GEMPAK Manual |
Programs | Parameters
PROJ is the map projection, projection angles, and margins separated
by slashes and an optional image drop flag separated from the rest by
a bar:
map proj / ang1;ang2;ang3 / l;b;r;t (margins) | image drop flag
For all map projections, the lower left and upper right corners of
the graphics area should be specified in GAREA.
The following simple map projections may be specified:
MER Mercator
NPS North Polar Stereographic
SPS South Polar Stereographic
LCC Northern Hemisphere Lambert Conic Conformal
SCC Southern Hemisphere Lambert Conic Conformal
CED Cylindrical Equidistant
MCD Modified Cylindrical Equidistant
NOR North Orthographic
SOR South Orthographic
The following full map projections may also be specified:
MER (CYL) Mercator
CED (CYL) Cylindrical Equidistant
MCD (CYL) Modified Cylindrical Equidistant
STR (AZM) Polar Stereographic
AED (AZM) Azimuthal Equidistant
ORT (AZM) Orthographic
LEA (AZM) Lambert equal area
GNO (AZM) Gnomonic
LCC (CON) Northern Hemisphere Lambert Conic Conformal
SCC (CON) Southern Hemisphere Lambert Conic Conformal
In addition for full map projections, three angles MUST be specified
in PROJ. The angles have the following meanings for the different
projection classes:
CYL angle1 -- latitude of origin on the projection cylinder
0 = Equator
angle2 -- longitude of origin on the projection cylinder
0 = Greenwich meridian
angle3 -- angle to skew the projection by rotation of
the cylindrical surface of projection about
the line from the Earth's center passing
through the origin point. This results in
curved latitude and longitude lines.
If angle3 is greater than 360 or less than -360
degrees, then the rectangular Cartesian coordinate
system on the projection plane is rotated
+/- |angle3|-360 degrees. This results in
latitude and longitude lines that are skewed
with respect to the edge of the map. This option
is only valid when specifying a map projection and
is not available for grid projections.
The difference between |angle3| < 360 and
|angle3| > 360 is that, in the former case,
the rotation is applied to the developable
cylindrical surface before projection and
subsequent development; while, in the latter
case, the rotation is applied to the Cartesian
coordinate system in the plane after development.
Development here refers to the mathematical
flattening of the surface of projection into a
planar surface.
MCD angle1 -- scaling factor for latitude
0 = default scaling (1/cos(avglat))
angle2 -- longitude of origin (center longitude)
angle3 -- not used
AZM angle1 -- latitude of the projection's point of tangency
angle2 -- longitude of the projection's point of tangency
angle3 -- angle to skew the projection by rotation about
the line from the Earth's center passing
through the point of tangency
CON angle1 -- standard latitude 1
angle2 -- polon is the central longitude
angle3 -- standard latitude 2
The angles for the full map projection types are given as three numbers
separated with semicolons. Note that THREE angles must be entered even
if some angles are not used.
Note that transverse projections may be obtained using a cylindrical
projection with the first angle set to either 90 or -90. The second
angle is the longitude at which the cylinder axis intersects the
equator. This will be the transformed location of the "south" pole
when the first angle is 90 or the "north" pole when the first angle
is -90. For example, if angle1 = 90 and angle2 = 0, the axis of the
cylinder of projection is perpendicular to the earth's axis and enters
the earth at 0N 0E and emerges at 0N 180E. The great circle formed
by 90E and 90W becomes the "equator" on the cylinder. This cylinder
is ideal for a transverse cylindrical projection of locations on the
continent of North America.
Satellite and radar projections are available:
SAT specifies remapped or nonremapped satellite
RAD specifies the radar projection.
Currently, the McIDAS area format is supported for satellite and
radar images. NIDS radar images from WSI may also be displayed.
The image drop flag may be specified as a D or an ND, and is valid
for SAT and RAD only. A value of D causes the image to be dropped
before any additional graphics are drawn. Conversely, a value of ND
does not drop the image. When the image drop flag is undefined, the
image is dropped when CLEAR is set to YES, and is not dropped when
CLEAR is set to NO.
If the projection is DEF or is blank, a default projection will be
obtained from the geographic table for the specified GAREA. If no
default projection has been defined for the specified GAREA and the
projection is DEF, the current map projection will be used.
In the grid programs the following graph projections are also
LIN linear x, linear y
LOG linear x, logarithmic y
KAP linear x, y ** KAPPA
POL polar coordinates ( R, THETA )
Margins may be input as four numbers separated with semicolons. The
four numbers represent the left, bottom, right, and top margin
sizes in character widths. If no margins are specified, the default
will be (0,3,0,0) in map mode and (6,4,4,1) in graph mode. If the
input for the margins is NM, all four margins will be set to 0.