# Copyright (c) 2008,2015,2016,2017 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Contains a collection of thermodynamic calculations."""
from __future__ import division
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as si
import scipy.optimize as so
from .tools import (_greater_or_close, _less_or_close, broadcast_indices, find_intersections,
get_layer, interp)
from ..constants import Cp_d, epsilon, kappa, Lv, P0, Rd
from ..package_tools import Exporter
from ..units import atleast_1d, check_units, concatenate, units
exporter = Exporter(globals())
sat_pressure_0c = 6.112 * units.millibar
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]')
def potential_temperature(pressure, temperature):
r"""Calculate the potential temperature.
Uses the Poisson equation to calculation the potential temperature
given `pressure` and `temperature`.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The total atmospheric pressure
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The temperature
The potential temperature corresponding to the the temperature and
See Also
.. math:: \Theta = T (P_0 / P)^\kappa
>>> from metpy.units import units
>>> metpy.calc.potential_temperature(800. * units.mbar, 273. * units.kelvin)
<Quantity(290.96653180346203, 'kelvin')>
return temperature * (P0 / pressure).to('dimensionless')**kappa
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]')
def dry_lapse(pressure, temperature):
r"""Calculate the temperature at a level assuming only dry processes.
This function lifts a parcel starting at `temperature`, conserving
potential temperature. The starting pressure should be the first item in
the `pressure` array.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure level(s) of interest
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The starting temperature
The resulting parcel temperature at levels given by `pressure`
See Also
moist_lapse : Calculate parcel temperature assuming liquid saturation
parcel_profile : Calculate complete parcel profile
return temperature * (pressure / pressure[0])**kappa
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]')
def moist_lapse(pressure, temperature):
r"""Calculate the temperature at a level assuming liquid saturation processes.
This function lifts a parcel starting at `temperature`. The starting
pressure should be the first item in the `pressure` array. Essentially,
this function is calculating moist pseudo-adiabats.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure level(s) of interest
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The starting temperature
The temperature corresponding to the the starting temperature and
pressure levels.
See Also
dry_lapse : Calculate parcel temperature assuming dry adiabatic processes
parcel_profile : Calculate complete parcel profile
This function is implemented by integrating the following differential
.. math:: \frac{dT}{dP} = \frac{1}{P} \frac{R_d T + L_v r_s}
{C_{pd} + \frac{L_v^2 r_s \epsilon}{R_d T^2}}
This equation comes from [Bakhshaii2013]_.
def dt(t, p):
t = units.Quantity(t, temperature.units)
p = units.Quantity(p, pressure.units)
rs = saturation_mixing_ratio(p, t)
frac = ((Rd * t + Lv * rs) /
(Cp_d + (Lv * Lv * rs * epsilon / (Rd * t * t)))).to('kelvin')
return frac / p
return units.Quantity(si.odeint(dt, atleast_1d(temperature).squeeze(),
pressure.squeeze()).T.squeeze(), temperature.units)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def lcl(pressure, temperature, dewpt, max_iters=50, eps=1e-5):
r"""Calculate the lifted condensation level (LCL) using from the starting point.
The starting state for the parcel is defined by `temperature`, `dewpt`,
and `pressure`.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The starting atmospheric pressure
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The starting temperature
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
The starting dew point
`(pint.Quantity, pint.Quantity)`
The LCL pressure and temperature
Other Parameters
max_iters : int, optional
The maximum number of iterations to use in calculation, defaults to 50.
eps : float, optional
The desired relative error in the calculated value, defaults to 1e-5.
See Also
This function is implemented using an iterative approach to solve for the
LCL. The basic algorithm is:
1. Find the dew point from the LCL pressure and starting mixing ratio
2. Find the LCL pressure from the starting temperature and dewpoint
3. Iterate until convergence
The function is guaranteed to finish by virtue of the `max_iters` counter.
def _lcl_iter(p, p0, w, t):
td = dewpoint(vapor_pressure(units.Quantity(p, pressure.units), w))
return (p0 * (td / t) ** (1. / kappa)).m
w = mixing_ratio(saturation_vapor_pressure(dewpt), pressure)
fp = so.fixed_point(_lcl_iter, pressure.m, args=(pressure.m, w, temperature),
xtol=eps, maxiter=max_iters)
lcl_p = units.Quantity(fp, pressure.units)
return lcl_p, dewpoint(vapor_pressure(lcl_p, w))
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def lfc(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
r"""Calculate the level of free convection (LFC).
