Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2016,2017 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Read upper air data from remote archives."""

import contextlib
from io import BytesIO
import json
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen

import numpy as np
import as ma

from ._tools import UnitLinker
from .cdm import Dataset
from ..calc import get_wind_components
from ..deprecation import deprecated
from ..package_tools import Exporter

exporter = Exporter(globals())

[docs]@deprecated('0.6', addendum=' This function is being moved to the Siphon package.', pending=False) @exporter.export def get_upper_air_data(time, site_id, source='wyoming', **kwargs): r"""Download and parse upper air observations from an online archive. Parameters ---------- time : datetime The date and time of the desired observation. site_id : str The three letter ICAO identifier of the station for which data should be downloaded. source : str The archive to use as a source of data. Current can be one of 'wyoming' or 'iastate'. Defaults to 'wyoming'. kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments to use to initialize source Returns ------- :class:`` containing the data .. deprecated:: 0.6.0 Function has been moved to the Siphon library and will be removed from MetPy in 0.8.0. """ sources = {'wyoming': WyomingUpperAir, 'iastate': IAStateUpperAir} src = sources.get(source) if src is None: raise ValueError('Unknown source for data: {0}'.format(str(source))) fobj = src.get_data(time, site_id, **kwargs) info = src.parse(fobj) ds = Dataset() ds.createDimension('pressure', len(info['p'][0])) # Simplify the process of creating variables that wrap the parsed arrays and can # return appropriate units attached to data def add_unit_var(name, std_name, arr, unit): var = ds.createVariable(name, arr.dtype, ('pressure',), wrap_array=arr) var.standard_name = std_name var.units = unit ds.variables[name] = UnitLinker(var) return var # Add variables for all the data columns for key, name, std_name in [('p', 'pressure', 'air_pressure'), ('z', 'height', 'geopotential_height'), ('t', 'temperature', 'air_temperature'), ('td', 'dewpoint', 'dew_point_temperature')]: data, units = info[key] add_unit_var(name, std_name, data, units) direc, spd, spd_units = info['wind'] u, v = get_wind_components(spd, np.deg2rad(direc)) add_unit_var('u_wind', 'eastward_wind', u, spd_units) add_unit_var('v_wind', 'northward_wind', v, spd_units) add_unit_var('speed', 'wind_speed', spd, spd_units) add_unit_var('direction', 'wind_from_direction', direc, 'deg') return ds
class UseSampleData(object): r"""Class to temporarily point to local sample data instead of downloading.""" url_map = {r'' r'&YEAR=1999&MONTH=05&FROM=0400&TO=0400&STNM=OUN': 'may4_sounding.txt', r'' r'&YEAR=2013&MONTH=01&FROM=2012&TO=2012&STNM=OUN': 'sounding_data.txt', r'' r'&station=KDEN': 'sounding_iastate.txt', r'' r'&YEAR=2010&MONTH=12&FROM=0912&TO=0912&STNM=BOI': 'sounding_wyoming_upper.txt', r'' r'&YEAR=2016&MONTH=05&FROM=2200&TO=2200&STNM=DDC': 'may22_sounding.txt', r'' r'&YEAR=2002&MONTH=11&FROM=1100&TO=1100&STNM=BNA': 'nov11_sounding.txt'} def __init__(self): r"""Initialize the wrapper.""" self._urlopen = urlopen def _wrapped_urlopen(self, url): r"""Wrap urlopen and look to see if the request should be redirected.""" from metpy.cbook import get_test_data filename = self.url_map.get(url) if filename is None: return self._urlopen(url) else: return open(get_test_data(filename, False), 'rb') def __enter__(self): """Set up our custom `urlopen` wrapper.""" global urlopen urlopen = self._wrapped_urlopen def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Restore the normal `urlopen` functions.""" global urlopen urlopen = self._urlopen class WyomingUpperAir(object): r"""Download and parse data from the University of Wyoming's upper air archive.""" @staticmethod def get_data(time, site_id, region='naconf'): r"""Download data from the University of Wyoming's upper air archive. Parameters ---------- time : datetime Date and time for which data should be downloaded