GEMPAK Manual | Programs | Parameters


     GFUNC and GVECT are the scalar and vector grid functions. They are
     input as nested strings of operators and operands.  The operand list
     for an operator is enclosed in parentheses or square brackets, with
     operands separated by semicolons or commas.

     If the entire grid is small enough (less than LLMXGD grid points)
     and GAREA is set to GRID, then the computations below are done over
     the entire grid; otherwise, the computations are done over a subset
     of the grid.  This subset grid is large enough to cover the display

     The following grids will be computed automatically from grids in the
     grid file, if possible:
                        THES    SMXS    STHE               

     Mixing ratios will be computed automatically from dewpoint
     temperatures, specific humidity, or vapor pressure if a pressure
     grid exists.

     The stability indices will be computed automatically from
     temperature, dewpoint temperature, and wind speed and direction.
     These special scalar parameters are:


     Haines Indices for fire weather detection will be computed 
     automatically from temperature and dewpoint at three different 
     levels.  These scalar parameters are:

	LHAN	Low elevation Haines Index
	MHAN	Middle elevation Haines Index
	HHAN	High elevation Haines Index

     The Heat Index, HEAT, will also be automatically computed from the
     temperature and relative humidity.

     In addition, precipitation will be converted from inches (I) to
     millimeters (M) and vice versa, if the grids are named P__M or
     P__I.  The middle characters are numbers giving the time interval
     over which the precipitation accumulated. For example, P24M is
     a 24-hour precipitation total. 

     The units for sea surface temperature (SSTx), maximum temperature (TMXx),
     and minimum temperature (TMNx) will be converted automatically. 
     (x may be K, C, or F.)
     These special scalar parameter names denote constant value grids:
	DTR	Conversion factor for degrees to radians = PI / 180
	E	Base of natural logarithms = 2.71828182
	GRAVTY	Gravitational constant = 9.80616 (note spelling)
	KAPPA	Gas constant/specific heat = 2/7
	PI	3.14159265
	RTD	Conversion factor for radians to degrees = 180 / PI
	nnn	Any number (e.g., 2, -10.2)
     Another class of special parameter names depends on the grid navigation:
	CORL	Coriolis force  = 2. * OMEGA * SIN ( LATR ) 
	LATR	Latitude in radians
	LONR	Longitude in radians
	XVAL	Value of the x coordinate in graph coordinates
	YVAL	Value of the y coordinate in graph coordinates
	IGPT	I index on grid of first GDFILE entry or output grid
        JGPT	J index on grid of first GDFILE entry or output grid
	MSFX	Map scale factor in the x direction
	MSFY	Map scale factor in the y direction
	LAND	Land array; land=1,  sea=RMISSD
	SEA	Sea  array;  sea=1, land=RMISSD

	BETA	Derivative of Coriolis force with respect to y direction
 		Note: This only works correctly for cylindrical grids.
     A grid may be identified by its number in the grid file by prefixing the
     number with the symbol #, e.g., #5.

     Standard vector grids are:
	WND	Total wind
	GEO	Geostrophic wind
	AGE	Ageostrophic wind
	ISAL	Isallobaric wind
	THRM	Thermal wind
     Time, level, and vertical coordinate as specified through the user
     interface may be overridden by in-line parameters:
		^time	@level	%ivcord
     appended to an operand in any combination.  

     If more than one file is opened, +n may also be used as an in-line
     parameter, where "n" is the number corresponding to the position
     of the file list entered in GDFILE.  If +n is omitted, the first
     file is used.  For example, to advect temperature from file 3 using
     winds from file 1:

		GDFILE =file1.grd + file2.grd + file3.grd
     Grid operators may be nested.  Note that layer and time range operators
     expect operands read directly from the grid file.

     GFUNC may include a name for the computed grid.  This name may be used
     in later diagnostic functions in an application.  The grid is stored
     in an internal grid list and will not be overwritten.  If a number of
     grids are saved in this manner, some diagnostic calculations may begin
     to fail because there are not enough internal grids available.  Stored
     grids are never available after exiting the application or after the
     grid navigation has been changed.  The name is specified after two
     slashes at the end of GFUNC.  For example,

                GFUNC = DIV ( WND ) //DVRG

     permits the divergence to be used in a later calculation as DVRG, as
     in this example:


     This name will also be the default name used in the title.  If a
     computed grid is given the same name as one computed in a previous
     GFUNC specification, then the earlier grid is replaced by the one
     most recently computed, even if the grids have different level or
     time identifiers.  Use different names to preserve both grids.  To
     recall saved grids, specifying the name is all that is required. It is
     not necessary to use in-line identifiers following the name. Changing
     the settings for GDATTIM, GLEVEL, or GVCORD will have no impact on
     recalling saved grids.  A saved grid may be renamed using the //
     feature, for example,

                GFUNC = DVRG//DIVA

     renames the grid saved as DVRG to DIVA.  The name DVRG is no longer
     found in the internal grid list.
     In the following list of diagnostic operators, scalar operands are named
     Si, and vector operands are Vi.  Vector components are denoted by u
     and v.  All meteorological grids are in MKS units, except as noted.  POL
     following the description indicates that the computation currently can
     only be performed on polar (R, THETA) grids.  In the trigonometric
     functions, the angles are expressed in radians.