This works by finding the first intersection of the ideal parcel path and
the measured parcel temperature.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The temperature at the levels given by `pressure`
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
The dew point at the levels given by `pressure`
The LFC pressure and temperature
See Also
ideal_profile = parcel_profile(pressure, temperature[0], dewpt[0]).to('degC')
# The parcel profile and data have the same first data point, so we ignore
# that point to get the real first intersection for the LFC calculation.
x, y = find_intersections(pressure[1:], ideal_profile[1:], temperature[1:],
# Two possible cases here: LFC = LCL, or LFC doesn't exist
if len(x) == 0:
if np.all(_less_or_close(ideal_profile, temperature)):
# LFC doesn't exist
return np.nan * pressure.units, np.nan * temperature.units
else: # LFC = LCL
x, y = lcl(pressure[0], temperature[0], dewpt[0])
return x, y
return x[0], y[0]
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def el(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
r"""Calculate the equilibrium level.
This works by finding the last intersection of the ideal parcel path and
the measured environmental temperature. If there is one or fewer intersections, there is
no equilibrium level.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The temperature at the levels given by `pressure`
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
The dew point at the levels given by `pressure`
`pint.Quantity, pint.Quantity`
The EL pressure and temperature
See Also
ideal_profile = parcel_profile(pressure, temperature[0], dewpt[0]).to('degC')
# If the top of the sounding parcel is warmer than the environment, there is no EL
if ideal_profile[-1] > temperature[-1]:
return np.nan * pressure.units, np.nan * temperature.units
# Otherwise the last intersection (as long as there is one) is the EL
x, y = find_intersections(pressure[1:], ideal_profile[1:], temperature[1:])
if len(x) > 0:
return x[-1], y[-1]
return np.nan * pressure.units, np.nan * temperature.units
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def parcel_profile(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
r"""Calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere.
The parcel starts at `temperature`, and `dewpt`, lifted up
dry adiabatically to the LCL, and then moist adiabatically from there.
`pressure` specifies the pressure levels for the profile.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure level(s) of interest. The first entry should be the starting
point pressure.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The starting temperature
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
The starting dew point
The parcel temperatures at the specified pressure levels.
See Also
lcl, moist_lapse, dry_lapse
# Find the LCL
lcl_pressure = lcl(pressure[0], temperature, dewpt)[0].to(pressure.units)
# Find the dry adiabatic profile, *including* the LCL. We need >= the LCL in case the
# LCL is included in the levels. It's slightly redundant in that case, but simplifies
# the logic for removing it later.
press_lower = concatenate((pressure[pressure >= lcl_pressure], lcl_pressure))
t1 = dry_lapse(press_lower, temperature)
# Find moist pseudo-adiabatic profile starting at the LCL
press_upper = concatenate((lcl_pressure, pressure[pressure < lcl_pressure]))
t2 = moist_lapse(press_upper, t1[-1]).to(t1.units)
# Return LCL *without* the LCL point
return concatenate((t1[:-1], t2[1:]))
@check_units('[pressure]', '[dimensionless]')
def vapor_pressure(pressure, mixing):
r"""Calculate water vapor (partial) pressure.
Given total `pressure` and water vapor `mixing` ratio, calculates the
partial pressure of water vapor.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
total atmospheric pressure
mixing : `pint.Quantity`
dimensionless mass mixing ratio
The ambient water vapor (partial) pressure in the same units as
This function is a straightforward implementation of the equation given in many places,
such as [Hobbs1977]_ pg.71:
.. math:: e = p \frac{r}{r + \epsilon}
See Also
saturation_vapor_pressure, dewpoint
return pressure * mixing / (epsilon + mixing)
def saturation_vapor_pressure(temperature):
r"""Calculate the saturation water vapor (partial) pressure.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The temperature
The saturation water vapor (partial) pressure
See Also
vapor_pressure, dewpoint
Instead of temperature, dewpoint may be used in order to calculate
the actual (ambient) water vapor (partial) pressure.
