GEMPAK Manual |
Programs | Parameters
GDEFIL is the name of the grid edit file which will be used to update
a grid file. The edit file must contain only complete grids.
GDEFIL is a text file which may be created using the program GDLIST
with F as an output device and GAREA = DSET. A text editor may be
used to create or change the grid edit file.
GDEFIL must contain the following information before the complete
grid data:
The time, level, vertical coordinate and parameter name MUST appear
on the same line in the order given. The time must be a fully
qualified GEMPAK time. The parameter name is the name of the grid.
The first and last row and column information must appear on one line.
Column information must be preceded by the word COLUMNS:. Row
information must be preceded by the word ROW:. The first row and
column must be 1. The last row and column must be the same as the
grid size in the file. For example:
COLUMNS: 1 8 ROWS: 1 6
If the string FACTOR:, appears and is followed by an integer, the data
will be divided by 10**SCALE before being stored in the grid file. In
the following example, the data will be divided by 10**5.
The string COLUMN: signals the beginning of the grid data. If the
required grid information has not already been found, an error will
The data for the grid follows the grid keywords. The data for a grid
is listed from the top (last) row to the bottom row in the grid.
The beginning of each row of data must be preceded by the string ROW.
Data consists of numeric values for each data point; missing data
should be entered as -9999.0.