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Using Predefined Areas with MetPy#
When plotting your data on a map you want to be able to plot the data in a useful area and with a projection that would match the areal extent well. Within MetPy we have generated more than 400 pre-defined areas that also have associated projections, which you can use to make quick plots over regions of interest with minimal effort on your part. While these were intended to be used with the MetPy declarative syntax, these areas and projections are now accessible for any use of plotting data on a map using Cartopy.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from import metar
from metpy.plots import declarative, named_areas
Table of Predefined Areas#
Here is a full list of all of the areas currently in MetPy with their reference name, descriptive name, and extent bounds.
print('area name bounds')
for area in named_areas:
area name bounds
us UNITED STATES (-119.0, -56.0, 19.0, 47.0)
awips AWIPS US (-127.0, -59.0, 20.0, 50.0)
uslcc UNITED STATES LCC (-124.0, -62.0, 20.0, 51.0)
whlf WESTERN HALF (-123.8, -85.9, 22.9, 50.2)
chlf CENTRAL HALF (-111.0, -79.0, 27.5, 50.5)
centus CENTRAL US (-105.4, -77.0, 24.7, 47.6)
ehlf EASTERN HALF (-96.2, -62.7, 22.0, 49.0)
mehlf EASTERN HALF (-89.9, -66.6, 23.8, 49.1)
west WESTERN US (-125.0, -90.0, 25.0, 55.0)
cent CENTRAL US (-107.4, -75.3, 24.3, 49.7)
east EASTERN US (-100.55, -65.42, 24.57, 47.2)
nwus NW SECTOR (-126.0, -102.0, 38.25, 50.25)
swus SW SECTOR (-126.0, -100.0, 28.25, 40.25)
ncus NC SECTOR (-108.0, -84.0, 38.25, 50.25)
scus SC SECTOR (-108.9, -84.0, 24.0, 40.25)
neus NE SECTOR (-89.0, -64.0, 37.25, 47.25)
seus SE SECTOR (-90.0, -66.0, 28.25, 40.25)
bosfa BOSTON FA AREA (-87.5, -63.5, 34.5, 50.5)
miafa MIAMI FA AREA (-88.0, -72.0, 23.0, 39.0)
chifa CHICAGO FA AREA (-108.0, -75.0, 34.0, 50.0)
dfwfa DALLAS FA AREA (-106.5, -80.5, 22.0, 40.0)
slcfa SALT LAKE FA AREA (-126.0, -98.0, 29.5, 50.5)
sfofa SAN FRAN FA AREA (-129.0, -111.0, 30.0, 50.0)
ak ALASKA HPC QPF (-180.0, -106.0, 42.0, 73.0)
al ALABAMA (-95.0, -79.0, 27.0, 38.0)
ar ARKANSAS (-100.75, -84.75, 29.5, 40.5)
ca CALIFORNIA (-127.75, -111.75, 31.5, 42.5)
co COLORADO (-114.0, -98.0, 33.5, 44.5)
ct CONNECTICUT (-81.25, -65.25, 36.0, 47.0)
dc WASHINGTON DC (-85.0, -69.0, 33.35, 44.35)
de DELAWARE (-83.75, -67.75, 33.25, 44.25)
fl FLORIDA (-90.0, -74.0, 23.0, 34.0)
ga GEORGIA (-92.0, -76.0, 27.5, 38.5)
