
metpy.calc.total_deformation(u, v, dx=None, dy=None, x_dim=- 1, y_dim=- 2)#

Calculate the total deformation of the horizontal wind.

  • u ((…, M, N) xarray.DataArray or pint.Quantity) – x component of the wind

  • v ((…, M, N) xarray.DataArray or pint.Quantity) – y component of the wind

  • dx (pint.Quantity, optional) – The grid spacing(s) in the x-direction. If an array, there should be one item less than the size of u along the applicable axis. Optional if xarray.DataArray with latitude/longitude coordinates used as input.

  • dy (pint.Quantity, optional) – The grid spacing(s) in the y-direction. If an array, there should be one item less than the size of u along the applicable axis. Optional if xarray.DataArray with latitude/longitude coordinates used as input.

  • x_dim (int, optional) – Axis number of x dimension. Defaults to -1 (implying […, Y, X] order). Automatically parsed from input if using xarray.DataArray.

  • y_dim (int, optional) – Axis number of y dimension. Defaults to -2 (implying […, Y, X] order). Automatically parsed from input if using xarray.DataArray.


(…, M, N) xarray.DataArray or pint.Quantity – Total Deformation


If inputs have more than two dimensions, they are assumed to have either leading dimensions of (x, y) or trailing dimensions of (y, x), depending on the value of dim_order.

Changed in version 1.0: Changed signature from (u, v, dx, dy)