GEMPAK Manual |
Programs | Parameters
INFO is the information needed to define the object to be plotted.
The location of the object is defined in LOCI.
TEXT size/font/width/border/rotation/justify/hw/text_string
POLYGON line type
REGPOLY line type/radius/number points/rotation
ARC line type/radius/number points/start ang/end ang
CURVE line type/curve type
LINE line type (overwrite line type set in ANOTYP)
ARROW line typ/arrw typ/arrw siz/head siz/
head ang mult/rotation
COLDFRONT number pips/pip size/line type/# smoothing passes
WARMFRONT number pips/pip size/line type/# smoothing passes
OCCLFRONT number pips/pip size/line type/# smoothing passes
STATFRONT number pips/pip size/line type/# smoothing passes
WEATHER symbol code/size
CLOUD symbol code/size
SKY symbol code/size
TURB symbol code/size
ICNG symbol code/size
SPCL symbol code/size
MARKER symbol code/size
PRESTEND symbol code/size
PASTWTHR symbol code/size
Special notes:
- For fronts, a positive value for the number of pips will
plot on one side of the curve, and negative values will
plot on the opposite side.
- The symbol codes can be found in the users' manual.