hi HAWAII (-161.5, -152.5, 17.0, 23.0)
ia IOWA (-102.0, -86.0, 36.5, 47.5)
id IDAHO (-123.0, -107.0, 39.25, 50.25)
il ILLINOIS (-97.75, -81.75, 34.5, 45.5)
in INDIANA (-94.5, -78.5, 34.5, 45.5)
ks KANSAS (-106.5, -90.5, 33.25, 44.25)
ky KENTUCKY (-93.0, -77.0, 31.75, 42.75)
la LOUISIANA (-100.75, -84.75, 25.75, 36.75)
ma MASSACHUSETTS (-80.25, -64.25, 36.75, 47.75)
md MARYLAND (-85.25, -69.25, 33.75, 44.75)
me MAINE (-77.75, -61.75, 39.5, 50.5)
mi MICHIGAN (-93.0, -77.0, 37.75, 48.75)
mn MINNESOTA (-102.0, -86.0, 40.5, 51.5)
mo MISSOURI (-101.0, -85.0, 33.0, 44.0)
ms MISSISSIPPI (-98.0, -82.0, 27.0, 38.0)
mt MONTANA (-117.0, -101.0, 41.5, 52.5)
nc NORTH CAROLINA (-87.25, -71.25, 30.0, 41.0)
nd NORTH DAKOTA (-107.5, -91.5, 42.25, 53.25)
ne NEBRASKA (-107.5, -91.5, 36.25, 47.25)
nh NEW HAMPSHIRE (-79.5, -63.5, 38.25, 49.25)
nj NEW JERSEY (-82.5, -66.5, 34.75, 45.75)
nm NEW MEXICO (-114.25, -98.25, 29.0, 40.0)
nv NEVADA (-125.0, -109.0, 34.0, 45.0)
ny NEW YORK (-84.0, -68.0, 37.25, 48.25)
oh OHIO (-91.0, -75.0, 34.5, 45.5)
ok OKLAHOMA (-105.25, -89.25, 30.25, 41.25)
or OREGON (-128.0, -112.0, 38.75, 49.75)
pa PENNSYLVANIA (-86.0, -70.0, 35.5, 46.5)
ri RHODE ISLAND (-79.75, -63.75, 36.0, 47.0)
sc SOUTH CAROLINA (-89.0, -73.0, 28.5, 39.5)
sd SOUTH DAKOTA (-107.5, -91.5, 39.0, 50.0)
tn TENNESSEE (-95.0, -79.0, 30.0, 41.0)
tx TEXAS (-107.0, -91.0, 25.4, 36.5)
ut UTAH (-119.0, -103.0, 34.0, 45.0)
va VIRGINIA (-86.5, -70.5, 32.25, 43.25)
vt VERMONT (-80.75, -64.75, 38.25, 49.25)
wi WISCONSIN (-98.0, -82.0, 38.5, 49.5)
wv WEST VIRGINIA (-89.0, -73.0, 33.0, 44.0)
wy WYOMING (-116.0, -100.0, 37.75, 48.75)
az ARIZONA (-119.0, -103.0, 29.0, 40.0)
wa WASHINGTON (-128.0, -112.0, 41.75, 52.75)
cn CANADA (-120.4, -14.0, 37.9, 58.6)
cnlcc CANADA LCC (-127, -54.0, 40, 70)
ab ALBERTA (-119.6, -108.2, 48.6, 60.4)
bc BRITISH COLUMBIA (-134.5, -109.0, 47.2, 60.7)
mb MANITOBA (-102.4, -86.1, 48.3, 60.2)
nb NEW BRUNSWICK (-75.7, -57.6, 42.7, 49.6)
nf NEWFOUNDLAND (-68.0, -47.0, 45.0, 62.0)
ns NOVA SCOTIA (-67.0, -59.0, 43.0, 47.5)
nt NW TERRITORIES (-132.0, -100.0, 59.0, 70.5)
nu NUNAVUT (-115.0, -65.0, 59.0, 80)
on ONTARIO (-94.5, -68.2, 41.9, 55.0)
pe PRINCE EDWARD IS (-64.6, -61.7, 45.8, 47.1)
qb QUEBEC (-80.0, -49.2, 44.1, 60.9)
sa SASKATCHEWAN (-111.2, -97.8, 48.5, 60.3)
yt YUKON TERRITORY (-142.0, -117.0, 59.0, 70.5)
tropatl TROPICAL ATLANTIC (-115.0, 10.0, 0.0, 40.0)