The formula used is that from [Bolton1980]_ for T in degrees Celsius:
.. math:: 6.112 e^\frac{17.67T}{T + 243.5}
# Converted from original in terms of C to use kelvin. Using raw absolute values of C in
# a formula plays havoc with units support.
return sat_pressure_0c * np.exp(17.67 * (temperature - 273.15 * units.kelvin) /
(temperature - 29.65 * units.kelvin))
@check_units('[temperature]', '[dimensionless]')
def dewpoint_rh(temperature, rh):
r"""Calculate the ambient dewpoint given air temperature and relative humidity.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
Air temperature
rh : `pint.Quantity`
Relative humidity expressed as a ratio in the range (0, 1]
The dew point temperature
See Also
dewpoint, saturation_vapor_pressure
if np.any(rh > 1.2):
warnings.warn('Relative humidity >120%, ensure proper units.')
return dewpoint(rh * saturation_vapor_pressure(temperature))
def dewpoint(e):
r"""Calculate the ambient dewpoint given the vapor pressure.
e : `pint.Quantity`
Water vapor partial pressure
Dew point temperature
See Also
dewpoint_rh, saturation_vapor_pressure, vapor_pressure
This function inverts the [Bolton1980]_ formula for saturation vapor
pressure to instead calculate the temperature. This yield the following
formula for dewpoint in degrees Celsius:
.. math:: T = \frac{243.5 log(e / 6.112)}{17.67 - log(e / 6.112)}
val = np.log(e / sat_pressure_0c)
return 0. * units.degC + 243.5 * units.delta_degC * val / (17.67 - val)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[pressure]', '[dimensionless]')
def mixing_ratio(part_press, tot_press, molecular_weight_ratio=epsilon):
r"""Calculate the mixing ratio of a gas.
This calculates mixing ratio given its partial pressure and the total pressure of
the air. There are no required units for the input arrays, other than that
they have the same units.
part_press : `pint.Quantity`
Partial pressure of the constituent gas
tot_press : `pint.Quantity`
Total air pressure
molecular_weight_ratio : `pint.Quantity` or float, optional
The ratio of the molecular weight of the constituent gas to that assumed
for air. Defaults to the ratio for water vapor to dry air
The (mass) mixing ratio, dimensionless (e.g. Kg/Kg or g/g)
This function is a straightforward implementation of the equation given in many places,
such as [Hobbs1977]_ pg.73:
.. math:: r = \epsilon \frac{e}{p - e}
See Also
saturation_mixing_ratio, vapor_pressure
return molecular_weight_ratio * part_press / (tot_press - part_press)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]')
def saturation_mixing_ratio(tot_press, temperature):
r"""Calculate the saturation mixing ratio of water vapor.
This calculation is given total pressure and the temperature. The implementation
uses the formula outlined in [Hobbs1977]_ pg.73.
tot_press: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
The temperature
The saturation mixing ratio, dimensionless
return mixing_ratio(saturation_vapor_pressure(temperature), tot_press)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def equivalent_potential_temperature(pressure, temperature, dewpoint):
r"""Calculate equivalent potential temperature.
This calculation must be given an air parcel's pressure, temperature, and dewpoint.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Bolton1980]_:
First, the LCL temperature is calculated:
.. math:: T_{L}=\frac{1}{\frac{1}{T_{D}-56}+\frac{(T_{K}/T_{D})}{800}}+56
Which is then used to calculate the potential temperature at the LCL:
.. math:: \theta_{DL}=T_{K}\left(\frac{1000}{p-e}\right)^k
Both of these are used to calculate the final equivalent potential temperature:
.. math:: \theta_{E}=\theta_{DL}\exp[\left(\left\frac{3036.}{T_{L}}
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Temperature of parcel
dewpoint: `pint.Quantity`
Dewpoint of parcel
The equivalent potential temperature of the parcel
[Bolton1980]_ formula for Theta-e is used, since according to
[Davies-Jones2009]_ it is the most accurate non-iterative formulation
t = temperature.to('kelvin').magnitude
td = dewpoint.to('kelvin').magnitude
p = pressure.to('hPa').magnitude
e = saturation_vapor_pressure(dewpoint).to('hPa').magnitude
r = saturation_mixing_ratio(pressure, dewpoint).magnitude
t_l = 56 + 1. / (1. / (td - 56) + np.log(t / td) / 800.)
th_l = t * (1000 / (p - e)) ** kappa * (t / t_l) ** (0.28 * r)
th_e = th_l * np.exp((3036. / t_l - 1.78) * r * (1 + 0.448 * r))
return th_e * units.kelvin
@check_units('[temperature]', '[dimensionless]', '[dimensionless]')
def virtual_temperature(temperature, mixing, molecular_weight_ratio=epsilon):
r"""Calculate virtual temperature.