     The scalar constants used as arguments for the radial and tangential
     wind computations are defined as follows:

	LAT = latitude of storm center
	LON = longitude of storm center
	D   = direction of storm motion
	ST  = speed of storm motion
     The second input in each of the filter functions GWFS and GWFV is an
     integer N.  N gives the wavelength in units of the grid spacing for
     which the theoretical response of a filter with normally distributed
     weights is 1/e = .3679.  In practice, the actual response function will
     exceed the theoretical values at all wavelengths.  The larger N is, the
     stronger the filtering will be.  The RDFS and RDFV filters are
     resolution dependent filters that call the GWFS filter.  The parameter
     N is computed from the requested effective output resolution (dx,km) so
     that the 2 X dx amplitude is reduced to ~1/e of the original amplitude
     on the fine resolution grid.

     The SGMX and SGMN functions return the maximum and minimum, respectively,
     found on the subset of the grid defined by GAREA and PROJ.  In GDDIAG,
     the maximum and minimum are found by scanning the entire output grid.

     The binormal finite mixture distribution (BNCDF) is formed by two Gaussian
     curves with different standard deviations fitted together with matching
     values at the mode and scaling such that the total integral is 1.  This
     permits the use of a skewed probability density function.  If the mode,
     Qm, of a distribution for random variable, q, and the cumulative
     probability up to the mode, Pm, are known along with the value of q = Qx,
     corresponding to cumulative probability x, 0 < x < 1, then the left and
     right sigma values can be computed by using either one of the following
     two sets of grid diagnostic functions in gddiag:

     Case 1 for x < Pm:

     Case 2 for x > Pm:

     Note that the inverse of the standard cumulative normal distribution,
     INCD, is required.  Since the value of x is fixed, only one of the two
     cases applies at all grid points if x is near 0 or 1.  The values Qm,
     lftsig, and rhtsig completely specify the binormal distribution.  In
     general, case 1 and case 2 will not yield the same results.  The greater
     the differences, the less the data conforms to the binormal distribution.
     If q is binormally distributed, the results for cases 1 and 2 should
     be very similar.

	ABS	(S)		Absolute value
	ACOS	(S)		Arc cosine function
	ASIN	(S)		Arc sine function
	ATAN	(S)		Arc tangent function
	ATN2	(S1,S2)		Arc tangent function
	COS	(S)		Cosine function
	EXP	(S1,S2)		Exponential to real
	EXPI	(S1,S2)		Exponential to integer [uses NINT(S2)]
	INT	(S)		Convert to an integer
	LN	(S)		Natural logarithm
	LOG	(S)		Base 10 logarithm
	NINT	(S)		Round to nearest integer
	SIN	(S)		Sine function
	SQRT	(S)		Square root
	TAN	(S)		Tangent function

	NCDF	(S1,S2,S3)	Cumulative normal distribution function
				for value, mean, and std dev
        INCD    (S1,S2,S3)      Inverse cumulative normal distribution value
                                given cumulative probability, mean, and std dev
        BNCDF   (S1,S2,S3,S4)   Cumulative binormal mixture distribution
                                function for value, mode, left sigma, and right
        IBNCD   (S1,S2,S3,S4)   Inverse cumulative binormal mixture distribution
                                value given cumulative probability, mode, left
                                sigma, and right sigma

	PAUB	(S1,S2,S3)	Combine probabilities (S1 OR S2) with
                                dependency parameter S3

	ADD	(S1,S2)		Addition
	MUL	(S1,S2)		Multiplication
	QUO	(S1,S2)		Division
	SUB	(S1,S2)		Subtraction

	BOOL	(S)		Boolean function
	SLT	(S1,S2)		Less than function
	SLE	(S1,S2)		Less than or equal to function
	SGT	(S1,S2)		Greater than function
	SGE	(S1,S2)		Greater than or equal to function
	SBTW	(S1,S2,S3)	Between two values function
	SMAX	(S1,S2)		Maximum of S1 and S2
	SMIN	(S1,S2)		Minimum of S1 and S2
	MASK	(S1,S2)		Mask S1 based on S2
	MISS	(S1,S2)		Set missing values in S1 to S2