subtrop SUBTROPICAL ATL (-90.0, -20.0, 20.0, 60.0)
troppac TROPICAL PACIFIC (-165.0, -80.0, -25.0, 45.0)
gulf GULF OF MEXICO (-105.0, -70.0, 10.0, 40.0)
carib CARIBBEAN SEA (-100.0, -50.0, 0.0, 40.0)
sthepac SOUTH E PACIFIC (-170.0, -70.0, -60.0, 0.0)
natlmed N ATL/MEDITER (-30.0, 70.0, 0.0, 65.0)
atlhur ATLANTIC HURR (-96.0, -6.0, 4.0, 3.0)
nam N AMERICA (-144, -50, 12, 75)
sam S AMERICA (-120.0, -20.0, -60.0, 20.0)
samps S AMERICA (PS) (-100.0, -34.0, -58.0, 15.0)
eur EUROPE (-16.0, 80.0, 24.0, 52.0)
natl N ATLANTIC (-110.0, 20.1, 15.0, 70.0)
watl W ATLANTIC (-84.0, -38.0, 25.0, 46.0)
tatl TROPICAL ATLANTIC (-90.0, -15.0, -10.0, 35.0)
npac N PACIFIC (102.0, 250.0, -12.0, 60.0)
spac S PACIFIC (102.0, 290.0, -60.0, 20.0)
tpac TROPICAL PACIFIC (-165.0, -75.0, -10.0, 40.0)
epac E PACIFIC (-150.0, -98.0, 12.0, 60.0)
wpac W PACIFIC (130.0, 240.0, 0.0, 63.0)
mpac MARINE PACIFIC (128.0, 252.0, 15.0, 71.95)
americas ICAO MERC AREA A (-137.4, -12.6, -54.0, 67.0)
atlantic ICAO MERC AREA B1 (-125.0, 40.0, -45.5, 62.7)
africa ICAO MERC AREA C (-35.0, 70.0, -45.0, 75.0)
indocean ICAO MERC AREA D (-15.0, 132.0, -27.0, 63.0)
oceania ICAO MERC AREA E (25.0, 180.0, -54.0, 40.0)
trop_pac ICAO MERC AREA F (100.0, 250, -52.7, 50.0)
asia_ps ICAO P.S. AREA G (34.8, 157.2, -0.8, 13.7)
na_ps ICAO P.S. AREA H (-79.1, 56.7, 1.6, 25.2)
npac_ps ICAO P.S. AREA I (166.24, -60.62, -6.74, 33.32)
antarcticaICAO P.S. AREA J (106.8, -101.1, -27.6, 0.8)
europe ICAO P.S. AREA EU (-21.6, 68.4, 21.4, 58.7)
middle_eastICAO MERC AREA ME (17.0, 70.0, 10.0, 44.0)
india ICAO MERC AREA AS (53.0, 108.0, 0.0, 36.0)
ag ARGENTINA (-80.0, -53.0, -56.0, -20.0)
ah AFGHANISTAN (60.0, 77.0, 27.0, 40.0)
afrca AFRICA (-25.0, 59.4, -36.0, 41.0)
ai ASCENSION ISLAND (-14.3, -14.1, -8.0, -7.8)
alba ALBANIA (18.0, 23.0, 39.0, 43.0)
alge ALGERIA (-9.0, 12.0, 15.0, 38.0)
an ANGOLA (10.0, 25.0, -20.0, -5.0)
antl LESSER ANTILLES (-70.0, -58.0, 11.0, 19.0)
antg GREATER ANTILLES (-86.0, -65.0, 17.0, 25.0)
atg ANTIGUA & BARBUDA (-62.0, -61.6, 16.9, 17.75)
au AUSTRALIA (110.0, 160.0, -40.0, -6.5)
azor AZORES (-27.6, -23.0, 36.0, 41.0)
ba BAHAMAS (-80.5, -72.5, 22.5, 28.5)
be BERMUDA (-64.9, -64.5, 32.2, 32.6)
bel BELGIUM (2.5, 6.5, 49.4, 51.6)
bf BRUNEI (113.0, 116.0, 4.0, 5.5)
bfa BURKINA FASO (-6.0, 3.0, 9.0, 15.1)
bh BELIZE (-89.3, -88.1, 15.7, 18.5)
bi BURUNDI (29.0, 30.9, -4.6, -2.2)
bj BENIN (0.0, 5.0, 6.0, 12.6)
bn BAHRAIN (50.0, 51.0, 25.5, 27.1)