This calculation must be given an air parcel's temperature and mixing ratio.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Hobbs2006]_ pg.80.
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
The temperature
mixing : `pint.Quantity`
dimensionless mass mixing ratio
molecular_weight_ratio : `pint.Quantity` or float, optional
The ratio of the molecular weight of the constituent gas to that assumed
for air. Defaults to the ratio for water vapor to dry air.
The corresponding virtual temperature of the parcel
.. math:: T_v = T \frac{\text{w} + \epsilon}{\epsilon\,(1 + \text{w})}
return temperature * ((mixing + molecular_weight_ratio) /
(molecular_weight_ratio * (1 + mixing)))
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[dimensionless]', '[dimensionless]')
def virtual_potential_temperature(pressure, temperature, mixing,
r"""Calculate virtual potential temperature.
This calculation must be given an air parcel's pressure, temperature, and mixing ratio.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Markowski2010]_ pg.13.
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
The temperature
mixing : `pint.Quantity`
dimensionless mass mixing ratio
molecular_weight_ratio : `pint.Quantity` or float, optional
The ratio of the molecular weight of the constituent gas to that assumed
for air. Defaults to the ratio for water vapor to dry air.
The corresponding virtual potential temperature of the parcel
.. math:: \Theta_v = \Theta \frac{\text{w} + \epsilon}{\epsilon\,(1 + \text{w})}
pottemp = potential_temperature(pressure, temperature)
return virtual_temperature(pottemp, mixing, molecular_weight_ratio)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[dimensionless]', '[dimensionless]')
def density(pressure, temperature, mixing, molecular_weight_ratio=epsilon):
r"""Calculate density.
This calculation must be given an air parcel's pressure, temperature, and mixing ratio.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Hobbs2006]_ pg.67.
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
The temperature
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
mixing : `pint.Quantity`
dimensionless mass mixing ratio
molecular_weight_ratio : `pint.Quantity` or float, optional
The ratio of the molecular weight of the constituent gas to that assumed
for air. Defaults to the ratio for water vapor to dry air.
The corresponding density of the parcel
.. math:: \rho = \frac{p}{R_dT_v}
virttemp = virtual_temperature(temperature, mixing, molecular_weight_ratio)
return (pressure / (Rd * virttemp)).to(units.kilogram / units.meter ** 3)
@check_units('[temperature]', '[temperature]', '[pressure]')
def relative_humidity_wet_psychrometric(dry_bulb_temperature, web_bulb_temperature,
pressure, **kwargs):
r"""Calculate the relative humidity with wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures.
This uses a psychrometric relationship as outlined in [WMO8-2014]_, with
coefficients from [Fan1987]_.
dry_bulb_temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Dry bulb temperature
web_bulb_temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Wet bulb temperature
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity
.. math:: RH = 100 \frac{e}{e_s}
* :math:`RH` is relative humidity
* :math:`e` is vapor pressure from the wet psychrometric calculation
* :math:`e_s` is the saturation vapor pressure
See Also
psychrometric_vapor_pressure_wet, saturation_vapor_pressure
return (100 * units.percent * psychrometric_vapor_pressure_wet(dry_bulb_temperature,
web_bulb_temperature, pressure, **kwargs) /
@check_units('[temperature]', '[temperature]', '[pressure]')
def psychrometric_vapor_pressure_wet(dry_bulb_temperature, wet_bulb_temperature, pressure,
psychrometer_coefficient=6.21e-4 / units.kelvin):
r"""Calculate the vapor pressure with wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures.
This uses a psychrometric relationship as outlined in [WMO8-2014]_, with
coefficients from [Fan1987]_.
dry_bulb_temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Dry bulb temperature
wet_bulb_temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Wet bulb temperature
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
psychrometer_coefficient: `pint.Quantity`, optional
Psychrometer coefficient. Defaults to 6.21e-4 K^-1.
Vapor pressure
.. math:: e' = e'_w(T_w) - A p (T - T_w)
* :math:`e'` is vapor pressure
* :math:`e'_w(T_w)` is the saturation vapor pressure with respect to water at temperature
* :math:`p` is the pressure of the wet bulb
* :math:`T` is the temperature of the dry bulb
* :math:`T_w` is the temperature of the wet bulb
* :math:`A` is the psychrometer coefficient
Psychrometer coefficient depends on the specific instrument being used and the ventilation
of the instrument.