	ADV	(S,V)		Advection
	AVG	(S1,S2)		Average
	AVOR	(V)		Absolute vorticity   
	BVSQ	(THTA)		Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared in a layer
	CROS	(V1,V2)		Vector cross product magnitude
	DDEN	(PRES,TMPC)	Density of dry air  (kg / m**3)
	DDR	(S)		Partial derivative with respect to R (POL)
	DDT	(S)		Time derivative
	DDX	(S)		Partial derivative with respect to X  
	DDY	(S)		Partial derivative with respect to Y
	DEF	(V)		Total deformation
	DIRN	(V)		Direction relative to north
	DIRR	(V)		Direction relative to grid
	DIV	(V)		Divergence  
	DIVT	(S,V)		Divergence Tendency (only for cylindrical grids)
	DOT	(V1,V2)		Vector dot product
	DTH	(S)		Partial deriv. with respect to THETA (POL)
	FCNT	(S)		Coriolis force at grid center (POL) 
			SPED)	Fosberg index, also called Fire Weather Index
	FRNT	(THTA,V)	Frontogenesis  
	GWFS	(S,N)		Filter with normal distribution of weights
	RDFS    (S,DX)		GWFS applied for given output resolution (dx,km)
	HIGH	(S,RADIUS)	Relative maxima over a grid
				    (RADIUS is expressed in grid points)
	JCBN	(S1,S2)		Jacobian determinant
	KNTS	(S)		Convert meters / second to knots
	LAP	(S)		Laplacian operator  
	LAV	(S)		Layer average (2 levels)
	LDF	(S)		Layer difference (2 levels)
	LOWS	(S,RADIUS)	Relative minima over a grid
				    (RADIUS is expressed in grid points)
	MAG	(V)		Magnitude of a vector
	MASS			Mass per unit volume in a layer from PRES
	MDIV	(V)		Layer-average mass divergence  
	MIXR	(DWPC,PRES)	Mixing ratio kg/kg internally, g/kg on output
			D,ST)	Magnitude of radial wind
	MSDV	(S,V)		Layer-avg. mass-scalar flux divergence  
	MSFC	(V)		Psuedo angular momentum (for cross sections)
			D,ST)	Magnitude of tangential wind
	NORM	(V)		Normal component (for cross sections)
	NMAX	(S,ROI) 	Neighborhood maximum value for a radius of influence
				    (ROI is expressed in meters)
	NMIN	(S,ROI)	        Neighborhood minimum value for a radius of influence
				    (ROI is expressed in meters)
	PLAT	(S)		Latitude at each point (POL)
	PLON	(S)		Longitude at each point (POL)
        PLCL    (PRES,TMPC, 
                        DWPC)   Pressure of the lifting condensation level
	POIS	(S1,S2)		Solve Poisson equation of forcing function
				    with boundary conditions
	POLF	(S)		Coriolis force at each point (POL)
	PVOR	(S,V)		Potential vorticity in a layer
	PVR3	(S,V)		3-D Potential vorticity for a level
	RELH	(TMPC,DWPT)	Relative humidity
	RICH	(V)		Richardson stability number in a layer
	ROSS	(V1,V2)		Rossby number  
	SAVS	(S)		Average over display subset area of grid
	SDIV	(S,V)		Flux divergence of a scalar  
	SGMX	(S)		Maximum of S over GAREA
	SGMN	(S)		Minimum of S over GAREA
	SHR	(V)		Shearing deformation  
	SM5S	(S)		5-point smoother
	SM9S	(S)		9-point smoother
	STAB	(TMPC)		Lapse rate over a layer in K/km
	STR	(V)		Stretching deformation  
	TANG	(V)		Tangential component (for cross sections)
	TAV	(S)		Time average
	TDF	(S)		Time difference
	THES	(PRES,TMPC)	Saturated equivalent potential temperature
				    in Kelvin		
	THTA	(TMPC,PRES)	Potential temperature
			DWPC)	Equivalent potential temperature
			DWPC)	Wet bulb potential temperature in Celsius
        TLCL    (TMPC,DWPC)     Temperature of the lifting condensation level
 	TMST	(THTE,PRES)	Parcel temperature in Kelvin along a 
				    moist adiabat
			RMIX)	Wet bulb temperature in Kelvin
	DSUB	(V1,V2)		DIRN (V1) - DIRN (V2)
	UN	(V)		North relative u component
	UR	(V)		Grid relative u component
	VN	(V)		North relative v component
	VOR	(V)		Vorticity  
	VR	(V)		Grid relative v component
	WNDX	(S1,S2,S3,S4)	WINDEX (index for microburst potential)
	WSHR	(V)		Magnitude of the vertical wind shear in
				    a layer
	XAV	(S)		Average along a display subset grid row 
	XSUM	(S)		Sum along a display subset grid row
	YAV	(S)		Average along a display subset grid column
	YSUM	(S)		Sum along a display subset grid column


