Source code for metpy.plots.ctables

# Copyright (c) 2014,2015,2017 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Work with custom color tables.

Contains a tools for reading color tables from files, and creating instances based on a
specific set of constraints (e.g. step size) for mapping.

.. plot::

   import numpy as np
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   import metpy.plots.ctables as ctables

   def plot_color_gradients(cmap_category, cmap_list, nrows):
       fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 6), nrows=nrows)
       fig.subplots_adjust(top=.93, bottom=0.01, left=0.32, right=0.99)
       axes[0].set_title(cmap_category + ' colormaps', fontsize=14)

       for ax, name in zip(axes, cmap_list):
               ax.imshow(gradient, aspect='auto', cmap=ctables.registry.get_colortable(name))
               pos = list(ax.get_position().bounds)
               x_text = pos[0] - 0.01
               y_text = pos[1] + pos[3]/2.
               fig.text(x_text, y_text, name, va='center', ha='right', fontsize=10)

       # Turn off *all* ticks & spines, not just the ones with colormaps.
       for ax in axes:

   cmaps = list(ctables.registry.keys())
   cmaps = [name for name in cmaps if name[-2:]!='_r']
   nrows = len(cmaps)
   gradient = np.linspace(0, 1, 256)
   gradient = np.vstack((gradient, gradient))

   plot_color_gradients('MetPy', cmaps, nrows)

from __future__ import division

import ast
import contextlib
import glob
import logging
import os.path
import posixpath

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from pkg_resources import resource_listdir, resource_stream

TABLE_EXT = '.tbl'

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())  # Python 2.7 needs a handler set

def _parse(s):
    if hasattr(s, 'decode'):
        s = s.decode('ascii')

    if not s.startswith('#'):
        return ast.literal_eval(s)

    return None

[docs]def read_colortable(fobj): r"""Read colortable information from a file. Reads a colortable, which consists of one color per line of the file, where a color can be one of: a tuple of 3 floats, a string with a HTML color name, or a string with a HTML hex color. Parameters ---------- fobj : a file-like object A file-like object to read the colors from Returns ------- List of tuples A list of the RGB color values, where each RGB color is a tuple of 3 floats in the range of [0, 1]. """ ret = [] try: for line in fobj: literal = _parse(line) if literal: ret.append(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgb(literal)) return ret except (SyntaxError, ValueError): raise RuntimeError('Malformed colortable.')
[docs]def convert_gempak_table(infile, outfile): r"""Convert a GEMPAK color table to one MetPy can read. Reads lines from a GEMPAK-style color table file, and writes them to another file in a format that MetPy can parse. Parameters ---------- infile : file-like object The file-like object to read from outfile : file-like object The file-like object to write to """ for line in infile: if not line.startswith('!') and line.strip(): r, g, b = map(int, line.split()) outfile.write('({0:f}, {1:f}, {2:f})\n'.format(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255))
[docs]class ColortableRegistry(dict): r"""Manages the collection of color tables. Provides access to color tables, read collections of files, and generates matplotlib's Normalize instances to go with the colortable. """
[docs] def scan_resource(self, pkg, path): r"""Scan a resource directory for colortable files and add them to the registry. Parameters ---------- pkg : str The package containing the resource directory path : str The path to the directory with the color tables """ for fname in resource_listdir(pkg, path): if fname.endswith(TABLE_EXT): table_path = posixpath.join(path, fname) with contextlib.closing(resource_stream(pkg, table_path)) as stream: self.add_colortable(stream, posixpath.splitext(posixpath.basename(fname))[0])
[docs] def scan_dir(self, path): r"""Scan a directory on disk for color table files and add them to the registry. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the directory with the color tables """ for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*' + TABLE_EXT)): if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as fobj: try: self.add_colortable(fobj, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]) log.debug('Added colortable from file: %s', fname) except RuntimeError: # If we get a file we can't handle, assume we weren't meant to.'Skipping unparsable file: %s', fname)
[docs] def add_colortable(self, fobj, name): r"""Add a color table from a file to the registry. Parameters ---------- fobj : file-like object The file to read the color table from name : str The name under which the color table will be stored """ self[name] = read_colortable(fobj) self[name + '_r'] = self[name][::-1]
[docs] def get_with_steps(self, name, start, step): r"""Get a color table from the registry with a corresponding norm. Builds a `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm` using `start`, `step`, and the number of colors, based on the color table obtained from `name`. Parameters ---------- name : str The name under which the color table will be stored start : float The starting boundary step : float The step between boundaries Returns ------- `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm`, `matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` The boundary norm based on `start` and `step` with the number of colors from the number of entries matching the color table, and the color table itself. """ from numpy import arange # Need one more boundary than color num_steps = len(self[name]) + 1 boundaries = arange(start, start + step * num_steps, step) return self.get_with_boundaries(name, boundaries)
[docs] def get_with_range(self, name, start, end): r"""Get a color table from the registry with a corresponding norm. Builds a `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm` using `start`, `end`, and the number of colors, based on the color table obtained from `name`. Parameters ---------- name : str The name under which the color table will be stored start : float The starting boundary end : float The ending boundary Returns ------- `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm`, `matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` The boundary norm based on `start` and `end` with the number of colors from the number of entries matching the color table, and the color table itself. """ from numpy import linspace # Need one more boundary than color num_steps = len(self[name]) + 1 boundaries = linspace(start, end, num_steps) return self.get_with_boundaries(name, boundaries)
[docs] def get_with_boundaries(self, name, boundaries): r"""Get a color table from the registry with a corresponding norm. Builds a `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm` using `boundaries`. Parameters ---------- name : str The name under which the color table will be stored boundaries : array_like The list of boundaries for the norm Returns ------- `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm`, `matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` The boundary norm based on `boundaries`, and the color table itself. """ cmap = self.get_colortable(name) return mcolors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries, cmap.N), cmap
[docs] def get_colortable(self, name): r"""Get a color table from the registry. Parameters ---------- name : str The name under which the color table will be stored Returns ------- `matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` The color table corresponding to `name` """ return mcolors.ListedColormap(self[name], name=name)
registry = ColortableRegistry() registry.scan_resource('metpy.plots', 'colortables') registry.scan_dir(os.path.curdir)