See Also
return (saturation_vapor_pressure(wet_bulb_temperature) - psychrometer_coefficient *
pressure * (dry_bulb_temperature - wet_bulb_temperature).to('kelvin'))
@check_units('[dimensionless]', '[temperature]', '[pressure]')
def relative_humidity_from_mixing_ratio(mixing_ratio, temperature, pressure):
r"""Calculate the relative humidity from mixing ratio, temperature, and pressure.
mixing_ratio: `pint.Quantity`
Dimensionless mass mixing ratio
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Air temperature
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity
Formula from [Hobbs1977]_ pg. 74.
.. math:: RH = 100 \frac{w}{w_s}
* :math:`RH` is relative humidity
* :math:`w` is mxing ratio
* :math:`w_s` is the saturation mixing ratio
See Also
return (100 * units.percent *
mixing_ratio / saturation_mixing_ratio(pressure, temperature))
def mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity(specific_humidity):
r"""Calculate the mixing ratio from specific humidity.
specific_humidity: `pint.Quantity`
Specific humidity of air
Mixing ratio
Formula from [Salby1996]_ pg. 118.
.. math:: w = \frac{q}{1-q}
* :math:`w` is mxing ratio
* :math:`q` is the specific humidity
See Also
return specific_humidity / (1 - specific_humidity)
@check_units('[dimensionless]', '[temperature]', '[pressure]')
def relative_humidity_from_specific_humidity(specific_humidity, temperature, pressure):
r"""Calculate the relative humidity from specific humidity, temperature, and pressure.
specific_humidity: `pint.Quantity`
Specific humidity of air
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Air temperature
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Total atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity
Formula from [Hobbs1977]_ pg. 74. and [Salby1996]_ pg. 118.
.. math:: RH = 100 \frac{q}{(1-q)w_s}
* :math:`RH` is relative humidity
* :math:`q` is specific humidity
* :math:`w_s` is the saturation mixing ratio
See Also
return (100 * units.percent *
mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity(specific_humidity) /
saturation_mixing_ratio(pressure, temperature))
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpt, parcel_profile):
r"""Calculate CAPE and CIN.
Calculate the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN)
of a given upper air profile and parcel path. CIN is integrated between the surface and
LFC, CAPE is integrated between the LFC and EL (or top of sounding). Intersection points of
the measured temperature profile and parcel profile are linearly interpolated.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure level(s) of interest. The first entry should be the starting
point pressure.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric temperature corresponding to pressure.
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric dew point corresponding to pressure.
parcel_profile : `pint.Quantity`
The temperature profile of the parcel
Convective available potential energy (CAPE).
Convective inhibition (CIN).
Formula adopted from [Hobbs1977]_.
.. math:: \text{CAPE} = -R_d \int_{LFC}^{EL} (T_{parcel} - T_{env}) d\text{ln}(p)
.. math:: \text{CIN} = -R_d \int_{SFC}^{LFC} (T_{parcel} - T_{env}) d\text{ln}(p)
* :math:`CAPE` Convective available potential energy
* :math:`CIN` Convective inhibition
* :math:`LFC` Pressure of the level of free convection
* :math:`EL` Pressure of the equilibrium level
* :math:`SFC` Level of the surface or beginning of parcel path
* :math:`R_d` Gas constant
* :math:`g` Gravitational acceleration
* :math:`T_{parcel}` Parcel temperature
* :math:`T_{env}` Environment temperature
* :math:`p` Atmospheric pressure
See Also
lfc, el
# Calculate LFC limit of integration
lfc_pressure = lfc(pressure, temperature, dewpt)[0]
# If there is no LFC, no need to proceed.
if np.isnan(lfc_pressure):
return 0 * units('J/kg'), 0 * units('J/kg')
lfc_pressure = lfc_pressure.magnitude
# Calculate the EL limit of integration
el_pressure = el(pressure, temperature, dewpt)[0]