	AGE	(S)		Ageostrophic wind  
	CIRC	(V,S)		Circulation (for cross section)
	DVDX	(V)		Partial x derivative of V
	DVDY	(V)		Partial y derivative of V
	GCIR	(LAT,LON)	Great Circle from point to anitpodal point
	GCWV	(LAT,LON,MASK)	Great Circle from point to anitpodal point
				     with land blocking algorithm
				     MASK will usually be SEA
	GEO	(S)		Geostrophic wind  
	GRAD	(S)		Gradient of a scalar  
	GWFV	(V,N)		Filter with normal distribution of weights
	RDFV    (V,DX)		GWFV applied for given output resolution (dx,km)
	INAD	(V1,V2)		Inertial advective wind  
	ISAL	(S)		Isallobaric wind  
	KCRS	(V)		Curl of V
	KNTV	(V)		Convert meters/second to knots
	LTRN	(S,V)		Layer-averaged transport of a scalar
	NORMV	(V)		Vector normal wind (for cross sections)
	QVEC	(S,V)		Q-vector at a level
	QVCL	(S,V)		Q-vector of a layer
			D,ST)	Radial wind
	ROT	(angle,V)	Coordinate rotation
	SMUL	(S,V)		Multiply a vector's components by a scalar
	SM5V	(V)		5-point smoother
	SQUO	(S,V)		Vector division by a scalar
	TANGV	(V)		Vector tangential wind (for cross sections)
	THRM	(S)		Thermal wind over a layer  
			D,ST)	Tangential wind
	VADD	(V1,V2)		Add the components of two vectors
	VASV	(V1,V2)		Vector component of V1 along V2
	VAVS	(V)		Average vector over display subset grid
	VECN	(S1,S2)		Create vector from north relative components
	VECR	(S1,S2)		Create vector from grid relative components
        VESD    (SPD,DIR)       Create vector from speed & north-rel. direction
	VLAV	(V)		Layer average for a vector
	VLDF	(V)		Layer difference for a vector
	VMUL	(V1,V2)		Multiply the components of two vectors
	VQUO	(V1,V2)		Divide the components of two vectors
	VSUB	(V1,V2)		Subtract the components of two vectors
	VLT	(V,S)		Less than function
	VLE	(V,S)		Less than or equal to function
	VGT	(V,S)		Greater than function
	VGE	(V,S)		Greater than or equal to function
	VBTW	(V,S1,S2)	Between two values function
	VMSK	(V,S)		Mask V based on S


     This set of functions returns 1 for true, 0 for false, and missing only if one or
     more operands is missing.  S1, S2, and S3 in the functions below are scalar grids.

        LT     (S1,S2)         Returns 1 if S1 < S2; otherwise 0
        LE     (S1,S2)         Returns 1 if S1 <= S2; otherwise 0
        GT     (S1,S2)         Returns 1 if S1 > S2; otherwise 0
        GE     (S1,S2)         Returns 1 if S1 >= S2; otherwise 0
        GTLT   (S1,S2,S3)      Returns 1 if S1 > S2 AND S1 < S3; otherwise 0
        GELT   (S1,S2,S3)      Returns 1 if S1 >= S2 AND S1 < S3; otherwise 0
        GTLE   (S1,S2,S3)      Returns 1 if S1 > S2 AND S1 <= S3; otherwise 0
        GELE   (S1,S2,S3)      Returns 1 if S1 >= S2 AND S1 <= S3; otherwise 0
	EQ     (S1,S2,S3)      Returns 1 if |S1-S2| <= S3; otherwise 0
        NE     (S1,S2,S3)      Returns 1 if |S1-S2| > S3; otherwise 0
        AND    (S1,S2,...,Sn)  Returns 1 if ALL Sx > 0; otherwise 0
        OR     (S1,S2,...,Sn)  Returns 1 if at least ONE Sx > 0; otherwise 0
        EOR    (S1,S2,...,Sn)  Returns 1 if exactly ONE Sx > 0; otherwise 0
	NOT    (S)             Returns 1 if S == 0; otherwise 0

     A special set of functions, all of which are named beginning with ENS_, 
     are provided to do specific calculations over multiple members of an 
     ensemble.  The constitution of the ensemble is specified as a GDFILE 
     entry by listing file names and aliases, separated by commas and enclosed
     in curly brackets ({}).  Each alias therein may have an optional cycle 
     time specification appended to it following |.  The latest cycle time 
     is the default.

     The members of an ensemble may be assigned weights as percentages prefixed 
     to the member name and separated from it by a % character.  The 
     specification of weights is described in the help for GDFILE.  The weights 
     are used in the scalar (ENS_SAVG) and vector (ENS_VAVG) average functions 
     and in the percentile function (ENS_PRCNTL).  The weights are ignored in 
     the spread functions.  If no weights are specified, all members are equally 

     If the first GDFILE entry is an ensemble specification, then the 
     undetermined portions of the GDATTIM entry are filled using the last time
     from the last file associated with the first entry of the ensemble 
     specification.  Each GEMPAK grid time to be processed, derived from the 
     GDATTIM input, is associated with a valid date-time.  This valid date-time
     and the cycle for each ensemble member is used to compute the forecast 
     hour for that member so that all members contribute data for the same 
     valid date-time.  The exception to this occurs when a member is an actual
     file name.  In that case, it is assumed that the GEMPAK grid time exists 
     in the file.

