Creating a Topographic image

This example utilizes DEM topography data 5 minute topography data to create a topographic image that may be used as a basemap. It is similar to the Satellite Basemap example, but visualizes the topography/bathymetry digital elevation model data.

Tools Used

Gempak Programs

Data Used


  1. Create a topographic grid for desired area using GDTOPO

  2. Create an image from topography/bathymetry data using GD2IMG
  3. Create a color lookup table representing ocean and land for the 2 ranges of data above. The color values 0 to 95 will be divided into 2 sections (0 to 7 providing shades of blue corresponding to depth below sea level, and 8 to 95 representing evelation above sea level). You can download the color table upc_dem5.tbl generated for this topographic image.
  4. Add an image type entry for this band 2**(3 - 1) image for sensor 11 (Gini ID 99 above) into GEMTBL/sat/imgtyp.tbl if it does not already exist.
       TOPO                 TOPO_DEM5     0     94     11      4      1 upc_dem5.tbl
  5. Display the composite image in GEMPAK programs as a satellite image and overlay data as desired.

Part II: Mask lakes above sea level and valleys below sea level

The DEM topography/bathymetry data set used above provides elevation above and below sea level, however, it does not distinguish between land and water. The Great Lakes and Great Salt Lake represent areas above sea level that we might want to be the color of water, while Death Valley and the Salton Sea areas have areas below sea level that we would want to represent as land. If we used the 0.5 degree land/sea mask functions in GEMPAK, the boundary areas would be much coarser than the 6 Km resolution of the image product and appear blocky. We could use the land mask from one of the operational models, but to obtain the best reolution, we'll use a 1 Km (30 second) land classification data set.

  1. Create a grid from 1km land classification raster data. We'll set IJSKIP to 5 since that approximates the resolution of the image we are producing.

  2. Create a boolean grid (1=land, 0=water) based on the classification type values greater than 0 representing land. Write this LUSE grid out to the nam_basemap.gem grid file created previously.

  3. Create a new nam_topomap.gini image using the boolean land use grid to mask:

  4. Display the land/water masked topography image as above