GEMPAK Manual |
Programs | Parameters
PTYPE is the type of y axis plot to be used, the height-to-width
ratio of the plot, and the margins, separated by slashes.
The valid inputs for type for the y axis are:
LIN linear
LOG logarithmic
STUVE scaled by raising to KAPPA, 2/7, power
KAP same as STUVE
SKEWT logarithmic y-axis; skewed x-axis
SKEW same as SKEWT
If the height-to-width ratio is 0, the entire screen will be used.
This is also the default when ratio is not specified.
The margins are specified as: left;bottom;right;top. The values
are multiples of the current character size. If the margin
specification is missing or incomplete, a default appropriate to
the program will be used. The default in the profile programs is:
10;3;(6 times wind barb size);5. The right margin allows room for
plotting winds and typically has a value around 20.