GEMPAK Manual |
Programs | Parameters
MSCALE specifies the characteristics of a scale legend associated with
map projections. The attributes are separated by slashes:
fgc;bgc;mask / units / latitude;hide / values / anchor / x;y /
length;width / frequency | text_info | title
fgc is the foreground color which is used to color the labels and the
bounding box around the scale legend as well as fill every other box
starting with the second box. bgc is the background color which is used to
color every other box starting with the first. If the fgc is 0 or missing,
no scale legend is drawn. If bgc is NOT specified it defaults to the
default background color, 101. If ONLY the bgc is specified, the fgc
defaults to 1. Finally, a third color may optionally be given to specify
a 'mask color'. This color will be drawn 'underneath' the scale legend
to enhance its visibility. If no mask color is given, no mask is drawn.
Units is the the units for the distance values. Valid values are 'SM'
(Statute Miles), 'NM' (Nautical Miles), and 'KM' (Kilometers). The
default value if not specified is SM.
Latitude is the true latitude used to calculate the distance. If
missing or invalid, the latitude is computed by taking the average
of the upper and lower latitudes of the plot region. Valid values
are -85 to 85 inclusive. 'Hide' indicates whether the latitude legend
'True at' should not appear. The legend will always be drawn unless the
optional hide parameter's first character is Y.
Values can either be an increment, an "increment - end" combination, or
a list of values to display separated by a ';'. If no values are
specified, the length field is used to calculate values assuming four
evenly divided increments. The result is adjusted to be evenly
divisable by four, ensuring that integer values are displayed.
Similarly, if only an end is specified, four evenly divided increments
will be displayed.
Anchor describes the location on the scale legend corresponding to
the location given in the next parameter. Valid inputs are
LL, LC, LR, CL, CC, CR, UL, UC, and UR for lower-left, lower-center,
lower-right, center-left, centered, center-right, upper-left,
upper-center, and upper-right, respectively. For example, an 'LL'
anchor point, with a x;y of .1,.1, will place the lower-left corner
of the scale legend at view coordinates .1, .1. The default anchor
point is 'LL'.
x;y is the position for the anchor point of the scale legend in view
coordinates. The default is 0.025, 0.005.
Length;width are the length and width of the scale legend, normalized to
the view coordinates. The defaults are 0.4 for the length, and 0.01 for
the width. If no values are given, the length field is used to calculate
values assuming four evenly divided increments. The result is adjusted to
be evenly divisable by four, ensuring that integer values are displayed.
Frequency describes the distances to be labeled. If the frequency is
positive, the labels are plotted on the top of the scale legend. If
it is negative, the labels are plotted on the bottom of the scale
legend. A value of 0 equals the default value. The default is 1.
Text_info describes the scale legend label attributes. These attributes
are of the same format as the TEXT parameter. If any part of text_info
is missing, then default text information is used. The user may only
change the font type, hardware/software flag, text size and text width.
The default values are the bold courier hardware font and text size and
text width of 1.
Title is an optional title (description) that can be added to the scale
legend. It will be placed on the side opposite the legend/labels.
To disable the scale legend, set MSCALE = 0 or leave it blank.
MSCALE = 1;4 text and bounding box in color 1;
every other box in blue; defaults
for the rest of the input.
MSCALE = 5/KM/////.25;.1/2 text and bounding box in color 5;
units in kilometers; length and width
.25 and .1 of the view window; every
other interval labeled along top
side of the scale legend; scale
legend anchor point at lower-left.
MSCALE = 1//30//CL/.1;.5 text and bounding box in color 1;
units in statute miles; true latitude
at 30 north; center-left of the scale
legend positioned at .1;.5 in view
MSCALE = 3/NM//10;20;40;80/CL/.1;.5|.55/2/111/1/l/hw
text and bounding box in color 3;
units in nautical miles; true latitude
computed from maps plot region;
center-left of the scale legend
positioned at .1;.5 in view
text size of scale legend .55;
hardware helvetica font; text width
2; no box around text;left justified.