GEMPAK Manual | Programs | Parameters

     AREA is the data area.  Only data within the area specified will be 

     Areas may be defined containing subareas.  Subareas must be separated 
     by slashes.  Each subarea is additive, +, or subtractive, -, depending 
     on the first character following the slash, with + being the default.  
     Additive subareas add stations to the list of valid stations; 
     subtractive subareas eliminate stations which were previously valid.
     Subareas may be specified in the following ways:
     1.  lat1;lon1;lat2;lon2 
         This defines a latitude/longitude range where (lat1, lon1) is the 
         lower left corner and (lat2, lon2) is the upper right corner.  
         West longitude is negative.
         This defines a latitude/longitude range by the center latitude and 
         longitude.  The lower left corner is (clat-dlat; clon-dlon); the 
         upper right corner is (clat+dlat; clon+dlon).  No corrections are 
         made for the poles or the International Date Line.
     2.  GEOG
         This is an abbreviation for a geographic area defined in the 
         GEMPAK geographic table which includes abbreviations for states, 
         provinces, and countries, as well as other names. A suffixed + or * 
	 will decrease the extent of the geographic area. A suffixed - will 
	 increase the extent of the geographic area. 
     3.  STN
         This defines an area centered on a station found in the GEMPAK 
         station table.  A suffixed + or * will decrease the extent
         of the geographic area.  A suffixed - will increase the extent
         of the geographic area.
     4.  DSET 
         This includes all the stations in the current data set.
     5.  @ST  
         This area includes those stations located in the state, province 
         or country defined by ST.  Only some countries are recognized 
         (US,CN,MX,CI,BW,AU); other countries may be specified using method 6.
     6.  @CN:C
         This area includes those stations located in the country defined 
         by CN.
     7.  @STN1;STN2;...;STNn 
         This area includes the stations listed, where STNi may be a station 
         identifier or a station number.
     8.  SHDR:iloval:ihival 
         This area defines a range of integer values for the station header, 
         SHDR.  Valid keywords for SHDR are:
		COUN	--	country
		SELV	--	elevation (in meters)
		SLAT	--	latitude (in degrees x 100)
		SLON	--	longitude (in degrees x 100, West is negative)
		SPRI	--	priority
		STAT	--	state
		STID	--	character identifier
				(6 digits for surface--usually the WMO
				 5-digit number followed by a 0)
         where COUN, STAT and STID are not very useful, since the integer 
         representation of characters is system dependent.
         For example, SELV:0:2000 specifies stations whose elevations are 
         less than 2000 meters.

     9. GAREA
	This area corresponds to a slightly larger area than that specified
	by GAREA.  It will ensure that data will appear near the bounds of 
	the view region.