bo BOLIVIA (-72.0, -50.0, -24.0, -8.0)
bots BOTSWANA (19.0, 29.6, -27.0, -17.0)
br BARBADOS (-62.5, -56.5, 12.45, 13.85)
bt BRITISH INDIAN OC (71.25, 72.6, -7.5, -5.0)
bu BULGARIA (22.0, 30.0, 40.0, 45.0)
bv BOUVET ISLANDS (3.0, 4.0, -55.0, -54.0)
bw BANGLADESH (87.0, 93.0, 20.8, 27.0)
by BYELORUSSIA (19.0, 33.0, 51.0, 60.0)
bz BRAZIL (-75.0, -30.0, -35.0, 5.0)
cais CANTON ISLAND (-172.0, -171.0, -3.0, -2.0)
nwcar NWX CARIBBEAN (-120.0, -50.0, -15.0, 35.0)
cari CARIBBEAN (-103.0, -53.0, 3.0, 36.0)
cb CHAD (13.0, 25.0, 7.0, 24.0)
ce CENTRAL AFRICA (14.0, 29.0, 2.0, 11.5)
cg CONGO (10.0, 20.0, -6.0, 5.0)
ch CHILE (-80.0, -66.0, -56.0, -15.0)
ci CHINA (85.0, 145.0, 14.0, 48.5)
cm CAMEROON (7.5, 17.1, 1.0, 14.0)
colm COLUMBIA (-81.0, -65.0, -5.0, 14.0)
cr CANARY ISLANDS (-19.0, -13.0, 27.0, 30.0)
cs COSTA RICA (-86.5, -81.5, 8.2, 11.6)
cu CUBA (-85.0, -74.0, 19.0, 24.0)
cv CAPE VERDE ISLAND (-26.0, -22.0, 14.0, 18.0)
cy CYPRUS (32.0, 35.0, 34.0, 36.0)
cz CZECH REPUBLIC (8.9, 22.9, 47.4, 52.4)
dj DJIBOUTI (41.5, 44.1, 10.5, 13.1)
dl GERMANY (4.8, 16.8, 47.0, 55.0)
dn DENMARK (8.0, 11.0, 54.0, 58.6)
do DOMINICA (-61.6, -61.2, 15.2, 15.8)
dr DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (-72.2, -68.0, 17.5, 20.2)
eg EGYPT (24.0, 37.0, 21.0, 33.0)
eq ECUADOR (-85.0, -74.0, -7.0, 3.0)
er UAE (50.0, 57.0, 22.0, 26.6)
es EL SALVADOR (-90.3, -87.5, 13.0, 14.6)
et ETHIOPIA (33.0, 49.0, 2.0, 19.0)
fa FAEROES (-8.0, -6.0, 61.0, 63.0)
fg FRENCH GUIANA (-55.0, -49.0, 1.0, 7.0)
fi FINLAND (20.9, 35.1, 59.0, 70.6)
fj FIJI ISLANDS (176.0, 181.0, 16.0, 19.0)
fk FALKLAND ISLANDS (-61.3, -57.5, -53.0, -51.0)
fn NIGER (0.0, 17.0, 11.0, 24.0)
fr FRANCE (-5.0, 11.0, 41.0, 51.5)
gb GAMBIA (-17.1, -13.5, 13.0, 14.6)
gc CAYMAN ISLANDS (-82.8, -77.6, 17.9, 21.1)
gh GHANA (-4.5, 1.5, 4.0, 12.0)
gi GIBRALTAR (-8.0, -4.0, 35.0, 38.0)
gl GREENLAND (-60, -20, 58.3, 85)
glp GUADALOUPE (-64.2, -59.8, 14.8, 19.2)
gm GUAM (144.5, 145.1, 13.0, 14.0)
gn GUINEA (2.0, 16.0, 3.5, 15.5)
go GABON (8.0, 14.5, -4.6, 3.0)
gr GREECE (20.0, 27.6, 34.0, 42.0)
gu GUATEMALA (-95.6, -85.0, 10.5, 21.1)
gw GUINEA-BISSAU (-17.5, -13.5, 10.8, 12.8)
gy GUYANA (-62.0, -55.0, 0.0, 10.0)
ha HAITI (-75.0, -71.0, 18.0, 20.0)
he ST HELENA (-6.1, -5.5, -16.3, -15.5)
hk HONG KONG (113.5, 114.7, 22.0, 23.0)
ho HONDURAS (-90.0, -83.0, 13.0, 16.6)
hu HUNGARY (16.0, 23.0, 45.5, 49.1)
ic COMOROS (43.0, 45.0, -13.2, -11.0)
icel ICELAND (-24.1, -11.5, 63.0, 67.5)