# No EL and we use the top reading of the sounding.
if np.isnan(el_pressure):
el_pressure = pressure[-1].magnitude
el_pressure = el_pressure.magnitude
# Difference between the parcel path and measured temperature profiles
y = (parcel_profile - temperature).to(units.degK)
# Estimate zero crossings
x, y = _find_append_zero_crossings(np.copy(pressure), y)
# Only use data between the LFC and EL for calculation
p_mask = _less_or_close(x, lfc_pressure) & _greater_or_close(x, el_pressure)
x_clipped = x[p_mask]
y_clipped = y[p_mask]
cape = (Rd * (np.trapz(y_clipped, np.log(x_clipped)) * units.degK)).to(units('J/kg'))
# Only use data between the surface and LFC for calculation
p_mask = _greater_or_close(x, lfc_pressure)
x_clipped = x[p_mask]
y_clipped = y[p_mask]
cin = (Rd * (np.trapz(y_clipped, np.log(x_clipped)) * units.degK)).to(units('J/kg'))
return cape, cin
def _find_append_zero_crossings(x, y):
Find and interpolate zero crossings.
Estimate the zero crossings of an x,y series and add estimated crossings to series,
returning a sorted array with no duplicate values.
x : `pint.Quantity`
x values of data
y : `pint.Quantity`
y values of data
x : `pint.Quantity`
x values of data
y : `pint.Quantity`
y values of data
# Find and append crossings to the data
crossings = find_intersections(x[1:], y[1:], np.zeros_like(y[1:]) * y.units)
x = concatenate((x, crossings[0]))
y = concatenate((y, crossings[1]))
# Resort so that data are in order
sort_idx = np.argsort(x)
x = x[sort_idx]
y = y[sort_idx]
# Remove duplicate data points if there are any
keep_idx = np.ediff1d(x, to_end=[1]) > 0
x = x[keep_idx]
y = y[keep_idx]
return x, y
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def most_unstable_parcel(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, heights=None,
bottom=None, depth=300 * units.hPa):
Determine the most unstable parcel in a layer.
Determines the most unstable parcel of air by calculating the equivalent
potential temperature and finding its maximum in the specified layer.
pressure: `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric pressure profile
temperature: `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric temperature profile
dewpoint: `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric dewpoint profile
heights: `pint.Quantity`, optional
Atmospheric height profile. Standard atmosphere assumed when None (the default).
bottom: `pint.Quantity`, optional
Bottom of the layer to consider for the calculation in pressure or height.
Defaults to using the bottom pressure or height.
depth: `pint.Quantity`, optional
Depth of the layer to consider for the calculation in pressure or height. Defaults
to 300 hPa.
Pressure, temperature, and dew point of most unstable parcel in the profile.
Index of the most unstable parcel in the given profile
See Also
p_layer, T_layer, Td_layer = get_layer(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, bottom=bottom,
depth=depth, heights=heights, interpolate=False)
theta_e = equivalent_potential_temperature(p_layer, T_layer, Td_layer)
max_idx = np.argmax(theta_e)
return p_layer[max_idx], T_layer[max_idx], Td_layer[max_idx], max_idx
@check_units('[temperature]', '[pressure]', '[temperature]')
def isentropic_interpolation(theta_levels, pressure, temperature, *args, **kwargs):
r"""Interpolate data in isobaric coordinates to isentropic coordinates.
theta_levels : array
One-dimensional array of desired theta surfaces
pressure : array
One-dimensional array of pressure levels
temperature : array
Array of temperature
args : array, optional
Any additional variables will be interpolated to each isentropic level.
List with pressure at each isentropic level, followed by each additional
argument interpolated to isentropic coordinates.
Other Parameters
axis : int, optional
The axis corresponding to the vertical in the temperature array, defaults to 0.
tmpk_out : bool, optional
If true, will calculate temperature and output as the last item in the output list.
Defaults to False.
max_iters : int, optional
The maximum number of iterations to use in calculation, defaults to 50.
eps : float, optional
The desired absolute error in the calculated value, defaults to 1e-6.
Input variable arrays must have the same number of vertical levels as the pressure levels
array. Pressure is calculated on isentropic surfaces by assuming that temperature varies
linearly with the natural log of pressure. Linear interpolation is then used in the
vertical to find the pressure at each isentropic level. Interpolation method from
[Ziv1994]_. Any additional arguments are assumed to vary linearly with temperature and will
be linearly interpolated to the new isentropic levels.
