Editing Menus

Any of the menus in the menubar can be customized in the Localization Perspective.

Modifying Menus

Once in the Localization Perspective, menus can be modified by going to the D2D > Menus directory in the File Browser. Here there are submenus for different data types and menu structures. Usually the index.xml file found in these submenus is the master file which the actual menu is based off of. This file can reference other xml files and you may have to modify these child xml files to get the results you are looking for.

In order to modify any file, you must right click on it and select Copy To > USER (my-username). Then you may open this copy and begin to modify it. Once this process has been completed and a change has been made and saved, CAVE will need to be restarted and opened in the D2D perspective to see the change.

This example covers how to add a new menu entry to an existing menu.

  1. Switch to the Localization Perspective
  2. Find the grid folder under D2D > Menus
  3. Double-click to expand index.xml
  4. Right-click to BASE (common_static) and select Copy To..., then select USER level
  5. Double-click USER to open the editor and copy an existing include tag, and update the modelName (this must match an existing product found in the Product Browser) and the menuName (this can be anything)

    <include installTo="menu:models" fileName="menus/grid/allFamilies.xml">
        <substitute key="modelName" value="GEFS" />
        <substitute key="menuName" value="GEFS" />
        <substitute key="frameCount" value="41" />
        <substitute key="TP" value="TP"/>
  6. Once this is completed, save the file and restart CAVE

  7. Navigate to the Models menu and you should see a new entry with GEFS

Removing Menus

This example covers how to remove a menu (in this case MRMS) from D2D:

  1. Switch to the Localization Perspective
  2. Find the mrms folder under D2D > Menus
  3. Double-click to expand index.xml
  4. Right-click BASE and select Copy To..., then select USER level
  5. Right-click refresh the mrms entry
  6. Double click USER to open the editor and change

        <include installTo="menu:mrms?after=MRMS_MENU_START" fileName="menus/mrms/mrms.xml"/>



With this completed, you can now restart CAVE and will not see the MRMS menu anymore. Repeat this example for other product menus, such as radar, upperair, tools, etc., to further customize D2D data menus for any level of localization.