     The general form for entering an ENS_ function follows:

	ENS_NAME ( input_arg1 & ... & input_argN & output_arg )

     NAME is the name of the ENS_ function.  The arguments are separated by 
     the & character.  The output argument, which is rarely used for ENS_ 
     functions, is present only when the function can produce more than one 
     result and the user must enter the name of the result to return.  The 
     input arguments may be any valid GEMPAK diagnostic function specification.

     The user must read the documentation for each function in order to specify
     correctly the input arguments.  There are two kinds of input arguments:

	1.Dynamic arguments are evaluated for each member of the ensemble.
	2.Static arguments are evaluated only once.

     The documentation for each ENS_ functions tells the user which arguments 
     are dynamic and which ones are static.  Dynamic arguments are always listed
     first before any static arguments in the ENS_ function specification.  
     Within an argument there are two possible kinds of parameters:

	1.Dynamic parameters are read from the changing members of the ensemble.
	2.Static parameters are read from an unchanging file.

     A dynamic argument may include both dynamic and static parameters; while, 
     a static argument must use only static parameters.  The in-line +k 
     parameter qualifier is used to link parameters to GDFILE entries, where k 
     is the GDFILE position number.  If +k is not given, the default is k=1.  
     Dynamic parameters must have +k that points to an ensemble specification.  
     Also, any numerical constants embedded within an ENS_ function must be
     followed by +k when the ensemble specification is not in position 1.
     All dynamic parameters given in the arguments to an ENS_ function must have
     the same value of k; therefore, all static parameters should have other 
     values of k, pointing to non-ensemble entires in GDFILE.

     The time stamps assumed for all parameters within an ENS_ function are
     controlled by the ensemble time; therefore, static parameters will
     usually require an in-line time specification.

     To clarify these concepts, consider the function ENS_SAVG, which computes 
     the mean of a scalar argument over the members of an ensemble.  Using 
     ENS_SAVG, compute the spread of the SREF temperature about the operational 
     GFS temperature:

	GDPFUN=sqrt( ENS_SAVG ( expi(sub(tmpk+2,tmpk^06/00f24),2+2) ) )

     The single argument to ENS_SAVG is a dynamic argument (all ENS_ functions 
     will have at least one dynamic argument).  In this case, the parameters 
     within the diagnostic sub function are of two different types.  The first, 
     tmpk+2, is a dynamic parameter whose associated grid changes with each new 
     ensemble member.  The second, tmpk, is a static parameter whose associated 
     grid is always the same one read from the GFS file.  Since the matching
     time in the SREF is a 27-h forecast (F27) from 21 UTC, the static tmpk
     parameter from the GFS requires an in-line time specification.  Even
     constants in GEMPAK have associated identifiers; so, the +k, where k is 2,
     must be appended because it is inside the ENS_ function.
     An important side affect of this capability is that ensemble GDFILE entries
     are defined and viable for any function.  So, a diagnostic function that is
     not an ensemble function will produce a result, even when the GDFILE entry 
     associated with its arguments is an ensemble.  The last file associated 
     with the first entry in the GDFILE ensemble specification (a list enclosed 
     by curly brackets {}) will be used.  Since the user may not know what this 
     file will be, use of non-ensemble functions of parameters associated with 
     ensemble GDFILE entries is discouraged.


	ENS_SAVG ( input_arg1  & input_arg2): Compute the average of a scalar
                diagnostic field over an ensemble.  This average is an equally
                weighted ensemble mean unless weights have been specified
                in the GDFILE entry as described above or in input_arg2.
                Input_arg1 specifies the scalar field to average and is a 
                dynamic argument.  Input_arg2 specifies the name of a weight
		grid to be used in the calculation. 
	ENS_SSPRD ( input_arg1 ): Compute the spread (sample standard deviation)
		of a scalar diagnostic field over an ensemble.  Input_arg1 
		specifies the scalar field and is a dynamic argument.  The
                formula used to compute the spread is

		SQRT { [ SUM ( Xi**2 ) - ( SUM (Xi) ** 2 ) / N ] / ( N -1 ) }
		where SUM is the summation over the members, Xi are values of
                the scalar field from individual ensemble members, and N is
                the number of members.  Note that the average of the squared
                deviations from the mean is computed by dividing the sum of
                the squared deviations by ( N - 1 ).

        ENS_SSUM ( input_arg1 ):  Compute the non-weighted sum of the values
                of a scalar field over an ensemble.  Note that this returns
                the number of members in the ensemble if "input_arg1" is a
                logical function that always evaluates to 1 [e.g., gt(2,1)].