ie IRELAND (-11.1, -4.5, 50.0, 55.6)
inda INDIA (67.0, 92.0, 4.2, 36.0)
indo INDONESIA (95.0, 141.0, -8.0, 6.0)
iq IRAQ (38.0, 50.0, 29.0, 38.0)
ir IRAN (44.0, 65.0, 25.0, 40.0)
is ISRAEL (34.0, 37.0, 29.0, 34.0)
iv IVORY COAST (-9.0, -2.0, 4.0, 11.0)
iw WEST BANK (34.8, 35.6, 31.2, 32.6)
iy ITALY (6.6, 20.6, 35.6, 47.2)
jd JORDAN (34.0, 39.6, 29.0, 33.6)
jm JAMAICA (-80.0, -76.0, 16.0, 19.0)
jp JAPAN (123.0, 155.0, 24.0, 47.0)
ka CAROLINE ISLANDS (131.0, 155.0, 1.0, 9.6)
kash JAMMU & KASHMIR (74.0, 78.0, 32.0, 35.0)
kb KIRIBATI (172.0, 177.0, -3.0, 3.2)
khm CAMBODIA (102.0, 108.0, 10.0, 15.0)
ki CHRISTMAS ISLAND (105.2, 106.2, -11.0, -10.0)
kn KENYA (32.5, 42.1, -6.0, 6.0)
kna ST KITTS & NEVIS (-62.9, -62.4, 17.0, 17.5)
ko KOREA (124.0, 131.5, 33.0, 43.5)
ku COOK ISLANDS (-168.0, -155.0, -24.1, -6.1)
kw KUWAIT (46.5, 48.5, 28.5, 30.5)
laos LAOS (100.0, 108.0, 13.5, 23.1)
lb LEBANON (34.5, 37.1, 33.0, 35.0)
lc ST LUCIA (60.9, 61.3, 13.25, 14.45)
li LIBERIA (-12.0, -7.0, 4.0, 9.0)
ln LINE ISLANDS (-162.1, -154.9, -4.2, 6.0)
ls LESOTHO (27.0, 29.6, -30.6, -28.0)
lt LIECHTENSTEIN (9.3, 9.9, 47.0, 47.6)
lux LUXEMBOURG (5.6, 6.6, 49.35, 50.25)
ly LIBYA (8.0, 26.0, 19.0, 35.0)
maar ST MAARTEN (-63.9, -62.3, 17.0, 18.6)
made MADEIRA (-17.3, -16.5, 32.6, 33.0)
mala MALAYSIA (100.0, 119.6, 1.0, 8.0)
mali MALI (-12.5, 6.0, 8.5, 25.5)
maur MAURITIUS (57.2, 57.8, -20.7, -19.9)
maut MAURITANIA (-17.1, -4.5, 14.5, 28.1)
mc MOROCCO (-13.0, -1.0, 25.0, 36.0)
mg MADAGASCAR (43.0, 50.6, -25.6, -12.0)
mh MARSHALL ISLANDS (160.0, 172.0, 4.5, 12.1)
ml MALTA (14.3, 14.7, 35.8, 36.0)
mmr MYANMAR (92.0, 102.0, 7.5, 28.5)
mong MONGOLIA (87.5, 123.1, 38.5, 52.6)
mr MARTINIQUE (-61.2, -60.8, 14.3, 15.1)
mu MACAO (113.0, 114.0, 22.0, 23.0)
mv MALDIVE ISLANDS (70.1, 76.1, -6.0, 10.0)
mw MALAWI (32.5, 36.1, -17.0, -9.0)
mx MEXICO (-119.0, -83.0, 13.0, 34.0)
my MARIANNA ISLANDS (142.5, 148.5, 9.0, 25.0)
mz MOZAMBIQUE (29.0, 41.0, -26.5, -9.5)
nama NAMIBIA (11.0, 25.0, -29.5, -16.5)
ncal NEW CALEDONIA (158.0, 172.0, -23.0, -18.0)
ng NEW GUINEA (130.0, 152.0, -11.0, 0.0)
ni NIGERIA (2.0, 14.6, 3.0, 14.0)
nk NICARAGUA (-88.0, -83.0, 10.5, 15.1)
nl NETHERLANDS (3.5, 7.5, 50.5, 54.1)
no NORWAY (3.0, 35.0, 57.0, 71.5)
np NEPAL (80.0, 89.0, 25.0, 31.0)
nw NAURU (166.4, 167.4, -1.0, 0.0)
nz NEW ZEALAND (165.0, 179.0, -48.0, -33.0)
om OMAN (52.0, 60.0, 16.0, 25.6)
os AUSTRIA (9.0, 18.0, 46.0, 50.0)