See Also
# iteration function to be used later
# Calculates theta from linearly interpolated temperature and solves for pressure
def _isen_iter(iter_log_p, isentlevs_nd, ka, a, b, pok):
exner = pok * np.exp(-ka * iter_log_p)
t = a * iter_log_p + b
# Newton-Raphson iteration
f = isentlevs_nd - t * exner
fp = exner * (ka * t - a)
return iter_log_p - (f / fp)
# Change when Python 2.7 no longer supported
# Pull out keyword arguments
tmpk_out = kwargs.pop('tmpk_out', False)
max_iters = kwargs.pop('max_iters', 50)
eps = kwargs.pop('eps', 1e-6)
axis = kwargs.pop('axis', 0)
# Get dimensions in temperature
ndim = temperature.ndim
# Convert units
pres = pressure.to('hPa')
temperature = temperature.to('kelvin')
slices = [np.newaxis] * ndim
slices[axis] = slice(None)
pres = pres[slices]
pres = np.broadcast_to(pres, temperature.shape) * pres.units
# Sort input data
sort_pres = np.argsort(pres.m, axis=axis)
sort_pres = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(sort_pres, 0, axis)[::-1], 0, axis)
sorter = broadcast_indices(pres, sort_pres, ndim, axis)
levs = pres[sorter]
theta_levels = np.asanyarray(theta_levels.to('kelvin')).reshape(-1)
sort_isentlevs = np.argsort(theta_levels)
tmpk = temperature[sorter]
isentlevels = theta_levels[sort_isentlevs]
# Make the desired isentropic levels the same shape as temperature
isentlevs_nd = isentlevels
isentlevs_nd = isentlevs_nd[slices]
shape = list(temperature.shape)
shape[axis] = isentlevels.size
isentlevs_nd = np.broadcast_to(isentlevs_nd, shape)
# exponent to Poisson's Equation, which is imported above
ka = kappa.to('dimensionless').m
# calculate theta for each point
pres_theta = potential_temperature(levs, tmpk)
# Raise error if input theta level is larger than pres_theta max
if np.max(pres_theta.m) < np.max(theta_levels):
raise ValueError('Input theta level out of data bounds')
# Find log of pressure to implement assumption of linear temperature dependence on
# ln(p)
log_p = np.log(levs.m)
# Calculations for interpolation routine
pok = P0 ** ka
# index values for each point for the pressure level nearest to the desired theta level
minv = np.apply_along_axis(np.searchsorted, axis, pres_theta.m, theta_levels)
# Create index values for broadcasting arrays
above = broadcast_indices(tmpk, minv, ndim, axis)
below = broadcast_indices(tmpk, minv - 1, ndim, axis)
# calculate constants for the interpolation
a = (tmpk.m[above] - tmpk.m[below]) / (log_p[above] - log_p[below])
b = tmpk.m[above] - a * log_p[above]
# calculate first guess for interpolation
first_guess = 0.5 * (log_p[above] + log_p[below])
# iterative interpolation using scipy.optimize.fixed_point and _isen_iter defined above
log_p_solved = so.fixed_point(_isen_iter, first_guess, args=(isentlevs_nd, ka, a, b,
xtol=eps, maxiter=max_iters)
# get back pressure and assign nan for values with pressure greater than 1000 hPa
isentprs = np.exp(log_p_solved)
isentprs[isentprs > np.max(pressure.m)] = np.nan
# create list for storing output data
ret = []
ret.append(isentprs * units.hPa)
# if tmpk_out = true, calculate temperature and output as last item in list
if tmpk_out:
ret.append((isentlevs_nd / ((P0.m / isentprs) ** ka)) * units.kelvin)
# check to see if any additional arguments were given, if so, interpolate to
# new isentropic levels
except IndexError:
return ret
# do an interpolation for each additional argument
for arr in args:
var = arr[sorter]
# interpolate to isentropic levels and add to temporary output array
arg_out = interp(isentlevels, pres_theta.m, var, axis=axis)
# output values as a list
return ret
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def surface_based_cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpoint):
r"""Calculate surface-based CAPE and CIN.
Calculate the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN)
of a given upper air profile for a surface-based parcel. CIN is integrated
between the surface and LFC, CAPE is integrated between the LFC and EL (or top of
sounding). Intersection points of the measured temperature profile and parcel profile are
linearly interpolated.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric pressure profile. The first entry should be the starting
(surface) observation.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
Temperature profile
dewpoint : `pint.Quantity`
Dewpoint profile
Surface based Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE).
Surface based Convective INhibition (CIN).