	ENS_SWSPRD ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 ):  Compute the spred, similar
                to ENS_SSPRD, of a scalar diagnostic field over an ensemble.
                The spread is weighted and input_arg2 specifies the name of 
                a weight grid to be used in the calculation.
                For uniform weights ens_ssprd (input_arg1) might be expected 
                to give the same result as ens_swsprd(input_arg1 & w1) where
                w1 is uniform field of 1.  This does not happen because of 
                the division by (N-1) in ens_ssprd.  The same is also true 
                in comparing ens_vsprd and ens_vwsprd results.

	ENS_VAVG ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 ): Compute the average of a vector 
		diagnostic field over an ensemble.  This average is an equally
	 	weighted ensemble mean unless weights have been specified
                in the GDFILE entry as described above or in input_arg2. 
                Input_arg1 specifies the vector field to average and is a 
		dynamic argument.  Input_arg2 specifies the name of a weight
                grid to be used in the calculation.
	ENS_VSPRD ( input_arg1 ): Compute the spread (sample standard deviation)
		of a vector diagnostic field over an ensemble.  Input_arg1 
		specifies the vector field and is a dynamic argument.  The
                formula used to compute the variance for each individual
                component of a vector is the same as for ENS_SSPRD.  The
                variances of the components are added, then the square root
                is taken to compute the vector spread, which is a scalar.

	ENS_VWSPRD ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 ):  Compute the spred, similar
                to ENS_VSPRD, of a vector diagnostic field over an ensemble.
                The spread is weighted and input_arg2 specifies the name of a 
                weight grid to be used in the calculation.  Also, see NOTE for
                function ENS_SWSPRD. 

	ENS_SMAX ( input_arg1 ): Compute the maximum of a scalar diagnostic
		field over an ensemble.

	ENS_SMIN ( input_arg1 ): Compute the minimum of a scalar diagnostic
		field over an ensemble.

	ENS_SRNG ( input_arg1 ): Compute the range of a scalar diagnostic
		field over an ensemble. The range is defined as the difference
		between the maximum and the minimum.

	ENS_PRCNTL ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 & input_arg3 ):  
                                                   At each grid point determine 
	    	the value of input_arg1 such that it exceeds that found in P% of
		the members of the ensemble, where P is given by input_arg2. The
		first argument is a dynamic argument, the second is a static 
		argument. Input_arg3 specifies the name of a weight
                grid to be used in the calculation.  
                The value of P must range between 0 and 100, and it 
		may vary from grid point to grid point.  If the ensemble members
		are weighted, it is the sum of the weights associated with the 
		order statistics that determines the value corresponding to the
		percentile.  If the percentile falls between two members, the 
		value is determined by interpolation.  The following example 
		finds the median 850 hPa temperature:
	    	  GLEVEL  = 850
            	  GVCORD  = PRES
	    	  GDATTIM = f24
	    	  GDFILE  = { 75%ENS, GFS|00, GFS|12 }
            	  GDPFUN  = ENS_PRCNTL ( tmp & 50 )
	ENS_MODE ( input_arg1 & input_arg2):  At each grid point, determine the mode
                of a weighted ensemble distribution.  The mode value is the first one
                found by a trisection algorithm.  The algorithm uses a moving,
                shrinking data interval in which the weight sums for the data
                values are made in each of three subintervals.  The largest
                weight sum determines the next interval, with ties decided in
                the direction of the data mean.  The algorithm terminates when
                only the middle subinterval has a non-zero sum of weights.  The
                weighted average of the data values in this lone subinterval is
                the mode.  Input_arg2 specifies the name of a weight
                grid to be used in the calculation. 

	ENS_PROB ( input_arg1 ):  Compute the probability of the multi-
                variate expression given in the input argument.  The
                expression in the input argument is composed of the
                logical functions AND, OR, and EOR operating on the
                logical arithmetic comparison functions LT, LE, GT,
                GE, GTLT, GELT, GTLE, and GELE.  ENS_PROB computes
                the weighted average of the 1 or 0 logical evaluations
                over the members of the ensemble to yield the relative
                frequency, or probability, of occurrence.  For example,
                compute the probability of wind speeds greater than
                10 m/s or temperature less than 0 C, either occurring
                along with precipitation accumulating between .25 and
                1.0 inch:


	ENS_CPRB ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 & input_arg3 & input_arg4 ):
                At each grid point, determine the univariate cumulative
                probability that the value of a given function is less
                than or equal to a given value in an ideal ensemble.  The
                input arguments are, respectively, the function to evaluate,
                the given value whose cumulative probability is sought, the
                lower bound below which values of the function are impossible,
                and the upper bound above which values of the function are
                impossible.  If a value for input_arg2 is outside of a given
                bound, the result is a missing value.  The first argument is a
                dynamic argument; the others are static.  The last two are
                are optional.  To omit input_arg3 but include input_arg4,
                specify input as ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 & & input_arg4 ).
                All arguments may be functions that vary from one grid point to
                another.  For an ideal ensemble, there is a 2/(N+1) probability
                of values falling outside of the ensemble envelope.  The
                probability density function is piecewise linear with triangular
                extrapolations beyond the ensemble, limited by any bounding
                values given.  The following example finds the cumulative
                probability of relative humidity less than or equal to 75%:

                GDPFUN = ENS_CPRB ( relh & 75 & 0 & 100 )

	ENS_CVAL ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 & input_arg3 & input_arg4 ):

                At each grid point, determine the value of a given
                function such that the univariate cumulative probability
                of values less than or equal to the computed value is
                the given probability, assuming an ideal ensemble.  The
                input arguments are, respectively, the function to evaluate,
                the given cumulative probability ranging from 0 to 1, the
                lower bound below which values of the function are impossible,
                and the upper bound above which values of the function are
                impossible.  A computed value will never fall outside of a
                bounding value.  The first argument is a dynamic argument; the
                others are static.  The last two are are optional.  To omit
                input_arg3 but include input_arg4, specify input as
                ( input_arg1 & input_arg2 & & input_arg4 ).  All arguments may
                be functions that vary from one grid point to another.  If the
                the value of the second argument is not between 0 and 1,
                inclusive, then a missing value is assigned at that grid point.
                For an ideal ensemble, there is a 2/(N+1) probability of values
                falling outside of the ensemble envelope.  The probability
                density function is piecewise linear with triangular
                extrapolations beyond the ensemble, limited by any bounding
                values given.  The following example finds the value of
                relative humidity (%) such that the cumulative probability of
                relative humidity less than or equal to it is 0.6.

                GDPFUN = ENS_CVAL ( relh & 0.6 & 0 & 100 )

     Another special set of functions, all of which are named beginning with 
     LYR_, are provided to do specific calculations over multiple levels 
     constituting a layer.  The depth of a layer, and hence the levels that are
     included in it, must be specified by the user.  The level information may 
     be entered in the GLEVEL parameter, but, if the LYR_ function is embedded 
     in a diagnostic function requiring parameters at a given level, then the 
     level information for the LYR_ function is specified following a | placed 
     after the arguments for the function.  The arguments to the function are 
     separated by the & character.  The | character separates the list of 
     arguments from the specification of levels. If only the level specification
     is given, the | must be present.   

     The general form for entering a LYR_ function follows:

	LYR_NAME ( input_arg1 & ... & input_argN & output_arg | levels )

     The simplest possible form is LYR_NAME ().

     NAME is the name of the LYR_ function. The user must read the documentation
     for each function in order to specify correctly the input arguments.  Some 
     LYR_ functions will be able to compute more than one possible output.  For 
     example, some LYR_ function may return either the level of the maximum 
     value of a scalar quantity or the maximum value itself.  The user uses the 
     output argument to choose between or among the possible outputs.  The name 
     of each output is given in the individual LYR_ function documentation.  If
     a LYR_ function can only produce one result, then the output argument may 
     be omitted, or, if given, will be ignored.  If a LYR_ function has no 
     required inputs, only one possible output, and the user has specified the 
     levels in GLEVEL, then the simplest form is used to specify the LYR_ 
     function.  The open and closing parentheses are always required.
     Currently, ENS_ functions cannot be embedded in LYR_ functions, and

     The "| levels" specification allows the user to specify the layer 
     independently of GLEVEL.  Whether entered in GLEVEL or following the |,
     the level input must be one of the following:

	1. ALL uses all levels available for the vertical coordinate specified 
	   in GVCORD, sorted to proceed from the surface of the earth upward.

	2. MAN uses all mandatory isobaric levels below 100 mb, but will give 
	   an error if GVCORD is not PRES.  The order is from highest pressure
	   to lowest.

	3. Range with increment uses beginning and ending values along with the 
	   increment to create a list of levels.  The arithmetic sign of the 
	   increment is determined to be that needed to progress from the 
	   beginning to the ending value.  The last value, if not equal to the 
	   specified ending value, will not exceed the ending value.  If some 
	   levels do not exist, an error will occur during the calculations.

	4. Range without an increment uses all available levels between the 
	   two levels given by the user in the order implied by the user.

	5. A list of levels separated by semicolons.  

     Note that GLEVEL = LEVEL1:LEVEL2 is not a valid input for layer functions.

     GEMPAK grid diagnostic functions that require two levels (two-level layer 
     functions) are allowed in the input arguments to LYR_ functions, but cannot
     be mixed with single level functions.  This applies across all arguments 
     entered in the LYR_ function.  If one argument contains a two-level layer 
     function, all arguments must be two-level layer functions.  Users must use
     the LAV or VLAV function to include what would normally be single level 
     parameters in these cases.  When two-level layer functions are detected, 
     the internal list of levels is generated from the user input for a single 
     list of levels by creating layers bounded by consecutive levels.  For 
     example, the first layer extends from level 1 to level 2.  Parameters in 
     the gridded data file identified by two levels will not be available as 
     arguments to LYR_ functions.

