GEMPAK Manual | Programs | Parameters


     CXSTNS defines the x-axis for a cross-section plot.

     In SNCROSS, CXSTNS is the list of stations, separated with semicolons, 
     to be used for the cross section.  Stations may be entered using 
     either character or numeric identifiers.

     In GDCROSS, CXSTNS contains the endpoints of the cross-section line 
     separated using a >.  Each endpoint may be defined as follows:

        1.      a station character or numeric identifier;

        2.      a latitude and longitude pair separated by a semicolon;

        3.      an @ followed by a grid x and y coordinate pair separated 
                using a semicolon, e.g., @1.5;2.3>@25.9;30.

	4.	a CPF file name with optional path.  The CPF file must
		contain two latitude/longitude pairs.
	5.	graphically using the CURSOR command.