See Also
cape_cin, parcel_profile
profile = parcel_profile(pressure, temperature[0], dewpoint[0])
return cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, profile)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def most_unstable_cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, **kwargs):
r"""Calculate most unstable CAPE/CIN.
Calculate the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN)
of a given upper air profile and most unstable parcel path. CIN is integrated between the
surface and LFC, CAPE is integrated between the LFC and EL (or top of sounding).
Intersection points of the measured temperature profile and parcel profile are linearly
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
Pressure profile
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
Temperature profile
dewpoint : `pint.Quantity`
Dewpoint profile
Most unstable Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE).
Most unstable Convective INhibition (CIN).
See Also
cape_cin, most_unstable_parcel, parcel_profile
_, parcel_temperature, parcel_dewpoint, parcel_idx = most_unstable_parcel(pressure,
mu_profile = parcel_profile(pressure[parcel_idx:], parcel_temperature, parcel_dewpoint)
return cape_cin(pressure[parcel_idx:], temperature[parcel_idx:],
dewpoint[parcel_idx:], mu_profile)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def mixed_parcel(p, temperature, dewpt, parcel_start_pressure=None,
heights=None, bottom=None, depth=100 * units.hPa, interpolate=True):
r"""Calculate the properties of a parcel mixed from a layer.
Determines the properties of an air parcel that is the result of complete mixing of a
given atmospheric layer.
p : `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric pressure profile
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric temperature profile
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric dewpoint profile
parcel_start_pressure : `pint.Quantity`, optional
Pressure at which the mixed parcel should begin (default None)
heights: `pint.Quantity`, optional
Atmospheric heights corresponding to the given pressures (default None)
bottom : `pint.Quantity`, optional
The bottom of the layer as a pressure or height above the surface pressure
(default None)
depth : `pint.Quantity`, optional
The thickness of the layer as a pressure or height above the bottom of the layer
(default 100 hPa)
interpolate : bool, optional
Interpolate the top and bottom points if they are not in the given data
`pint.Quantity, pint.Quantity, pint.Quantity`
The pressure, temperature, and dewpoint of the mixed parcel.
# If a parcel starting pressure is not provided, use the surface
if not parcel_start_pressure:
parcel_start_pressure = p[0]
# Calculate the potential temperature and mixing ratio over the layer
theta = potential_temperature(p, temperature)
mixing_ratio = saturation_mixing_ratio(p, dewpt)
# Mix the variables over the layer
mean_theta, mean_mixing_ratio = mixed_layer(p, theta, mixing_ratio, bottom=bottom,
heights=heights, depth=depth,
# Convert back to temperature
mean_temperature = (mean_theta / potential_temperature(parcel_start_pressure,
1 * units.kelvin)) * units.kelvin
# Convert back to dewpoint
mean_vapor_pressure = vapor_pressure(parcel_start_pressure, mean_mixing_ratio)
mean_dewpoint = dewpoint(mean_vapor_pressure)
return (parcel_start_pressure, mean_temperature.to(temperature.units),
def mixed_layer(p, *args, **kwargs):
r"""Mix variable(s) over a layer, yielding a mass-weighted average.
This function will integrate a data variable with respect to pressure and determine the
average value using the mean value theorem.
p : array-like
Atmospheric pressure profile
datavar : array-like
Atmospheric variable measured at the given pressures
heights: array-like, optional
Atmospheric heights corresponding to the given pressures (default None)
bottom : `pint.Quantity`, optional
The bottom of the layer as a pressure or height above the surface pressure
(default None)
depth : `pint.Quantity`, optional
The thickness of the layer as a pressure or height above the bottom of the layer
(default 100 hPa)
interpolate : bool, optional
Interpolate the top and bottom points if they are not in the given data
The mixed value of the data variable.
# Pull out keyword arguments, remove when we drop Python 2.7
heights = kwargs.pop('heights', None)
bottom = kwargs.pop('bottom', None)
depth = kwargs.pop('depth', 100 * units.hPa)
interpolate = kwargs.pop('interpolate', True)
layer = get_layer(p, *args, heights=heights, bottom=bottom,
depth=depth, interpolate=interpolate)
p_layer = layer[0]
datavars_layer = layer[1:]
ret = []
for datavar_layer in datavars_layer:
actual_depth = abs(p_layer[0] - p_layer[-1])
ret.append((-1. / actual_depth.m) * np.trapz(datavar_layer, p_layer) *
return ret