pf FRENCH POLYNESIA (-154.0, -134.0, -28.0, -8.0)
ph PHILIPINES (116.0, 127.0, 4.0, 21.0)
pi PHOENIX ISLANDS (-177.5, -167.5, -9.0, 1.0)
pk PAKISTAN (60.0, 78.0, 23.0, 37.0)
pl POLAND (14.0, 25.0, 48.5, 55.0)
pm PANAMA (-83.0, -77.0, 7.0, 10.0)
po PORTUGAL (-10.0, -4.0, 36.5, 42.5)
pr PERU (-82.0, -68.0, -20.0, 5.0)
pt PITCAIRN ISLANDS (-130.6, -129.6, -25.56, -24.56)
pu PUERTO RICO (-67.5, -65.5, 17.5, 18.5)
py PARAGUAY (-65.0, -54.0, -32.0, -17.0)
qg EQUATORIAL GUINEA (7.0, 12.0, -2.0, 3.0)
qt QATAR (50.0, 52.0, 24.0, 27.0)
ra RUSSIA (40.0, 190.0, 35.0, 70.0)
re REUNION (55.0, 56.0, -21.5, -20.5)
riro RIO DE ORO (-18.0, -12.0, 17.5, 27.5)
ro ROMANIA (19.0, 31.0, 42.5, 48.5)
rw RWANDA (29.0, 31.0, -3.0, -1.0)
saudi SAUDI ARABIA (4.6, 92.5, -13.2, 60.3)
sb SRI LANKA (79.0, 83.0, 5.0, 10.0)
seyc SEYCHELLES ISLANDS (55.0, 56.0, -5.0, -4.0)
sg SENEGAL (-18.0, -10.0, 12.0, 17.0)
si SOMALIA (39.5, 52.1, -4.5, 13.5)
sk SARAWAK (109.5, 119.3, 1.0, 7.0)
sl SIERRA LEONE (-13.6, -10.2, 6.9, 10.1)
sm SURINAME (-59.0, -53.0, 1.0, 6.0)
sn SWEDEN (10.0, 25.0, 55.0, 69.6)
so SOLOMON ISLANDS (156.0, 167.0, -12.0, -6.0)
sp SPAIN (-10.0, 6.0, 35.0, 44.0)
sr SINGAPORE (103.0, 105.0, 1.0, 2.0)
su SUDAN (21.5, 38.5, 3.5, 23.5)
sv SWAZILAND (30.5, 33.1, -27.5, -25.3)
sw SWITZERLAND (5.9, 10.5, 45.8, 48.0)
sy SYRIA (35.0, 42.6, 32.0, 37.6)
tanz TANZANIA (29.0, 40.6, -13.0, 0.0)
td TRINIDAD & TOBAGO (-62.1, -60.5, 10.0, 11.6)
tg TOGO (-0.5, 2.5, 5.0, 12.0)
th THAILAND (97.0, 106.0, 5.0, 21.0)
ti TURKS ISLANDS (-71.6, -70.6, 21.0, 22.0)
tk TOKELAU ISLANDS (-173.0, -171.0, -11.5, -7.5)
to TONGA (-178.5, -170.5, -22.0, -15.0)
tp SAO TOME-PRINCIPE (6.0, 7.6, 0.0, 2.0)
ts TUNISIA (7.0, 13.0, 30.0, 38.0)
tu TURKEY (25.0, 48.0, 34.1, 42.1)
tv TUVALU (176.0, 180.0, -11.0, -5.0)
tw TAIWAN (120.0, 122.0, 21.9, 25.3)
ug UGANDA (29.0, 35.0, -3.5, 5.5)
uk UNITED KINGDOM (-11.0, 5.0, 49.0, 60.0)
ur UKRAINE (20.0, 41.0, 45.0, 52.0)
uy URUGUAY (-60.0, -52.0, -35.5, -29.5)
vanu VANUATU (167.0, 170.0, -21.0, -13.0)
vi VIRGIN ISLANDS (-65.5, -64.0, 16.6, 19.6)
vk SLOVAKIA (13.8, 25.8, 46.75, 50.75)
vn VENEZUELA (-75.0, -60.0, -2.0, 14.0)
vs VIETNAM (102.0, 110.0, 8.0, 24.0)
wk WAKE ISLAND (166.1, 167.1, 18.8, 19.8)
ye YEMEN (42.5, 54.1, 12.5, 19.1)
yg YUGOSLAVIA (13.5, 24.6, 40.0, 47.0)
za SOUTH AFRICA (16.0, 34.0, -36.0, -22.0)
zb ZAMBIA (21.0, 35.0, -20.0, -7.0)
zm WESTERN SAMOA (170.5, 173.5, -15.0, -13.0)
zr ZAIRE (12.0, 31.6, -14.0, 6.0)