	LYR_SWTM ( input_arg1 | levels ): Computes the weighted mean of a 
		scalar field.  If the input argument is a single-level parameter
		or function, the weight is the depth of the layer extending from
		point halfway between the level and the next lower level and 
		the point halfway between the level and the next upper level.  
		If the the input argument is a two-level function, then the 
		weight is the depth of the two-level layer used in calculating 
	 	the function. In isobaric coordinates, the logarithm of pressure
		is used to compute the depths.  Input_arg1 specifies diagnostic
		function to average over the layers and output_arg is not 

        LYR_MXMN(argin & fldout [& argout] [| lvls]):
          Computes the following over the specified range of levels...
            1.The maximum or minimum value of a scalar quantity.
            2.The value of a second output function coincident with the extrema
              of the input function.  It might be a level, such as HGHT or PRES.
              It might be some other function, e.g. absolute vorticity.

            argin is the name of the GFUNC...e.g. SPED, RELH, TEMP
            fldout specifies the desired output:
              MXVAL -> returns maximum of argin
                        MNVAL -> returns minimum of argin
                        MXOUT -> returns value of argout where argin is maximum
              MNOUT -> returns value of argout where argin is minimum

            argout can be a simple or complex function. Examples: HGHT,
               THTA, PRES, AVOR(WND). The argout parameter is supplied
               only when fldout does not request the value of argin (e.g.
               If your computing max/min values do not specify argout).

            lvls- A list of single levels or a list of layers.  In case,
              of the latter, the argument functions must be layer
              functions, including argout (which can be any function,
              but likely will be one we think of as a vertical 

          Example Uses...
            1.Compute the height (MSL) of the maximum wind speed
               LYR_MXMN(SPED & MXOUT & HGHT|1000-100)
            2.Compute the height (AGL) of the maximum wind speed
               sub(LYR_MXMN(SPED & MXOUT & HGHT|1000-100),hght@0%NONE)
            3.Compute the absolute vorticity of the maximum wind speed
               LYR_MXMN (SPED & MXOUT & AVOR(WND)|1000-100)
            4.Compute the maximum relative humidity
               LYR_MXMN (RELH & MXVAL|1000-100)
        LYR_FVONISFC (fvalu & fisfc & visfc & n & gradflag [| lvls])
          Computes the value of a function on a specified isosurface of a 
          second function. The function  will have the ability to  traverse 
          the atmosphere starting from the bottom level upwards or top level
          downwards and return either the 1st, 2nd, or nth level at which the 
          isosurface threshold value exist.

            fvalu - The function to interpolate to isosurface.   This can be a 
            vertical coordinate, such as HGHT or PRES.  This could be a more 
            complex function such as AVOR(WND).

            fisfc - The function to supply the isosurface - The input grids to 
            find the threshold value within

            visfc - Function supplying the local value of an isosurface.  In 
            another words - A function supplying the local threshold value to

            n - The number of levels to find the threshold value. The sign of 
            the number will be used to define whether to traverse the
            atmosphere starting from the bottom to the top or vice versa.  An n
            value of 1 signifies to return the 1st occurrence starting from the 
            bottom of the atmosphere and working upward.  An n value of -2 
            signifies to return the 2nd occurrence of the threshold working 
            from the top level downward.  If the threshold value does not exist
            for the number of levels specified, the grid point will be set to

            Gradflag - Gradflag = function to flag required gradient across 
            If < 0, values of fisfc must decrease in crossing the 
              isosurface in the direction of the search.  
            If gradflag = 0, it does not matter whether values increase or  
            If gradflag > 0, values of fisfc must increase in crossing the 
              isosurface in the direction of the search. 
          Example Uses:
            1. Compute the 1st level (MSL) where the winds decrease to 35 m/sec 
               starting at the ground level.  (Useful for finding the LLJ).
               LYR_FVONISFC(HGHT & SPED & 35 & 1 & -1|1000-300)
            2. Compute the 1st level (MSL) where the humidity increases to 
               above 70 percent starting from the top and working downward.
               LYR_FVONISFC(HGHT & RELH & 70 & -1 & 1|300-1000) 
            3. Compute the 1st level (AGL) where the humidity increases to
               above 70 percent starting from the bottom and working upward.
               This example assumes there is a height grid of the surface.
               sub(LYR_FVONISFC(HGHT&RELH&70 & 1 & 1|1000-300), hght@0%NONE)

     If GFUNC and GVECT contain both LYR_ and ENS_ functions, an error message 
     will be produced.  Likewise, ensemble and layer diagnostics cannot be 
     computed recursively.