    The inputs are program options and the output file name or template.
    For example, for real-time data feeds:
	dcisig [options] output_file

    If running the program interactively with standard input, the -c
    option must be used.  The input file must also be specified.
    For example:

	dcisig -c YYMMDD/HHNN [other_options] output_file < input_file
    A template may be used to specify the output file name.  The file
    name template uses the date and time of the bulletin or report
    to replace the following characters.

	YYYY or YY	Year with or without the century
	MM		Month number
	DD		Day
	HH		Hour
	NN		Minute

     The format of the output ASCII file is as follows:

	     Lat1    Lon1
	     Lat2    Lon2
	     Lat3    Lon3
	     Lat4    Lon4
	      .       .
	      .       .
	      .       .

     Where: Type is TS (thunderstorm), TB (turbulence), HU (hurricane),
 	        TR (tropical storm), TD (tropical depression),
		VA (volcanic ash cloud), MW (marked mountain waves), 
		TC (tropical cyclone), SQ (squall line), CT (CAT),
		IC (icing), GR (hail), DS (duststorm), SS (sandstorm),
		CB (cumulonimbus), WS (low level wind shear, or CN (cancel) 
	    Start_tm and End_tm are full GEMPAK date/time strings
	    Msg_id is the message identification
	    Seq_num is the message sequence number
	    Ori_id is the originating station ID taken from the WMO header
		for the message or location ID for KKCI
	    Flt_lvl is the flight level (or flight level range,
		expressed as nnn-nnn) in hundreds of feet
	    Dir is the direction of movement of the phenomenon
	    Spd is the speed of the phenomenon in knots
	    Name_Loc is the name of the storm, where applicable, or
		location of the volcano, where applicable, or the
		word, OTHER, for reports not from CONUS, Hawaii, Guam,
		Japan, UK, Tahiti, and Cuba
	    Corr is a flag indicating a correction,amendment or update (0 or 1)

     Extra spaces may appear anywhere in this line of information,
     except in the first character position.  The first character must
     be a bar (|).

     The latitude and longitude values describing the bounds of the
     phenomenon are read using the FORTRAN format (2F9.2).  The number 
     of points may vary.  For a phenomenon at a point (e.g., a
     hurricane), only that point is specified.  For a phenomenon
     centered at a point (e.g., a thunderstorm), the first point is
     the center and the second point gives the radius (in nautical
     miles), followed by RMISSD.