zw ZIMBABWE (25.0, 34.0, -22.9, -15.5)
Example Using Bounds and Projection for an Area#
Each area string given in the table above have a descriptive name, extent bounds, and a projection associated with each entry. We can pull any of this information to help us make a plot over the area domain.
# Select the area string
area = 'epac'
# Get the extent and project for the selected area
extent = named_areas[area].bounds
proj = named_areas[area].projection
# Plot a simple figure for the selected area
plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=proj)
ax.set_extent(extent, ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.add_feature(cfeature.STATES.with_scale('10m'), edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.75)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE.with_scale('10m'), linewidth=1.1)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS.with_scale('10m'), edgecolor='black')
ax.set_title(f'area={area} name={named_areas[area].description}'
![area=epac name=E PACIFIC proj=PROJ ob_tran o_proj=latlon](../_images/sphx_glr_area_tutorial_001.png)
Examaple Using Declarative Syntax#
Here is an example using a predefined area with the declarative plotting syntax for plotting some surface observations.
# Set the observation time
obs_time = datetime(2019, 7, 1, 12)
# Read in data
df = metar.parse_metar_file(get_test_data('metar_20190701_1200.txt', False), year=2019,
# Plot desired data
obs = declarative.PlotObs() = df
obs.time = obs_time
obs.time_window = timedelta(minutes=15)
obs.level = None
obs.fields = ['cloud_coverage', 'air_temperature', 'dew_point_temperature',
'air_pressure_at_sea_level', 'current_wx1_symbol']
obs.plot_units = [None, 'degF', 'degF', None, None]
obs.locations = ['C', 'NW', 'SW', 'NE', 'W']
obs.formats = ['sky_cover', None, None, lambda v: format(v * 10, '.0f')[-3:],
obs.reduce_points = 0.75
obs.vector_field = ['eastward_wind', 'northward_wind']
# Panel for plot with Map features
panel = declarative.MapPanel()
panel.layout = (1, 1, 1)
panel.projection = 'area'
panel.area = 'in+'
panel.layers = ['states']
panel.title = f'Surface plot for {obs_time}'
panel.plots = [obs]
# Bringing it all together
pc = declarative.PanelContainer()
pc.size = (10, 10)
pc.panels = [panel]
![Surface plot for 2019-07-01 12:00:00](../_images/sphx_glr_area_tutorial_002.png)
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 22.576 seconds)