site_id : str Site id for which data should be downloaded region : str The region in which the station resides. Defaults to `naconf`. Returns ------- a file-like object from which to read the data """ url = ('{region}&TYPE=TEXT%3ALIST' '&YEAR={time:%Y}&MONTH={time:%m}&FROM={time:%d%H}&TO={time:%d%H}' '&STNM={stid}').format(region=region, time=time, stid=site_id) with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url)) as fobj: data = # See if the return is valid, but has no data if data.find(b'Can\'t') != -1: raise ValueError('No data available for {time:%Y-%m-%d %HZ} from region {region} ' 'for station {stid}.'.format(time=time, region=region, stid=site_id)) # Since the archive text format is embedded in HTML, look for the <PRE> tags data_start = data.find(b'<PRE>') data_end = data.find(b'</PRE>', data_start) # Grab the stuff *between* the <PRE> tags -- 6 below is len('<PRE>\n') buf = data[data_start + 6:data_end] return BytesIO(buf.strip()) @staticmethod def parse(fobj): r"""Parse Wyoming Upper Air Data. This parses the particular tabular layout of upper air data used by the University of Wyoming upper air archive. Parameters ---------- fobj : file-like object The file-like object from which the data should be read. This needs to be set up to return bytes when read, not strings. Returns ------- dict of information used by :func:`get_upper_air_data` """ def to_float(s): # Remove all whitespace and replace empty values with NaN if not s.strip(): s = 'nan' return float(s) # Skip the row of dashes and column names for _ in range(2): fobj.readline() # Parse the actual data, only grabbing the columns for pressure, T/Td, and wind unit_strs = ['degC' if u == 'C' else u for u in fobj.readline().decode('ascii').split()] # Skip last header row of dashes fobj.readline() # Initiate lists for variables arr_data = [] # Read all lines of data and append to lists only if there is some data for row in fobj: level = to_float(row[0:7]) values = (to_float(row[7:14]), to_float(row[14:21]), to_float(row[21:28]), to_float(row[42:49]), to_float(row[49:56])) if any(np.invert(np.isnan(values[1:]))): arr_data.append((level,) + values) p, z, t, td, direc, spd = np.array(arr_data).T return {'p': (p, unit_strs[0]), 'z': (z, unit_strs[1]), 't': (t, unit_strs[2]), 'td': (td, unit_strs[3]), 'wind': (direc, spd, unit_strs[7])} class IAStateUpperAir(object): r"""Download and parse data from the Iowa State's upper air archive.""" @staticmethod def get_data(time, site_id): r"""Download data from the Iowa State's upper air archive. Parameters ---------- time : datetime Date and time for which data should be downloaded site_id : str Site id for which data should be downloaded Returns ------- list of json data """ url = ('{time:%Y%m%d%H}00' '&station={stid}').format(time=time, stid=site_id) with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url)) as fobj: json_data = json.loads('utf-8'))['profiles'][0]['profile'] # See if the return is valid, but has no data if not json_data: raise ValueError('No data available for {time:%Y-%m-%d %HZ} ' 'for station {stid}.'.format(time=time, stid=site_id)) return json_data @staticmethod def parse(json_data): r"""Parse Iowa State Upper Air Data. This parses the JSON formatted data returned by the Iowa State upper air data archive. Parameters ---------- json_data : list list containing json data Returns ------- dict of information used by :func:`get_upper_air_data` """ data = {} for pt in json_data: for field in ('drct', 'dwpc', 'hght', 'pres', 'sknt', 'tmpc'): data.setdefault(field, []).append(np.nan if pt[field] is None else pt[field]) # Make sure that the first entry has a valid temperature and dewpoint idx = np.argmax(~(np.isnan(data['tmpc']) | np.isnan(data['tmpc']))) ret = {'p': (ma.masked_invalid(data['pres'][idx:]), 'mbar'), 'z': (ma.masked_invalid(data['hght'][idx:]), 'meter'), 't': (ma.masked_invalid(data['tmpc'][idx:]), 'degC'), 'td': (ma.masked_invalid(data['dwpc'][idx:]), 'degC'), 'wind': (ma.masked_invalid(data['drct'][idx:]), ma.masked_invalid(data['sknt'][idx:]), 'knot')} return ret